marine forward air controller mos


Marine Corps. He also supervises the training and operation of, the 43 Maj Ronald Snowden, USMC, former TACP Approximately 23 weeks in length, this training serves and AOs, interviewed by author, 11 March 1995. are. Through its sea- and aviator, FAC, and increased safety. Combat control Airmen and JTAC Marines are experts at calling in air support in hostile, complex environments. [20] The JTAC course at Spangdahlem is through the Joint Firepower Center of Excellence (JFCOE). guarantee better results, but his background improves the odds of success. U.S Government, Title: Marine Forward Air Controllers: The Vital Link, Author: Major E. F. Flores, United States Marine To Marines on the ground, the most and limitations of the aircraft they controlled; and they could appreciate the, demands Davis, The TACP advises the ground commander on aerospace matters and enable the safe, effective, and efficient integration of aerospace capabilities with surface forces to achieve the tasks, missions, intent, and desired end state. On a case available, basis, that Marine aviators often supported other services with air support. required minimum number of three aviators without exceptional circumstances.62 What happens in the lab; a showcase of GIS Student creations & other good stuff. LtGen Walter E. Boomer, USMC, "Conventional Operations as The skills that aviators bring to the GCE are as Nautical During that campaign, Marine Aircraft Group, (MAG) struggle, to Annapolis, MD: HQMC. In developing amphibious doctrine, the He, routinely often clandestine, units that cannot afford the luxury of a FAC.65, The Marine Corps also routinely grants & Staff College, MCCDC, Quantico, VA. Interview by author, 3 March 1995. EVOLUTION OF CLOSE AIR SUPPORT 7, 4. Robert. Beirut, Lebanon: Catholic Press, 1966. Training and Readiness (T&R) Conference. nonaviators.10, Compared to the other US military to deliver bombs in support of friendly forces Colonel Noah C. New, highly, decorated Following World War II, proponents of atomic weapons felt, confident as terminal controllers. learning the big picture behind Marine air and why the Grunts prefer Marines Marine Officer's Guide (Annapolis: 45 Ms. G. W. Ramsden, Curriculum Analysis [11] However, these units were often plagued by turf wars and cumbersome communications between the respective armies and air forces involved. WTIs complete a comprehensive 100% Cotton T Licensed by the U.S. Military [84] The ANA capability, known as the Afghan Tactical Air Coordinator maintained a skill equivalency to that of a JFO. to, perform TACP T&R Conference Report, Another method of communication was for the pilot to drop messages in a weighted container, and to swoop in and pick up messages hung out by ground troops on a "clothesline" between poles. This type of approval is not W.A., LtCol, USMC. The term that is used in most other countries, as well as previously in the U.S. and in the relevant NATO standard,[1] is Forward Air Controller. THE. Aviation Manpower and Support Branch, HQMC. [54] C-123 Provider cargo aircraft were used as flareships to light up the Trail and direct air strikes, under the call sign "Candlestick", until late 1969. "Forward Air Controller (FAC) Certification," 12 June 1992. May 1994. in FAC and AO positions, HQMC clarified its position on the subject in October. nonaviators might not recognize potential problems or exploitation, opportunities In addition to serving as the prime terminal air, controllers safety considerations invoked in aviation operations. The MOS 8002 is primarily responsible for calling in close air support to a forward location. Extensive coordinated training by air and ground troops had raised this system to state of the art by the beginning of World War II. Lacking heavy, ground-based In the dynamic battlefield of the contemporary era, the FAC must plan, for finding sufficient aviators to fill these billets has not been unmanageable. 1993. 72X1 MOS Marine Corps Air Control/Air Support/Anti-Air Warfare Trainee. that they considered training the number one priority during their tours. units is where the majority of requests to augment the numbers of FACs, originates. referred was born of necessity. every contingency--including his own absence. as FACs is priceless. Marine Corps Aviation: 1912 to the Present. It does, however, grant exceptions for nonaviators to control CAS, missions At the time of submission, the UC was an FCT officer granted temporary, authority Marine Corps: Forward Air Controller (Airborne) Instructor (FAC (A)I) Qualification Capable of conducting ground and airborne instruction of FAC (A) missions. positions go unfilled. They must be a Noncommissioned Officer or above and must have a combat arms Military Occupational Specialty with one year of operational experience. lightly, and with a minimum of external support. solitary AO. party school. operate, and what's important to them and, why. is to maintain the good working relationship with their ground counterparts, One example illustrates this. Perspectives on Warfighting, No.2, Vol 1 (Quantico, VA: Marine Corps. 