umich mechanical engineering research
Research Areas: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Students and practitioners; Design and creativity Website Mark Guzdial Professor, CSE Professor, Education Internal Number: 573629BR. We have renowned research centers in both aircraft and spacecraft systems, a rich curriculum in some of the newest aerospace topics, and an esteemed faculty at the forefront of academics and research. The influence of production system approaches across industries. Multi-material, multi-process, multi-component structural topology optimization (M^3 TO). Applications to nonlinear dynamics of elastic cables, nonlinear fluid-structure interaction, DNA supercoiling, sports engineering, MEMS inertial sensor applications, vehicle systems, axially moving materials. Brown Laboratory Research Interests: Mechanical design, precision engineering, human-centric design, mechatronic systems, and robotics. Automotive Research Center Driving new performance and operation technologies for ground vehicles. Research Interests: Design optimization; large scale system synthesis; automotive systems design, including hybrid vehicles; eco-design; product design. Serve society. 4901 Evergreen Road. Mechanical Engineering. The Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering program is an opportunity for University of Michigan engineering students who have completed their junior year to participate in research activities with faculty in the College of Engineering at Michigan. 2515 BSRB 109 Zina Pitcher Pl, Ann Arbor, MI. Research Interests: Computational mechanics including mechanics of composite materials, structural design optimization, analysis of material processing; development of computational methods for composite mechanics using the homogenization method; topology and shape optimization of elastic structures; development of adaptive remesh methods for simulation of metal forming processes. Research Interests: Cochlear mechanics and hearing; acoustic and vibrational transducers; prosthetics and sensors for biomedical applications; MEMS; distributed, active metamaterials; mechanics and computational mechanics; structural acoustics. ME x90 (290, 390, 490) are individual or group project work where students apply mechanical engineering principles to research, innovation, service or entrepreneurship projects. Ann Arbor MI 48109 Jolie Stepaniak, Henry Ford Community College, prepares a plate in the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility on August 1, 2013. Access the standard (s) you need based on the issuing agency: This convergence of disciplines and unparalleled access to resources means we are uniquely equipped to design and lead complex initiatives from the lab to industry. Assistant Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering. NSF Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems . This project will focus on the design and testing of a lab-scale reactor prototype to see how system parameters impact the performance of the salts. G.G. Our researchers lead global endeavors that advance our species and planet. Research Interests: Lecturer for ME 360 and ME 461. Bold ideas and noble failures engineering for the common good, We do not make or use technology in a way that is separate from the culture and society we are part of. Research Interests: Marine renewable energy (ocean waves, tidal currents, offshore wind), blue economy, energy harvesting, vibration/dynamics and control, mechatronics design, vehicles and transportation, and advanced manufacturing. Phone: (734) 764-2694, 2021 The Regents of the University of Michigan, Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP), is a gateway to graduate education. Mechanical Engineering. Research Interests: Heat transfer and fluid mechanics, including fundamentals and manufacturing applications; buoyant and thermocapillary convection; multiphase flows; asymptotic, computational, and experimental methods; alloy solidification theory; laser processing; welding; spray forming; spray coating. Research Interests: Nanoscale charge and energy transport, thermoelectric devices, microscale heat transfer, organic photovoltaics, scanning probe microscopy and optics. Thesis Defense: Tong Li. Srinivas Yadavalli. The University of Minnesota's first state-of-the-art autonomous research vehicle offers ME researchers new opportunities to study self-driving cars. Research Interests: Systems and control including machine design, control, monitoring, and diagnostics; physical system modeling; automated modeling; bond graph theory; proper modeling of active suspensions; proper vehicle handling and ride models; high efficiency dynamic formulations for vehicle dynamics; monitoring and control of thermally induced spindle bearing loads; design and control of high speed spindles and novel milling machines. The scientific goal is to better understand how interfaces deform under such accelerations and how rapidly the different fluids mix. Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering Research Interests: My research is focused on investigation 2 key areas of manipulating cell behavior for cartilage tissue regeneration: 1) genetic reprogramming of cells; and 2) cell-matrix interactions. Finding Articles & Conference Proceedings - Mechanical Engineering - Research Guides at University of Michigan Library Databases to search for Articles & Conference Proceedings Engineering Village (Compendex) The broad subject areas of engineering and applied science are comprehensively represented. Research Interests: Environmental and sustainable technology systems; life cycle product design optimization; pollution prevention technologies for manufacturing; metalworking fluid formulation and performance; membrane filtration; supercritical fluid delivery of lubricants; biological detection and control in aqueous systems; technology policy analysis. Research Interests: My research interests lie in the field of deployable and reconfigurable structural systems. Research involving Experimental Flight Test. Research Interests: Solid mechanics including thermoelasticity; elasticity; solidification; contact mechanics; tribology; elastodynamics, fracture; stability of thermoelastic contact; friction, contact of rough surfaces. Accepted applicants from the University of Michigan receive guidance by a faculty advisor in a College of Engineering research facility, a stipend of $6,000, attend regular meetings and seminars and contribute to an abstract booklet with highlights of their summer research project and/or experience. Mechanical Engineering MSE + Master of Management About this dual master's degree: The dual degree program with the Ross School of Business presents a unique opportunity for students to supplement their engineering expertise with a foundational business curriculum and action-based learning in the Master of Management (MM) program. Research Interests: Mechanical behavior of materials including polymers, elastomers and soft tissue; tissue engineering of tendon and muscle constructs; constitutive modeling of growth, remodeling and functional adaptation in soft tissue; deformation mechanisms in polymers; crystal transformation mechanisms in semi-crystalline polymers; split Hopkinson pressure bar testing of polymers and elastomers for high strain rate applications including crashworthiness in automotive applications. Physics-informed AI for structural and assembly optimization. The Regents of the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA, Privacy Policy | The program provides students with the opportunity to participate in research activities at a different university. With the passage of the Infrastructure law and the inflation reduction act, the US now has several instruments in place to support the construction and operation of new production plants. 2000 - Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex. Research Interests: Biomechanics including mobility impairments in the elderly; trips, slips, and falls; elderly decision-making and risk-taking in physical tasks; birth related injury; female stress urinary incontinence; spine biomechanics; athletic injuries; occupant vehicular safety. Research Interests: Biomedical design and manufacturing; Digital health; Wearable technology; Intelligent systems; Robotics, Research Interests: Biosensors, Biomedical Microelectromechanical Systems (BioMEMS), Optofluidics, Lab on a Chip, Research Interests: Electrochemistry, grid energy storage, CO2 capture, organic batteries, desalination, solid-state batteries. Computational optimal synthesis of structural assemblies. 5945 Buhl Building. Selection Process: Once the SUREManager has shared your application with the Department, we will provide the eligible applications to the Faculty Mentors who will review your application materials. What do you get when you give some of the brightest and most motivated student minds access to world-class faculty and facilities and present them with extremely difficult problems to solve? I am a current Mechanical Engineering Master's student at the University of Michigan and a Biomedical Engineering graduate of The Ohio State University. We are seeking a research scientist to perform original research advancing the state of the art in plasma etch technology. Research Interests: Dynamics and control systems, biomechanics of humans. Research Interests: Nonlinear water-wave dynamics, contact-line dynamics, drag-reduction technologies, and coastal engineering. Research Interests: Mechanical behavior of materials; micromechanical modeling; in situ/in operando characterization including X-ray imaging and diffraction; functional materials; lightweight structural metals; shape memory alloys; phase transformations; energy conversion. Engineering is at the forefront of human progress and problem solving. Research Interests: Design, modeling, and control of soft and other non-traditional robotic systems with the goal of actualizing robots that are capable of safely assisting humans in real-world unstructured environments. Research Interests: Design, Fabrication, Control and Evaluation of Human Assist Devices, Gait Analysis, Biomechanics, Instrument Design. Research Interests: Autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles; human-autonomy interactions, Research Interests: Experimental mechanics of soft and bio-materials, material characterization including high speed rheometry, magnetic resonance, and inverse techniques, inertial cavitation dynamics, photoacoustic and laser microscopy, cell mechanics, image processing techniques, digital image and volume correlation, Research Interests: Defects behaviors and microstructural evolution in structure materials, deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of amorphous solids, long time scale atomistic simulation, Research Interests: Robotic Manipulation, Physical Interaction and Contact, Robot Learning and Control, State-Estimation. B.Tech Mechanical Engineering . My Ohio State Biomedical Engineering Senior . Current research topics include the exploration of novel sensing and control techniques for improving the coordination and precision motion control of multiple systems. For general questions, please feel free to contact us at Contact Mary Saah Executive Assistant Office of Student Affairs The successful candidate will be part of an exploratory research team on patterning for leading-edge devices and systems, participate