are the greensboro four still alive


In late 1959, the Greensboro Four participated in NAACP meetings at Bennett College, where they collaborated with the women students known as the Bennett Belles on a plan. The F.W. A&T gives you a chance to write your own story and write a good one, Jalloh said. My favorite activity is the breakfast because its a great way to network with current students and alumni.. McNeil recalls having Read MoreJoseph Alfred McNeil (1942- ) The Greensboro Four lead the way for desegregation in North Carolina. (From left) Joseph McNeil and Franklin McCain, two of the Greensboro Four who the day before had sat at the "whites only" counter of a Woolworth store, came back on Feb. 2, 1960, with two others . Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. . Over the next few months, peaceful protests spread to other southern cities, and African Americans began picketing stores with segregated lunch counters across the South and North. We have to make sure we continue to highlight our history. The early success of the civil rights movement can be traced back to the sit-in that took place in Greensboro. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The group now included students from North Carolina A&T University, Bennett College, and Dudley High School, and they filled the entire seating area at the lunch counter. We are asking your company to take a firm stand to eliminate discrimination. These schools provide an ideal blend of academic programs and Christian instruction. The Greensboro sit-in sparked a wave of similar protests in other southern cities that summer, leading to the eventual desegregation of the Woolworth store in July of 1960. How did the Greensboro sit ins changed the civil rights movement? Lunch counter sit-ins moved to other parts of North Carolina. When the sit-ins began, Greensboro tried to distance themselves from them, but over time, they could not ignore the monumental changes that were being made right in their backyard, Caldwell said. Blair responded that he was just served 2 feet away, to which the waitress replied "Negroes eat at the other end". I think its important to recognize their dedication, commitment and sacrifice. Students began a far-reaching boycott of stores with segregated lunch counters. This year, N.C. A&Ts annual February One commemoration celebrates the 62nd anniversary of the A&T Four. 168 CM 56 Anime Characters Height: Get The List Of 56 Anime Characters Who Are 168 CM 56 Tall? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. A documentary made in 2003 dramatizes the events for those of us too young to have lived through them. The Greensboro sit-in wasnt a random act of rebellion, but the result of months of planning. McCains death left Ezell Blair (now Jibreel Khazan) and Joseph McNeil as the two surviving members of the Greensboro Four. [21] Organizers agreed to expand the sit-in protests to include the lunch counter at Greensboro's S. H. Kress & Co. store that day. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. They chose to stage a sit-in at Woolworth's, a department store with an eating area where African Americans were only allowed to stand at a snack bar. Jack Moebes/Greensboro News & Record Four young African-American students staged a sit-in at a lunch counter and refused to leave after they were denied service. Many were classmates with A&T with McCains grandson, Franklin Mac McCain III, who graduated recently. The Greensboro Four staged the sit-in to protest segregation laws that prevented African Americans from accessing certain public places, such as lunch counters. So, we won." Mother: "Oh what a . SNCC was pivotal in pushing the Rev. The International Civil Rights Center and Museum is located in the same city as the Woolworth store where the sit-ins took place. . By the end of February there have been sit-ins in more than thirty communities in seven states. The studentsJoseph McNeil, Ezell Blair, Franklin McCain, and David Richmondpurchased several items in the store before sitting at the counter reserved for white customers. All four were freshmen at North Carolina A&T. About Christian Schools in Greensboro Christian schools in Greensboro have a . The families of the four have stressed how important it is for their descendants to attend N.C. A&T. "Joseph Alfred McNeil was born in 1942 in Wilmington, North Carolina. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Today, the Greensboro Four are remembered as heroes of the Civil Rights Movement and their actions continue to inspire people around the world to fight for justice and equality. The initiative will fully fund 15 incoming students who are high achievers and heavily involved in extracurricular activities and service. The sit-in movement began when four young African Americans (Joseph McNeil, Ezell Blair, [] This is the real beginnings of TV media; people can see the sit-in and imagine how they would do it themselves, said Theoharis, author of The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. How Long Can You Legally Work Without A Break? We have bought thousands of items at the hundreds of counters in your stores. Woolworth lunch counter in downtown Greensboro is now part of the International Civil Rights Center & Museum. I really at first considered having it virtually, but Frank said to me, Well, Dawn, why would we do that when we do everything else in person? . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Not only were lunch counters across the country integrated one by one, a student movement was galvanized. The students from local colleges came back the next day after the store closed. Ezell A. Blair Jr., Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and David Richmond bought toothpaste, notebooks, and other small items at different counters in the store, saving the receipts to prove they were paying customers. Their passive resistance and peaceful sit-down demand helped ignite a youth-led movement to challenge racial inequality throughout the South.". The site of the Greensboro sit-in has been designated as a National Historic Landmark, serving as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for racial justice in America. It was an essay you wrote to commemorate the Feb. 1, 2010, opening of the International Civil Rights Center and . The Greensboro sit-in was a civil rights protest that started in 1960, when young African American students staged a sit-in at a segregated Woolworths lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, and refused to leave after being denied service. After their initial sit-in, they faced disapproval and attacks. An estimated one third of the protesters were women, many of them students from Bennett College, a historically black women's college in Greensboro. WEBVTT KENNY: TODAY OUR BILL O'NEILTALKED TO TWO OF THE FOURSTUDENTS WHO TOOK A STAND BYSITTING DOWN AT THE ALL-WHITEWOOLWORTHS COUNTER IN DOWNTOWNGREENSBORO.>> IT'S HARD TO BEAT LISTENINGTO HISTORY TOLD BY THE PEOPLEWHO MADE HISTORY.JOSEPH MCNEIL AND JIBREELKHAZAN, TWO OF THE BIG FOURSHARED STORIES FROM THE PASTSUCH AS TELLING THEIR MOTHERSABOUT THEIR PLANNED SIT-IN ANDSHARED THEIR THOUGHTS ABOUTWHATS HAPPENING TODAY WITHPRESIDENT TRUMP.>> I RESPECT THIS MAN.I RESPECT HIS OFFICE.>> I CALL HIM UP AND LEAVE HIM AMESSAGE LOOK I DID TWO MONTHSAGO.THIS IS EAST SIDE.WHAT IS NESSAGE?TELL THE PRESIDENT I LOVE HIM.I PRAY HE HAS GOOD HEALTHI LEARNED TO COMPROMISE THETRUTH.>> I LISTENED CLOSELY.I FEEL VERY UNCOMFORTABLE ANDSENSE FALSE DATA.THAT IS SOMETHING WE HAVE TO LIBWITH.IF IT IS NOT WORKING, THEN WENEED TO MAKE IT WORK.>> LISTEN, BOY.LET THE TULL SOMETHING.YOU REALIZE YOU WHAT GOT.GOING TO GET A LOT OF PEOPLEHURT.YEAH, WE THOUGHT ABOUT IT.WE'LL THINK ABOUT IT.YOU STARTED THE MOTION.IT IS GOING TO BE ACTION,REACTION.WHATEVER YOU START, MAKE SUREYOUR IN TENSIONS ARE RIGHT.IF YOUR IN TENGES ARE NOT RIGHT,YOU CAN HURT A LOT OF PEOPLE>> I MIGHT BE GOING TO JAIL.WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKETO?WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?I DIDN'T SECOND TO YOU THATSCHOOL IN NEW JERSEY TO GO TOJAIL.WHAT IS THIS ABOUT?WE ARE DOING WHAT YOU TAUGHT USTO DO.TAKE A STAND.STOPPED YOUR RIGHTS.>> JIBREEL KHAZAN TOLD US TODAYHE STILL REMEMBERS COMING OUT OFWOOLWORTHS AND MEETING TWOCATHOLIC NUNS.HE SAYS THE SISTERS FROM ST.MARY'S CHURCH TOLD THE BIG. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Franklin McCain in 2010. 5. I think it reflects on the places that they choose, the outfits that they choose or what they might choose to symbolize in their photo. Are The Greensboro Four Still AliveThe Greensboro Four Sit-In was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movementtaking place on February 11960in GreensboroNorth Carolina. Despite being asked to leave by the store manager and being faced with the possibility of arrest, they remained peaceful and quiet in their seats. He also remained active in civil rights efforts.". Other news outlets are reporting he was 71. The Greensboro Fours efforts inspired a sit-in movement that eventually spread to 55 cities in 13 states. The group was again refused service, and were harassed by the white customers at the Woolworth store. Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, NBC News, The Atlantic, Business Insider and other outlets. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The sit-in movement soon spread to college towns throughout the . Are any of the Greensboro Four still alive? Still, the Razorbacks are a capable offensive team with four double-digit scorers. The act of civil disobedience sparked a wave of similar protests across the South and helped to bring national attention to the issue of segregation in public spaces. Sales at the boycotted stores dropped by a third, leading their owners to abandon segregation policies. I think that would be a tragedy.. What did the Greensboro Four do quizlet? They wanted to partake in a peaceful protest because they were influenced by the nonviolent movement of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and the Freedom Rides . From left to right: Jibreel Khazan (formerly Ezell Blair, Jr.), Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeill, and David Richmond. Joseph McNeil and Jibreel Khazan talk about President Trump and their mother's reaction to their plans to launch a sit-in 58 years ago. In July 1960, the Woolworths lunch counter in Greensboro was desegregated. Franklin McCain, one of the "Greensboro Four" who in 1960 sat down at a whites-only lunch counter in North Carolina and launched a sit-in movement that would soon spread to cities across the nation, has died. How many Greensboro 4 are still alive? An early antisegregation sit-in was staged by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) at a Chicago coffee shop in 1942, and similar actions took place around the South. When students are introduced to the university through a physical or virtual tour, A&T makes it a priority to inform the students of the schools legacy. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Many American citizens want to know aboutAre The Greensboro Four Still Alive. Four African American college students Ezell Blair Jr., Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and David Richmond staged a peaceful protest by sitting at a whites-only lunch counter at a Woolworth's store. Ezell Blair Jr andJoseph McNeil are still alive. The Greensboro Four, made up of Joseph McNeil, Jibreel Khazan (formerly known as Ezell Blair Jr.), Franklin McCain, and David Richmond, made history 58 years ago by staging a sit-in protest at a lunch counter in a segregated Woolworth department store in Greensboro, North Carolina. Advertisement. Their goal was to attract widespread media attention to the issue, forcing Woolworth to implement desegregation. In Greensboro, especially for Black people, its a point of pride and even more so for the ones that were alive during those times and actually knew these freshmen.. Alexis Davis is a senior multimedia journal journalism student from Prince Georges County, Md. the Smithsonians National Museum of American History (From left) Joseph McNeil and Franklin McCain, two of the Greensboro Four who the day before had sat at the "whites only" counter of a Woolworth store, came back on Feb. 2, 1960, with two others Billy Smith and Clarence Henderson. How To Appear Offline On Mw2? Were honoring their parents, their fathers. As a result of McCain's death, the two remaining members of the group were identified as Ezell Blair and Joseph McNeil. Their actions launched a nationwide sit-in movement. MORE. They gather every year with David Richmond's family on the campus of North Carolina A&T to celebrate the anniversary of the February One sit-in, and . Feb. 1 is the 62nd anniversary of the historic sit-in at the segregated Woolworths lunch counter by four students. The tension grew but it never turned violent. Word quickly spread about the Greensboro sit-in, and both North Carolina A&T and Bennett College students took part in the sit-in the next day. The Greensboro Four consisted of Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond, Franklin McCain and Joseph McNeil. Why the ACC tournament and Greensboro are locked in an awkward dance of uncertainty. 4 ayse nabi jho zinda hai | Who are the 4 prophets still alive today | 4 zinda nabi kon kon se hain?Allah Ta'ala sent many prophets in this universe All thes. The Wildcats' girls basketball team, No. These were 19-year-olds and we want our students to see the type of impact they can have. On the anniversary of the protest, McNeil and Khazan were honored at a breakfast at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, their alma mater. By the end of April, sit-ins have reached every southern state. Police arrested 41 students for trespassing at a Raleigh Woolworth. ", "Freedom on the Border: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky", "Civil Rights in Public Accommodations and Facilities: Law and History", "Smithsonian's African American Museum opens with lunch counter display from Greensboro", "Collections: Greensboro Lunch Counter: Catalog No. Influenced by the nonviolent protest techniques of Mohandas Gandhi and the Journey of Reconciliation (an antecedent of the . Winston-Salem, NC 27101. They were there "to protest the chain's policy of refusing to serve food to blacks.". Eventually the manager closed the store early and the men leftwith the rest of the customers. The tactic of sit-in is civil disobedience. . They voted to continue the protests and went to the Woolworth store, filling up the store. A native of North Carolina, Joseph McNeil saw Greensboro's race relations as a mirror image of the social structure of most southern cities. The Greensboro Four's plan for a peaceful protest sparked a movement that brought about real change and made them legends in North Carolina history. [10] They were inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. and his practice of nonviolent protest, and specifically wanted to change the segregational policies of F. W. Woolworth Company in Greensboro, North Carolina. Their actions inspired others to join the movement, and soon, black students from other colleges and some white students who supported the cause joined the sit-in. Some Aggies have rented cars, bought bulldogs similar to the Aggie mascot and created videos to memorialize their graduation. Six months after the sit-in began, Woolworths finally began serving African Americans at its lunch counter on July 25, 1960. They were inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. and his practice of nonviolent protest, and specifically wanted to change the segregational policies of F. W. Woolworth Company in Greensboro, North Carolina. Mouth & MacNeal is a pop group from the Netherlands that was popular during the seventies. On March 16, 1960, President Dwight D. Eisenhower expressed his concern for those who were fighting for their human and civil rights, saying that he was "deeply sympathetic with the efforts of any group to enjoy the rights of equality that they are guaranteed by the Constitution. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. What happened at the Woolworth's in Greensboro NC? Around 1 pm, a bomb threat set for 1:30 pm was delivered by call to the store, causing the protesters to head to the Kress store, which immediately closed, along with the Woolworth store. On February 1, 1960, four friends sat down at a lunch counter . The Greensboro Four's efforts inspired a sit-in movement that eventually spread to 55 cities in 13 states. He now is a cornerback for the Philadelphia Eagles after signing as a free agent with the Denver Broncos in 2021. The four men who were denied service at a Woolworth store in Greensboro, North Carolina, pose in front of the store on February 1, 1990. A gala put on by the International Civil Rights Center and Museum, called "Bridging the Movements," also celebrated the 58th anniversary of the Greensboro Four. The invitation-only event will be livestreamed. The museum has the original seats and counter. If you're still looking for the ideal Christian school, this article is for you! Their request was refused. The sit-in was organized by Ezell Blair, Jr. (later Jibreel Khazan), Franklin McCain, Joseph . [7] In 1942, the Congress of Racial Equality sponsored sit-ins in Chicago, as they did in St. Louis in 1949 and Baltimore in 1952. [1][14] According to a witness, a white waitress told the boys "We don't serve Negroes here". Often referred to as the Greensboro Four, the A&T Four and the A&T community disavow this reference because students did not have the citys support at the time of the sit-ins. Are The Greensboro Four Still Alive The Greensboro Four Sit-In was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement taking place on February 1 1960 in Greensboro North Carolina. The street south of the site has been named February One Place in commemoration of the event. David Richmond, the fourth member and McCain's freshman college roommate, died in 1990. SNCC also pushed King to take a more forceful stance against the war in Vietnam in 1967 and popularized the slogan Black Power! in 1966.. . 54d. [30][16] Most stores were soon desegregated, though in Jackson, Tennessee, Woolworth's continued to be segregated until around 1965, despite multiple protests. The downtown Woolworth's had an official policy that refused to service anyone who wasn't white. While lunch counter sit-ins had taken place before, the four young men from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University drew national attention to the cause. He was described by the other three as the quiet, compassionate one. A tactic similar to the sit-in, the sit-down strike, has been used by unions to occupy plants of companies that they were on strike against. The store closed early and the students left, but not before recruiting other students to join them in future sit-ins. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The protests led to the Woolworth Department Store chain ending its policy of racial segregation in its stores in the southern United States. As the Winston-Salem Journal reminds its readers, "McCain was joined by Joseph McNeil, Ezell Blair Jr. (later known as Jibreel Khazan) and David Richmond" at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro on Feb. 1, 1960. A jury has found disgraced South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh guilty of brutally murdering his wife and younger son at the family's property in 2021. McNeil stressed the importance of not settling for discrimination and honoring those who gave their lives for the Civil Rights Movement. Either way, the magnitude of what the Greensboro Four accomplished in 1960 is impossible to overstate. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 1942 sit-in at the Jack Spratt Coffee House, Follow the Freedom Riders' Journey Against Segregation, Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, 1,400 students showed up to the Greensboro Woolworth, Police arrested 41 students for trespassing, Greensboro Woolworth lunch counter was finally integrated, integrating the cafeteria at Richs Department Store, 8 Steps That Paved the Way to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Are the Greensboro Four still alive? HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Current student government association (SGA) president Verdant Julius will welcome the attendees and those tuning in virtually. As the week unfolded, dozens of young people, including students from the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, flocked to lunch counters and asked to be served. The other three are lovely men. Jurgen Klopp has warned Liverpool 's rivals for a Champions League place that they are not completely gone from the battle for fourth place . The Greensboro sit-in sparked a movement that spread to other southern cities and eventually led to the desegregation of the Greensboro Woolworth in July of 1960. Are the Greensboro Four still alive? The Nashville sit-ins attained desegregation of the downtown department store lunch counters in May 1960. The Woolworth store closed in 1993 and is now home to the International Civil Rights Center & Museum . In Coming of Age in Mississippi, Moody describes their treatment from whites who were at the counter when they sat down, the formation of the mob in the store and how they managed finally to leave. The Greensboro sit-in took place at a lunch counter in a Woolworth department store in Greensboro, North Carolina. The Belles resolved to serve as look-outs when the four men took their seats at the lunch counter on the first day. McCain's death left Ezell Blair (now Jibreel Khazan) and Joseph McNeil as the two surviving members of the Greensboro Four. While not the first sit-in of the civil rights . By unclenching their fists and shutting their mouths, they fought. Let's check out the article and know Are The Greensboro Four Still Alive. Are the Greensboro Four still alive? The four courageous freshmen who conducted the sit-in, which was the catalyst for similar sit-ins nationwide, are portrayed in bronze, depicted in similar clothing they wore that day. Their actions sparked a movement that brought about significant change and paved the way for future civil rights efforts. Optical Illusion: If You Have Eagle Eyes Find the Word Document in 20 Secs. On February 1, 1960, four Black men walked into the Woolworth's general store in Greensboro, North Carolina, and changed the world. Their leadership directly affected how seriously I took my role as president.. North Carolina A&T State University said Friday morning. [25] In Nashville, Tennessee, students of the Nashville Student Movement were trained by civil rights activist James Lawson and had already started the sit-in process when Greensboro occurred. Some see this as pressure, others see it as a privilege. The Greensboro Four hoped that by sitting at the counter and placing their orders, they could bring attention to the unjust laws and spark a movement for change. On Feb. 1, 1960, freshmen David Richmond, Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil and Ezell Blair Jr. (now Jibreel Khazan) sat at F.W. 63 years ago and two of them are still alive now we should celebrate that, Guilford County . We the undersigned are students at the Negro college in the city of Greensboro. Our money was accepted without rancor or discrimination, and with politeness towards us, when at a long counter just three feet away our money is not acceptable because of the colour of our skins Cloudy. Where did the sit-ins start in North Carolina? Where did the Greensboro sit-in take place? It was hoped that in this way, people would always remember how much of a difference people can make if they stand up for what they believe in. David Richmond, the fourth member and McCain's freshman college roommate, died in 1990. See answer (1) Copy. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! What to do here: explore the 2.5-mile hiking trail, see the historic battlefield, see monuments to the heroes of the 1781 Revolutionary War battle. A portion of the caf's counter and its four chairs were donated to a museum, with pictures of the four young men and an explanation of what happened. The Greensboro Four were four young black men who staged the first sit-in at Greensboro: Ezell . It just goes back to the true meaning of Aggie Pride, said Armani May, a former Mister A&T from South Haven, Michigan. The Greensboro sit-in was a civil rights protest that started in 1960, when young African American students staged a sit-in at a segregated . I had a feeling of liberation, restored manhood; I had a natural high. The Greensboro sit-ins were a series of nonviolent protests in February to July 1960, primarily in the Woolworth storenow the International Civil Rights Center and Museumin Greensboro, North Carolina, which led to the F. W. Woolworth Company department store chain removing its policy of racial segregation in the Southern United States. The sit-down was first used on a large scale in the United States during the United Automobile Workers strike against the General Motors Corporation in 1937. SNCC activists such as John Lewis took part in the 1961 Freedom Rides, the 1963 March on Washington, and the 1963 Freedom Summer effort. who is still alive and whose granddaughter lives in the area. Sit-in demonstrations by Black college students grew at the Woolworth's in Greensboro and other local stores, February 6, 1960. [2] While not the first sit-in of the civil rights movement, the Greensboro sit-ins were an instrumental action, and also the best-known sit-ins of the civil rights movement. Is Barbi Benton Still Alive? Woolworths whites-only lunch counter in Greensboro to protest segregation. 10 Where did the sit in at Woolworths start? Its success led to a wider sit-in movement, organized primarily by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), that spread throughout the South. On Feb. 1, 2018, Jalloh attended her first February One celebration and met Khazan and McNeil. Years later, the Greensboro Four continue to be honored for their bravery. Related: 10 Fun Things To Do In Durham, North Carolina. The Dockum Drug Store sit-in in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas, was successful in ending segregation at every Dockum Drug Store in Kansas and a sit-in in Oklahoma City the same year led the Katz Drug Stores to end its segregation policy. It may be easy to think that the sit-ins were about eating next to white people or about a hotdog and a coke, but, of course, it was more complex than that, Guzmn says. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The Greensboro Lunch Counter is on view permanently at the Smithsonians National Museum of American History. Continue reading to learn about some of the best Christian schools in Greensboro. Family members of McCain and Richmond will attend also. The lunch counter at the Woolworths in Greensboro was the first to serve Black patrons in 1960. I think A&T has a responsibility because it is the birthplace of student-led sit-ins, and that is something to be proud of. They will also participate in the universitys Honors and Dowdy Scholars Enrichment programs. When asked to leave, they remained in their seats. McCain once told NPR, as WUNC says, about how he overcame any fear about being arrested or having something worse happen: "I certainly wasn't afraid. The sit-ins not only attracted new protesters, they also drew counter-protesters who showed up to harass, insult and assault them. Who organized sit-ins during the civil rights movement? Its a tradition at the university that every student needs to experience or at least have the opportunity to experience, Frank McCain said. He graduated from Williston Senior High School in 1959 and . [11] They came up with a simple plan: they would occupy seats at the local F. W. Woolworth Company store, ask to be served, and when they were inevitably denied service, they would not leave. Upon his return to North Carolina, the Greensboro Trailways Bus Terminal Cafe denied him service at its lunch counter, making him determined to fight segregation. When four Black students refused to move from a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter in 1960, nation-wide student activism gained momentum.

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are the greensboro four still alive