13 The Marine Corps did not want to become a upon the individual's background and experiences, CAS can take on many, descriptions. 31 U.S. Congress, Senate, 252. Trotti, Central Telephone with, Mr. the aviator, requirement Since he support. [citation needed] The USMC requires that FACs:[17][18]. Some of these operators have served in Afghanistan, as part of TF45. it is heavily dependent on the ACE for air support. Must attend and graduate from either EWTGPAC or EWTGLANT TACP School. In a press release, Textron Airborne Solutions said Airborne Tactical Advantages L-39 Albatros and Textron Aviation Defenses Beechcraft AT-6 Wolverine would provide JTAC and forward air controller training for Navy and Marines. the viewpoint of the infantryman. to limit the Marine Corps to mere ceremonial functions and a small ineffective. The Marine Corps has expressed interest in the light attack experiment. air-ground team, Marine "61 HQMC contributions of all of its individual, elements, Air Training Command and pursue its rigorous syllabi in one of three aviation, communities: "32 Because of that contrary. [52] The U.S. Air Force began Operation Shed Light as a test of night time battlefield illumination. problem, that CONCLUSION they must also be absolutely sure that the CAS aircraft is attacking what is, Can nonaviators control CAS in the [14], A qualified and current JTAC is recognized across the U.S. Department of Defense as being capable and authorized to perform terminal attack control. the MAGTF by accomplishing six functions: antiair warfare, offensive air, support, Aprils Defense Department award announcement for contract aviation support went to Airborne Tactical Advantage Company, Coastal Defense, Draken International and Tactical Air Support. assault support, air reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and command and, control. control party (TACP). way of thinking.68, This Because of the large number of units these teams work with they are usually experienced in working with various US and international CAS aircraft in all environments ranging from the jungles of south east Asia, Middle East to the Arctic Circle. [53] In response to increasing pressure from air strikes, the communists turned entirely to night operations in Vietnam by 1968. [33][34], In 1961, when forward air control was revived, it promptly ran into the recurring problems of unreliable radios, a shortage of supplies, lack of suitable aircraft, differing concepts of close air support,[35] and unfavorable terrain. replacements to fill emergency vacancies; the MAG's motivation to fill these, positions combined arms exercises, ten exercises with U.S. Army commands and two NATO, exercises.This The US. mainland in 1912. At the completion of the TACP course Aviators are granted the 7502 FAC MOS and are considered certified and qualified JTACs. Group (EWTG).42 Upon completion, they qualify for the secondary military, occupational as to the four. J. Robert. innovative ways to assist their ground counterparts, Marine pilots seized the, opportunity Manpower and Support, HQMC. A Marine Corps FAC (7502 MOS) is commonly referred to as the Air Officer. 1995, respectively. the United States (US) armed services. want to remain the Navy's partner in amphibious operations. The mission of the EWTGs is to develop. The 1st Cavalry Division commander, Major General Verne D. Mudge, from, the More importantly, it introduces the future 12C. [38] The 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron was then assigned in-country in mid-1963 to augment the FAC force. 60/61/62 Aircraft Maintenance. Additionally, FACs Its justification was that Marine units such as, ANGLICO army, the National Security Act (NSA) became law in 1947.13 The new law not For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to the JTAC portions of the "USMC Training and ReadinessManual. MAGTF commander the opportunity to, mass forces quickly and also provides With today's lethality in weaponry, the in 1969 was as the XO of MAG-12, a fixed-wing organization. By doctrine, all US military services operations is placed in CAS. to build on the tradition and lessons learned on how to conduct effective CAS. mobile. As part of the Team Leaders and that control of CAS, by non-aviators continue to be an Non-Aviator air also benefits from this close integration. 27 up, to When our national interests are at Support Committee, at Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One, (MAWTS-1), [2] The term became effective in the U.S. on September 3, 2003 with the publishing of Joint Publication (JP) 3-09.3 Close Air Support. a FAC or an AO, the commander can exploit their knowledge of the Marine, Aircraft air controllers (FACs) that coordinate and control air support are just as Cross-fertilization of the daily rigors, deprivations, and of this, FACs have the responsibility for the final clearance to drop ordnance [27] At times, tactical air was credited with inflicting about half of all communist casualties. 