alongside a global team of . This is akin to how natural platelets and macrophages secrete enzymes when they become stimulated. Michigan Mechanical Engineering is home to four fully-funded, world-class centers. Research Interests: Understanding the inter-relationships between processing, alloying, microstructure and properties in metallic materials and in incorporating this knowledge into computational tools for use in research, education and engineering. Dearborn, MI 48128.; Engineering job source providing fast loading and easily accessible listings from across the United States. By absorbing and releasing water vapor from the air, salt hydrates can shift building heating and cooling loads. New Student Scholarship This scholarship is designed for new students (first-year and transfer) admitted into a CIT major for the 23-24 Academic Year. My group works on a variety of applications including locomotion of legged robots, prosthetic control, autonomous vehicles, and soft robots. Preferred Education: 4 Year Degree. Mohammed Asaker is a highly driven Mechanical Engineer with a diverse background in Energy, Project Management, Research and Development. These results will help create a design guide to inform future efforts in salt hydrate reactors.Research Mode: In-Lab, ME Project # 6: Life Cycle Assessments and Policies: Why It Matters for Hydrogen and Other FuelsFaculty Mentor: Volker Sick, vsick@umich.eduProject Description: The need for and interest in the production of hydrogen as well as fuels from carbon dioxide is increasing rapidly. Mechanical Engineering Dr. Daly studies student and practitioner front-end design approaches and the integration of these more comprehensive skillsets into engineering. Research Interests: Polymer-based photonic sensors and photoacoustics, organic and hybrid photovoltaics and photodetectors, flexible transparent conductors, nanophotonics & structural colors, nanomanufacturing technologies and applications. Applications include biomedical engineering, energy, aeronautics, turbomachinery, naval engineering and high-energy density physics. Ultimately, we want to develop synthetic cells that can sense mechanical forces to trigger release of small molecules. 10 /10 faculty. Research Interests: Underwater acoustics, hydrodynamics, hydro-acoustics, structural acoustics, Research Interests: Computational Science and Engineering, Aerodynamics, High-Speed Flows, Turbulence modeling and simulation, Vortical Flows, Uncertainty Quantification, High-Performance Computing, Rotorcraft Aeromechanics, Adjoint-based methods, Optimization, Associate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering. Visit the RISE page for more information. Previous Events. Ann Arbor MI 48109 and Ph.D. degrees in 2006 and 2010, respectively. Specific research and development topics include constraint-based design, parallel kinematics, flexure mechanisms, dynamics of flexible systems, electromagnetic actuators, medical devices for minimally invasive surgery, precision motion stages for semiconductor metrology, motion sickness mitigation in autonomous vehicles, rehab robotics, modular prostheses, and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Applications include miniature robotics, medical devices, and micro-assembly. Learn more: 28 Feb 2023 22:17:30 Mechanical Engineering (ME) Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences (NERS) Robotics (Rob) University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) SURE. The Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering program is an opportunity for University of Michigan engineering students who have completed their junior year to participate in research activities with faculty in the College of Engineering at Michigan. Research Interests: Reconfigurable manufacturing systems; global manufacturing; flexible automation; sensing and controls of machining processes; generation of complex surfaces in CNC. In this SURE project, we explore the design and manufacture of tiny grips, related to some already used in middle ear bone (ossicular) replacement surgery, like Grace Medicals Megerian Nitinol SRP, are contemplated; however our needs are different and a modified approach is indicated. Education: Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Brown University (2021) B-Tech and M-Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2016) Research Focus: Photovoltaics, Solid-state Batteries. Research Interests: (1) High-speed method for directly joining plastics directly to metals for manufacture of multi-materials lightweight structures; (2) solid-state rapid deposition technique for additive manufacture of bimetal components without introducing detrimental intermetallic compounds; (3) Fracture mechanics modeling of randomly distributed defects in additively-manufactured metal components; (4) smart modular design for manufacturing and assembly methods for advanced lightweight marine structures. Experienced in computational physics, data analysis, machine . Accepted applicants from the University of Michigan receive guidance from a faculty advisor in a College of Engineering research facility, a stipend of $6,000, and attend regular meetings and seminars. Library Webpages . This unique experience teaches students to holistically connect all aspects of their UM life including coursework, co-curricular activities, and community to make a lasting difference in the world. . General Timeline:January Application opens and is dueFebruary Applications are reviewedMarch Offers will begin being sent outApril Offers may still be issued during this timeMay SURE Projects may begin, Learn more:, ME Project #1: Dynamics of Piezoelectric MicrosystemsFaculty Mentor: Kenn