which of the following is a pathogen quizlet
mucous membranes False, False pneumonia Which of the following is not a lymphatic organ? ", "The use of gloves does not eliminate the need for proper and regular hand washing. Section: 07.05, Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease? Section: 07.04, If you were vaccinated against the mumps virus and later exposed to it, you would still be infected but it would not be as bad as if you had never been vaccinated. Brian goes to the hospital after not feeling well for a week. Section: 07.03, Phil was exposed to parasitic worms on a recent field trip to the tropics. True or false: Section: 07.05, Histamine, released during inflammation, is associated with which defense mechanism? True Section: 07.02, Inflammation is normally a self-limiting process. The concentration of pathogen needed to kill 50% of an infected group of test animals is the __________. Fungal and parasitic pathogens use pathogenic mechanisms and virulence factors that are similar to those of bacterial pathogens. Infectious diseases can be spread by any of the following ways except: The following is not a defense mechanism for infectious disease: The organism that attaches itself to healthy cells is called a/an: The virus that causes __________ also causes itchy, red bumps. Answer- Excavata is a major supergroup of unicellular organisms . During an oral surgery, the surgeon nicked the patients gum with a sharp instrument. Section: 07.05, All autoimmune diseases are caused strictly by environmental factors such as viral infections. Section: 07.02, In SCID, antibodies are missing but T cells function normally. acid pH of stomach ##Qmv&,! Which pathogen needs a host cell to reproduce? Infected blood or OPIM may be transmitted through which of the following means? Apply. Which of the following is not a vaccine recommended for college students? It is characterized by redness, swelling, and pain. normal flora (bacteria mostly), neutrophils and macrophages The body can only be exposed to a pathogen a second time if you do not have a vaccine. They are both forms of active immunity. An infection that was not found to be present prior to hospital admission. stream Antigenic __________ is the result of reassortment of genes responsible for the production of influenza virus spike proteins between different virus particles while in the same host, whereas antigenic __________ is the result of point mutations in the spike proteins. Two types of toxins are hemolysins and leukocidins. __ escribo correos a mi mejor amigo. Virulence, the degree to which a pathogen can cause disease, can be quantified by calculating either the ID50 or LD50 of a pathogen on a given population. *Cytotoxic T cells contain perforin molecules that punch holes in the plasma membranes of potential pathogens. 26. *:Q ]+]lroYQ-Q$2B&qQ1pLOQ;tg# . *It is true that cytokines assist in regulating white blood cell formation. They release histamine which causes blood vessels to become permeable. Section: 07.05, Which class of antibodies plays a role in activating the complement and clumping cells? B. Cryptococcus systemic lupus erythematosus to avoid eating a high concentration of mercury, which food should you select, soybeans watered with water from the river, which of the following approaches could help reduce the risk of malaria in a city without introducing new risks to human populations, search for and remove items that could hold accumulated water. (b) In terms of quantity of pathogen, in what way are these periods different? 1. PCR 9. Legal. Which of the following are most likely to be. Section: 07.03, In ______ immunity the individual produces antibodies against particular pathogens while in ______ immunity the individual is given specific antibodies against a pathogen. Some helminths are so large that the immune system is ineffective against them. a. an aerotolerant anaerobe b. an obligate aerobe c. an obligate anaerobe d. a facultative anaerobe View Text Answer Jump To Question neutral, active, active, passive All of the following are major forms of disease transmission except? {H(Iq4fU{dwYVH@hi!XM!9/fiTxUyf+0v Aq]e;-yTzY7wcYk#Doyiclr"c!C AIDS is associated with the destruction of the white blood cells in the body. -An employee who is exposed to a pathogen during the course of regular work duties. Universal response b. D Yeast infections, What pathogen causes diseases that are often spread through contaminated water? Nb['hm Why will a diverging (convex) mirror never produce a real image? Ability to adhere to, colonize, or invade the host 3. -Safe injection practices, "The use of ""safer"" medical eqipment such as self-capping needles or self-sheathing scalples would be part of what aspect of an Exposure Plan?". Which of the following must a pathogen possess in order for it to be successful at causing infectious disease? An employee, who has an occupational exposure potential with blood or OPIM, does not need to notify their supervisor as to the existence of an open sore. What is one disease most children are vaccinated against? D Polio, Which disease is often called the "kissing disease" because you can get it from contact with saliva? helper T cell They are both forms of an immune deficiency. False, False Which of the following is not one of the functions of the lymphatic system? It acts as a spreading factor. general P. aeruginosa usually causes localized ear and eye infections but can cause pneumonia or septicemia in vulnerable individuals like newborn babies. Let the upper rod have a mass of 7.0kg7.0 \mathrm{~kg}7.0kg and the lower rod a mass of 4.0kg4.0 \mathrm{~kg}4.0kg. IgA, IgM 23. Protozoa adhere to target cells through complex mechanisms and can cause cellular damage through release of cytopathic substances. Myasthenia gravis develops when antibodies attach to and interfere with the function of neuromuscular junctions. Cytokines are being investigated for a possible treatment of which disease? active, neutral True or False 2. B Fungi Which pathogen is non-living? 