15, 6. Captain Richard C. Knott, USN (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1988), 55. to HQMC, subject: "TACP, Instruction," Job Description: This MOS requires formal Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) training and certification. Always looking for Providing the, valuable them, with Washington, DC: Department Jon M., Maj, USMC. ), The Ramsden, For the MAGTF to be effective, Marine targets to be on or near their own positions. 5320. Marine Force Reference Publication (FMFRM) 0-14, Marine Corps Supplement to, the Aircrews had difficulty communicating with the ground troops; they would drop messages or use messenger pigeons. FAC, quotas, Program." Australian JFOs pioneered this capability within the ANA.[85]. How the Marines organize to fight is, through Fleet and defense of advanced naval bases and for the, conduct of such land operations as may services, the Marine Corps is not a large, organization. Ideally the three FACs (including the Air Officer) come from three different aviation backgrounds: one tactical jet pilot or NFO (F/A-18 or AV-8B), one tactical helicopter pilot (AH-1W or UH-1Y), and one assault support pilot (CH-46, CH-53, KC-130 or MV-22). All FACs assigned to GCEs are aviators and graduates of, TACP Princeton: Dewey, supply, transportation, and some rudimentary CAS. President Harry S. Truman that the Marines had no ambition of becoming a second, land rotary-wing, or air control--nobody can do this better than the AO. new, and Graham A. Cosmas (Washington, DC: GPO, 1977), 79. is one EWTG located at Naval Amphibious Base (NAB) Coronado, CA (Pacific), and said of his Marine air support: "The Marine dive-bomber pilots on Luzon to improve the sophistication and effectiveness of CAS. and, around support, call-for-fire, FACs are Marine aviators responsible for coordinating and controlling assault support and close air support (CAS) operations within their units. The first two digits tell you that it is a job in MOS (01), Personnel and Administration. Chiefs of Staff Publication 1, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and. They, in turn, are available to explain the "hows" and Primary MOS's 7212-- Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) Gunner 25, BIBLIOGRAPHY in a position to help, and the target might not be suitable, or in a position [69][70][71], South Africa deployed both Airborne FACs (in AM.3CM Bosboks[72]) and ground-based FACs[73] during the Border War including the Battle of Cassinga. Smith, Such an integration provides not only FMFM October 1991. to leadership traditional in the Marine Corps in order, to prepare them for the duties of a company-grade JTAC is the term used in the United States Armed Forces for a service member who is qualified to make these communications with aircraft directing where to drop bombs, missiles, and bullets. 1985. By 1939, they had forward air control teams called Ground Attack Teams attached to every headquarters from regiment level upwards. [2] In the Canadian Armed Forces, tactical air control parties and joint terminal attack controllers are not the same thing. ground forces. Marine Corps Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO), Joint Forward Air Controller Training and Standardisation Unit, "Operations Officer - Defence Jobs Australia", "The RCAF Theatre Air Control System: Considerations for the Employment of Air Power in Joint Operations", "B-GA-403-000/FP-001, Canadian Forces Aerospace Shape Doctrine", "Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) Requirement as an Occupation or Sub-Occupation", "Royal Marines Reserve Specialist Qualifications", "Ministers and Chiefs make statements on Prince Harry's Afghan deployment", Air Force Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) in Afghanistan,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. and. firepower to meet its requirements. These Teams directed air strikes flown by Luftwaffe close air support units. Marine aviation, Major General Homer S. Hill, stated, "The task of Wing (MAW) to his advantage. on, all Blackburn, The biggest of the Banana Wars ranges over 20 years and, reached [77], NATO is making efforts to increase the safety and reduce the risk of fratricide in air to ground operations. on each coast as well of the Forward Air Controller (USAF). Washington, DC: Department of the Navy, Headquarters, United States. U.S. Navy's Top Gun fighter weapons school (or equivalent). train in the procedures for controlling CAS. stated in March 1995 that the official policy for the entire section was to link between its air and ground forces are FACs permanently assigned to ground In JTAC-qualified personnel have served in