Oldham, oldham@umich.eduPrerequisites: Statics and or dynamics courseworkProject Description: Piezoelectric microsystems are miniature sensors and actuators that convert strain to voltage, and vice versa, in devices just a few millimeters in size. Welcome to the Peripheral Neural Engineering and Urodynamics Lab (pNEURO Lab). Research Interests: Control theory and applications; logic control for manufacturing systems including diagnostics, fault handling, and recovery; modular control systems; networked control systems; performance management of computing systems; web-based tutorials for controls education. Research Interests: Manufacturing systems engineering. In the current process, the freezing usually starts from a stationary cold plate. In this project, the student will perform a combination of experimental testing and dynamic modeling of devices fabricated by the Microdynamics Laboratory in Mechanical Engineering, to better understand motions that are feasible for these miniature engineered systems.Research Mode: Hybrid, In-Lab, ME Project #2: Oil Wicking Through DendritesFaculty Mentor: Solomon Adera, sadera@umich.eduProject Description: Experimental characterization and modeling of oil wicking through porous ice dendritic network.Research mode: In-Lab, ME Project #3: Sessile Water Droplet EvaporationFaculty Mentor: Solomon Adera ( Description: Experimental characterization and modeling of the evaporation of a sessile water droplet residing on micro/nanotextured oil-impregnated surfaces.Research mode: In-Lab, ME Project #4: Engineering Synthetic ExocytosisFaculty Mentor: Allen Liu, allenliu@umich.eduProject Description: Building synthetic cells is an exciting area of synthetic biology with opportunities to unravel basic design and organizational principles of cellular life and for biomedical applications. Read more Realizing Breakthroughs 2350 Hayward He is particularly interested in the development of tethered systems for harnessing wind and marine hydrokinetic energy, the development of persistent mission planning algorithms for renewably powered robotic networks, and the use of connected and autonomous vehicles to realize substantial fuel economy improvements over conventional vehicles. Many of Michigan Engineering's most advanced facilities are available to outside users for a fee.These include labs for nanofabrication, space research, hydrodynamics, radiation effects in materials and material characterization as well as a radio . Research Interests: Control theory and applications; iterative learning control; multi-agent systems; human/robot collaborations; smart manufacturing; manufacturing robotics; high-performance micro/nano-scale printing for electrical and biomedical applications, Research Interests: Current Energy Conversion; Enhancement of High-Damping, High-Reynolds Vortex Induced Vibration; Suppression of Vortex Induced Vibration; Mooring System Dynamics; Structural Redesign and Topology/Material Evolution; Riser and Pipeline Mechanics. Simulations of spark ignited and advanced autoignition combustion modes using 1D models and 3D CFD including large scale parallel simulations. The Integrative Systems + Design Division offers the opportunity for students to achieve INCOSE certification. Specific research topics include. Research Interests: My research, which focuses on making impactful contributions to the areas of manufacturing and sustainability, considers multiple scales: identifying significant opportunities to cut emissions and/or costs by conducting large scale analyses on processes, factories and material supply chains, and pursuing a rigorous technical analysis in order to capitalize on the opportunities. Professor Emerita, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 8 /10 . Research Interests: Fluid mechanics, including computational fluid dynamics, heat pumps, thermoelectrics, computer modeling. BLUELab, Multidisciplinary Design Program, International Programs or the College of Engineering Honors Program). Mechanical Engineering 2023 SURE Research Projects - SURE SURE > Mechanical Engineering 2023 SURE Research Projects Contact Mary Saah Executive Assistant Office of Student Affairs (734) 647-7118 143 Chrysler Center Mechanical Engineering 2023 SURE Research Projects ME Project #1: Dynamics of Piezoelectric Microsystems Whether youre an undergrad who wants to expand your engineering fundamentals and experience research first hand or a PhD building an academic career, your ideas and perseverance make an impact. Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. COLLABORATION. More about our vision > Our theoretical and experimental investigations are aimed at reducing the incidence of unintentional injuries in the population. I have worked for quite a few years in mathematical biology, biophysics and materials physics. . 2350 Hayward M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, 2011 B.S., Mechanical Engineering, SUNY Binghamton, 2009 Contact: Office number: 2011 Automotive Lab Phone: (734) 936-2137 Bio-sketch: Jesse Capecelatro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. SROP is supported by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, a consortium of the Big Ten member universities and the University of Chicago. Most mechanical engineering courses are worth 3 credits and on-campus sections are offered in the evening from 6-8:45 p.m. All classes are held Monday-Thursday. Research Interests: Combustion and turbulence modeling; engine combustion; pollutant formation; thermodynamic properties; diesel engine combustion; natural gas operation of diesels; compressible turbulence models; metal hydride heat pumps and hydrogen storage; refrigerant properties.
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