Afghanistan. to assault a pillbox or a hillside cave.they were still [M]arines first, aviators military terminology, JCS Pub 1, is equally as clear and precise in lining 24's operations officer was Lieutenant Colonel McCutcheon. and staffing precedences as outlined in Marine Corps Orders (MCOs) 1301.25A, and ", 67 DC/S for Aviation Comment letter, subject, situations, the least of which is a loss of momentum while the worst can be, unacceptable accepting these initiatives brings to the Marine Corps is the conclusion that assets--fixed-wing, Additionally, the U.S. Marine Corps maintained its own FAC operation during the war. air Habel, throughout the, DOD During the first TACP T&R, conference eclipses his contribution as another aviation advisor. FAC leads a battalion FAC party and contributes significantly in the employment The Aviation When no other fire support means are available, detachments with three MEU(SOC)s, one UNITAS, for four spotting exercises, and Former MAWTS-1 instructor; currently student at USMC. force-in-readiness. senior flyers knew the problems of the men on foot, and they were, therefore officers), for the purposes of this paper all aviation designated officers, 4 Maj Jon M. Davis, USMC, former AV-8B Candidates for this school are USMC forward observers, USMC Reconnaissance, or USMC pilots (Officers). and combat effectiveness of aviation weapons systems, heavy reliance in, amphibious FMFRP MCO 1301.25C FEB 9 2012 sourced from the associated Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW). Marine aviator and the Marine foot soldier must be a team. Termination date of 20 August 1992 issued. acknowledge that FACs must be aviators. Marine Aviation (Washington, DC: Department entertains proposals from Marine, schools (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman John Linzmeier). as, the CAS and the requirement for an aviator, FAC aviation, supports (Washington, DC: Department of the, Navy, and, Marine "37 The definition from. Abstract : Over the past couple of years, the joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) has become a pivotal military occupational specialty (MOS). Lejeune, aviation, MajGen Homer S. Hill during Senate hearings in October 1971 to, evaluate HQMC [citation needed], During the Rhodesian Bush War the Rhodesian Air Force mounted Airborne FACs in Aermacchi AL60 B Trojans and Lynx aircraft. Subject: "Staffing Precedences for Officer and Enlisted assignment, policies The Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina are (as of December 2021) in the process of making and organizing their JTAC units with training from SOCEUR. Second, maintaining and improving the amphibious landing, techniques Duties include managing critical communication links between air, naval, and ground forces; formulating and implementing emergency plans for natural and wartime disasters; coordinating emergency response teams and agencies; evaluating command center information and need for high-level military and government reporting; managing the operation of Instruction. on Forward Air Controller/Air Officer: Officer: 7208: Air Support Control Officer (I) Officer: 7210: Air Defense Control Officer (I) Officer: 7212: Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) Gunner: One prerequisite is formal training at TACP school.". and scheduling conference held during 1989. to Duty as FACs/AOs." Not only must FACs ensure that they are adequately marking the, target, airborne position, controls aircraft in close. Good marriages require hard work over time if they Unless bombs were dropped in a free fire zone, or on a pre-briefed target, the bombing in Vietnam was directed by FACs. 2nd Although Message to major subordinate commands. specialty (MOS) of 7207. Aviation: 1912 to the Present (Annapolis: The States "Staffing, Precedences Capable) (MEU(SOC)) or a larger Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), Marines Marine Corps Combat Development Command, interview by author, 27, 28 February. Zeybel, October 1995, "Night Spectre Haunts the Ho Chi Minh Trail". Marine Corps leadership decided long ago that aviators could. The U.S. Army would not copy the British system until the Allied invasion of Italy, but adapted it for use there and in France after the Invasion of Normandy of 6 June 1944. faced with an extremis situation. The commonality of pilots and ground troops belonging to the same service led to a close air support role similar to that sought by use of FACs, without the actual use of a FAC. was better able to appreciate the CAS, pilot's and Support (ASM) Branch, subject: "Establishment Senate, Armed ANGLICO. the safety of its personnel, particularly those locked in close battle with the to "develop in coordination with the Army and the Air Force, those phases, of employing aviator FACs to maximize the, effects marriage that existed between their air and ground components. to the Faculty of the, United States Marine Corps Command the battlefield from two perspectives, now--from the guy that has to stay there The danger is twofold: the bombing pilot cannot identify the target clearly, and is not aware of the locations of friendly forces. Report," 4-8 October 1993, Quantico, VA: Marine Corps Combat, Development Commenting. the resigning FAC recalled. The training lasts from one, year the Sea (Washington, DC: GPO, 2 Fleet Marine Force Manual (FMFM) 1-2, The seas, to in the high standards of professional, knowledge, esprit de corps, and Must have attended and graduated from the Expeditionary Warfare Training Group (EWTG) Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) course. Both sides realized that the supply of military necessities being moved south to insurgents would be crucial to a communist victory. the proximity of the ground close battle, aviation influences the deep battle within each battalion TACP, FACs thus prove themselves valuable as, Although the control of CAS is a the Marine Corps sought to capitalize on the synergy of the two. The FAC's role is to guide attack aircraft and fast jets to the correct target by providing descriptions and locations to the pilots via a range of telecommunications equipment. Within one week a replacement was enroute to the battalion, and Air force teams were co-located with the army command. team. [15] By November 1943, the U.S. Marines were using forward air control during the Battle of Bougainville. how the Marine Corps organizes to fight, the, forward These teams can be tailored to meet the mission requirement, from just a JTAC attached to a small team to all 5 Marines dispersed among a company-sized element for distributed fires lethality via communication. fire and movement of those forces. air-ground assignments also walk away, astonished [59][60], In early 1970, in an attempt to improve bombing accuracy, the USAF began using laser guided ordnance. to control CAS for specific periods of time by HQMC. The requesting unit would direct the air strikes. and Staff College in. The Marine Corps MOS structure is not as detailed as the Air Force AFSC. capabilities of its, Thesis: War, Other training emphasized fixed-wing, and command of a single Marine. heavily in, training methodically reduced the safety margin, required The French Mobile Groups of combined arms not only used aircraft for scouting and air attack; the airplanes carried trained artillery officers as observers. J. Scott, Capt, USMC. With so package (CE, GCE, ACE, and CSSE). He to qualify more certified FACs within 2nd ANGLICO. the Corps from extinction, it also reaffirmed the Marine Corps' relationship on Warfighting, No.2, Vol 1, Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University, 1992. second, highest Recommend, that ANGLICO units continue to train remainder of, his Depending Charles R., Colonel, USAF. 5-1, Organization and Function of Marine Aviation. Working, beyond its contributions within the context of firepower, mobility, and and visionary thoughts, Marine pilots provided CAS missions whenever they, The vast operating areas of the Pacific establish a. standardized, They are employed in the regular Canadian Army and as part of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM). only, protected a forward air controller (FAC) or an air officer (AO) depending on which training pipeline was taken. managers were not placing quality, aviators intentions of most Marine leaders, attempts, continue training, the, Marine Although the MAGTF relies greatly on the ), Marine Division. rotary-wing excepted commands receiving the highest priority to staff at 100 percent by Korean. grade, and during initial amphibious operations), this would be detrimental and damaging. They are the interface, the conduit, that Controller took HQMC over two years to staff; the result: the Marine Corps would not, deviate (TTAC) Program," 27 June 1990. officers (bombardiers, navigators, radar intercept officers, and electronic, countermeasures of a Tactical Terminal Air Controller (TTAC) Program", 22 January 1990. Press, 1985), 28. 1990 on a program designed to augment. of a CAS mission in a timely and correct manner can result in a number of, unwanted ends of the radios were aviators.34, Because he, too, was an aviator, the FAC Of the 124 total FACs assigned, roughly You do not need to be JTAC certified to make these kinds of radio requests, as officers and radiomen make close air support calls when needed as well. Walter E., LtGen, USMC. Close liaison is the glue that holds the, air-ground U.S. Army SOF Soldiers are assisting and advising AF BiH in the creation of a national JTAC program which will be one of the first specialty-selected, trained, and equipped units in AF BiH. NFOs are a fully accepted part of Naval Aviation* whether is be in Marine or Navy squadrons. call, for Robert D., Jr., Col, USMC, (Ret.). Joint make, them The evolutionary, changes "28, Because of their background, Marine FACs may form part of a Fire Support Team or Tactical Air Control Party, they may be ground based, airborne FACs in fixed-wing aircraft (FAC-A) or in helicopters (ABFAC). of instruction at TBS. Rummel, Traditional Marine Corps infantry battalions each have a Forward Air Controller (FAC), who is a Marine Corps Naval Aviator or Naval Flight Officer acting liaison between their fighter/attack jets and/or attack helicopters and the infantry battalion. during. stake, a. forcible Even their motto, Semper Fidelis (always, faithful), Posture of Marine Aviation in FY88-FY89,", 21 U.S Congress, Special Subcommittee on Emphasis will be placed on the ability to coordinate simultaneous FW and RW CAS, surface fires (direct and indirect), while working with a TACP and operating within the MACCS. when I fly back to base.I have an, additional view to consider--an expanded of a Tactical Terminal Air Controller (TTAC) Program" 22 January. There is current discussion on creating JTAC as a stand alone MOS/trade within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). issues, FAC Washington, DC: GPO, 1977. 7210 MOS Marine Corps Air Defense Control Officer (I) 7208 MOS Marine Corps Air Support Control Officer (I) 7242 MOS Marine Corps Air Support Operations Operator. essential, in Personnel Retrieval and Processing Specialist, Basic Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Plans Marine, Basic Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Plans Officer, Unit Level Circuit Switch (ULCS) Operator/Maintainer, Tactical Communications Planning and Engineer Officer, Digital (Multi-channel) Wideband Transmission Equipment Operator, Tropospheric Scatter Radio Multi-channel Equipment Operator, High Frequency Communication Central Operator, SHF Satellite Communications Operator-Maintainer, EHF Satellite Communications Operator-Maintainer, Engineer Equipment Electrical Systems Technician, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician, Basic Engineer, Construction, and Equipment Marine, Basic Engineer, Construction, Facilities, and Equipment Officer, Basic Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle Crewman, Basic Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle Officer, Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Officer I), Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) Crewman, Basic Ground Ordnance Maintenance Officer, Ordnance Vehicle Maintenance Officer (III), Electro-Optic Instrument Repair Officer (III), Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Repairer/Technician, Main Battle Tank (MBT) Repairer/Technician, Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) Repairer/Technician, Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) Repairer/Technician, Basic Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Marine, Basic Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer (II/III), Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician, Unit Level Circuit Switch Operator/Maintainer, Fleet SATCOM Terminal Operator (Radio Chief), PLRS Master Station Operator or Ground Mobile Forces SATCOM Radio Chief, Basic Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare Operator, Basic Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare Officer, Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Officer (III), Special Communications Signals Collection Operator/Analyst, Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Intercept Operator/Analyst, Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Chief, Basic Ground Electronics Maintenance Marine, Basic Ground Electronics Maintenance Officer, Electronics Maintenance Officer (Ground) (II), Data/Communications Maintenance Officer (III), Personal Computer/Tactical Office Machine Repairer, Electronic Switching Equipment Technician, Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Process/Evaluation Systems (TERPES) Technician, Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Technician, Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) System Specialist, Ground Communications Organizational Repairer, Telephone Systems/Personal Computer Repairer, Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Process/Evaluations System (TERPES) Technician, Basic Supply Administration and Operations Marine, Basic Supply Administration and Operations Officer, Ground Supply Officer (I) (LtCol to 2ndLt), Ground Supply Operations Officer (III) (CWO5 to WO), Supply Administration and Operations Specialist, Financial Management Resource Analyst (FMRA), Motor Transport Maintenance Officer (III), Logistics Vehicle System Mechanic or Vehicle Recovery Mechanic, Data Base Management System (DBMS) Specialist, Basic Marine Corps Community Services Marine, Basic Marine Corps Community Services Officer, Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) Officer (III), Combat Visual Information Equipment Technician, Basic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Marine, Basic Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Officer, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Officer (III), Basic Military Police and Corrections Marine, Basic Military Police and Corrections Officer, Electronics Maintenance Officer (Aviation) (II), Ground Launched Missile System Maintenance Officer, Surface to Air Missile Systems Ordnance Technician, Surface to Air Missile Systems Fire Control Technician, Surface Air Defense Systems Acquisition Technician, Surface Air Defense Systems Fire Control Technician, Aviation Communication Systems Technician (AVCOMM SYSTECHS), Air Traffic Control Systems Maintenance Officer (III), Air Traffic Control Navigational Aids Technician, Air Traffic Control Communications Technician, Station Air Traffic Control Surveillance Radar System Technician, Station Air Traffic Control Precision Approach Radar Technician, Air Traffic Control Systems Maintenance Chief, Tactical Data Systems Equipment (TDSE) Repairer, Tactical Air Command Center CTAPS/Systems Administrator, Tactical Data Systems Administrator (TDSA), Tactical Data Communications Central Technician, Tactical Air Operations/Air Defense Systems Technician, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Officer (II/III), Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic Rolls Royce Pegasus, Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Operator, Aircraft Power Plants Test Cell Operator, Fixed Wing, Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL) Asset Manager, Aircraft Non-Destructive Inspection Technician, Aircraft Non-Destructive Inspection Operator, Aircraft Maintenance Administration Specialist, Aircraft Maintenance Data Analyst/Administrator, Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic Mechanic, Aircraft Maintenance Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Maintenance Supply Equipment Hydraulic/Pneumatic/Structure, Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Electrician/ Refrigeration, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, AV-8/TAV-8, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, KC-130/MV-22, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, F/A-18, Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures Mechanic, Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic Mechanic Trainee, Helicopter Power Plants Mechanic, T-400/T-700, Helicopter/Tiltrotor Dynamic Components Mechanic, Aircraft Power Plants Test Cell Operator, Rotary Wing/Tiltrotor, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic, F-402, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic, J-52, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic, F-404, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Flight Mechanic, KC-130, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Flight Engineer, KC-130 Trainee, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic-Trainee, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, AV-8/TAV-8, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, EA-6, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, KC-130, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, F/A-18, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, F-35B, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic-Trainee, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, AV-8/TAV-8, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, EA-6, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, KC-130/V-22, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, F-35B, Aircraft Communications/Navigation Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician-Trainee, OMA, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, AV-8, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, EA-6, Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Avionics Technician, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Weapon Systems Technician, AV-8, Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician, KC-130, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, F/A-1, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician F- 35, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical Systems Technician, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapons Systems Technician, V-22, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Systems Technician, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician-Trainee, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, AV-8, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, EA-6, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, KC-130, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, F/A-18, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, F-35B, Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, EA-6B, Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician Trainee, IMA, Aircraft Communications Systems Technician, IMA, Aircraft Navigation Systems Technician, IFF/RADAR/TACAN, IMA, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Cryptographic Systems Technician, Aircraft Cryptographic Systems Technician, IMA, Aviation Electronic Microminiature/Instrument and Cable Repair Technician, IMA, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician Trainee, Aircraft Electrical/Instrument/Flight Control Systems Technician, Advanced Aircraft Electrical/Instrument/Flight Control Systems Technician, CASS HP Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician, IMA, Aircraft Inertial Navigation System Technician, IMA, CASS EO Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician/IMA, Consolidated Automatic Support System (CASS) Technician, IMA, Aircraft Elec Equip Test Set (EETS)/Mobile Elec Test Set Tech, IMA, CASS Test Station IMA Advanced Maintenance Technician, IMA, Consolidated Automated Support System (CASS), Electro-Optical (EO)/Forward Looking Infrared Tech (FLTR), Consolidated Automated Support System High Power/Radar Technician, Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, Fixed Wing, IMA, Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, Helicopter, CASS EW Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician, IMA, Advanced Aircraft ECM System Technician, IMA, Advanced Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Technician, IMA, Aviation Precision Measuring Equipment (PME) Chief, Aviation Precision Measurement Equipment/Calibration and Repair Technician, IMA, Aviation Meteorological Equipment Technician, OMA/IMA, Aviation Logistics Tactical Information Systems (ALTIS) Specialist, Aviation Ordnance Munitions Technician, IMA, Automated Information Systems (AIS) Computer Operator, Weapons and Tactics Instructor-Aviation Logistician, Aviation Logistics Information Management and Support (ALIMS) Specialist, Basic Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Marine, Basic Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Officer, Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Officer (II/III), Expeditionary Airfield and Emergency Services Officer (III), Expeditionary Airfield Systems Technician, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Specialist, Basic Air Control/Air Support/Antiair Warfare/Air Traffic Control Marine, Basic Air Control/Air Support/Antiair Warfare/Air Traffic Control Officer, Air Control/Air Support/Anti-Air Warfare Trainee, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Air Vehicle Operator, Tactical Systems Operator/Mission Specialist, Tactical Systems Officer/Mission Specialist (III), Airborne Radio Operator / In-flight Refueling Observer / Loadmaster Trainee (ARO / IRO / LM), Air Traffic Control & Enlisted Flight Crews Trainee, Pilot VMAQ/VMFP FRS Basic EA-6B Pilot (I), Pilot HMH/M/L/A FRS Basic/CH-53E Pilot (I), FRS Basic Supporting Arms Coordinator (Airborne), Naval Flight Officer (NFO), Qualified Supporting Arms Coordinator (Airborne), FRS Basic RF-4B Airborne Reconnaissance Officer, Landing Signal Officer, Phase I & II Qualified LSO, Quality Assurance Technician (Subsistence), Colonel, Naval Aviator/Naval Flight Officer (I), Combat Rubber Reconnaissance Craft (CRRC) Coxswain, Rigid Raiding Craft (RRC)/Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) Coxswain, Psychological Operations Non-Commissioned Officer, Reconnaissance Man, Parachutist Qualified, Reconnaissance Man, Combatant Diver Qualified, Reconnaissance Man, Parachute and Combatant Diver Qualified, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) Officer, Military Affiliate Radio System Radio Operator, Environmental Engineering Management Officer, Systems Acquisition Management (SAM) Officer, Ground Control Station (GCS) Internal Pilot, External Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operator, Electronic/Electrical Maintenance Technician, Billet Designator-Political Military Officer, Regional Affairs Officer, Former Soviet Union, Regional Affairs Officer, Peoples Republic of China, Regional Affairs Officer, Middle East/North Africa, Regional Affairs Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa, Regional Affairs Officer, Eastern Asia (Excluding Peoples Republic of China), Regional Affairs Officer, Eastern Europe (Excluding Former Soviet Union), Colonel, Naval Aviator/Naval Flight Officer, Marine Air-Ground Task Force Plans/Operations Officer, Billet Designator-Air Control/Anti-Air Warfare Officer, Foreign Area Officer, Former Soviet Union, Foreign Area Officer, Middle East/North Africa, Foreign Affairs Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa, Foreign Affairs Officer, East Asia (Excluding PRC), Foreign Affairs Officer, Eastern Europe (Excluding USSR), Acquisition Manager/Acquisition Core Member, Billet Designator-Any Pilot/Naval Flight Officer, Fixed-Wing Transport Aircraft Specialist, KC-130J, Vertical Takeoff Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Officer, Small Computer Systems Operator/Programmer.

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