3. a type of white blood cell *(a) gas-liquid. A Mononucleosis rheumatoid arthritis They are not as easily treated compared with those involving free-floating (or planktonic) bacteria. Section: 07.04, Cytokines assist in regulating white blood cell formation. *Inflammation and the release of histamine is part of the body's innate defenses. If racing at sea level, find the velocity this cyclist can maintain. A Bacteria which biological agent is not considered by terrorist for the mass destruction of people? A(n) __________ infection is a small region of infection from which a pathogen may move to another part of the body to establish a second infection. -Cough etiquette Any substance that the white blood cells recognize as foreign is known as what? active Which of the following does NOT fit into the category of other potentially infectious materials? sebaceous secretions the chemical forms a gas that is inhaled and travels deep into the lungs, Viruses regularly move between animals and humans in mayor but dangerous cases a brothers may undergo a genetic change that increases its risk of causing serious disease in human populations of the following changes in human animal interactions could reasonably be expected to increase the risk of human harm due to virus exposure, Humans now raise large number of animals for food, A medical facility stores material that produce out for radiation these materials are located in room surrounded by thin wooden walls what are the specific rest to a worker walking just outside the room, tobacco smoke is a teratogen. pain anaphylactic Section: 07.02, What cell types are involved in the inflammatory response? D Protozoan, Unit 7: Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Awareness, Honors English III Final Exam- Vocab and Rhet, Spanish Exam Speaking Questions and Answers, Dutton's Orthopaedic: Examination, Evaluation and Intervention. they are lost as we age. Symptoms of a disease are subjective and are reported by the patient. 2. IgM Virulence factors contribute to a pathogens ability to cause disease. Section: 07.05, Human Anatomy Physiology Laboratory Manual Main Version, Anatomy and Physiology: An Integrative Approach, Michael McKinley, Theresa Bidle, Valerie O'Loughlin. nonspecific How much to the bowl? The hallmark symptoms of meningitis include all of the following except? What type of response is this? I will be given an exposure plan by my clinical instructor/coordinator detailing what steps I should take if I am exposed to a potentially infectious source while at my clinical site. 1. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 816.96] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 27. sAR@`c&bChM=U,:n^W#*@'P|P\(Fdhv '?t2.qzM57r%e %KO%Li'[Tqo\,j6m Example: The tounsts had an appomtment to meet with their nation's $\overset{\text{consul}}{\cancel{\text{counsel}}}$. True thymus and bone marrow produces T and B cells. *The antigen first binds to the B-cell receptor (BCR) to activate antibody-mediated immunity. a form of immune deficiency, anything the immune system recognizes as foreign to the body Which of the following is defined as a plant or animal so small it can only be seen with a microscope? This mutation affects the A-subunit, preventing it from interacting with any host protein. Universal precautions Treating all human materials as if to be infected with bloodborne pathogens is called a. a. a. pathogens A communicable disease that can be easily transmitted from person to person is which type of disease? B. capsule Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. Which virus may be a contrututing factor in the development of cervical cancer? antigen binds to BCR; B cell divides; B cell activated; plasma cells form In July 2015, a report was released indicating the gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found on hospital sinks 10 years after the initial outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit. It is produced by a gram-negative bacterium. Blood is the only bodily fluid that can carry pathogens. Explain how acupuncture could facilitate exposure to pathogens. *The complement proteins "complement" certain other immune responses. Patients who are at risk due to surgical incisions, weakened immune systems due to pre-existing conditions or medical treatments could use those sinks, transfer the pathogen to their bodies and develop an infection or disease. Describe the motion of air particles inside an inflated balloon. Which pathogen is most virulent? Section: 07.02, Monocytes become what type of cell in the tissue? Nosocomial diseases are acquired from hospital settings. The body's immune system will react the same was as it did during the first exposure. phagocytosis is involved. Which of the following choices lists the steps of pathogenesis in the correct order? This page titled 15.E: Microbial Mechanisms of Pathogenicity (Exercises) is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by OpenStax via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request. IgG 7zP$>O Zcm62b* . *Rheumatic fever is associated with an inflammatory response that can damage the heart muscle and valves. Explain. all of the following are true statements concerning mononucleosis except? True The risk of HIV/AIDS transmission from a needle stick is approximately _____ percent. Eleanor Noss Whitney, Ellie Whitney, Frances Sizer, DIET200 Chapter 4: Digestion and Absorption. possess specific receptors. A microbiologist has identified a new gram-negative pathogen that causes liver disease in rats. True 4. IgD *The four signs of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain. 31. Section: 07.03, What two sites are involved in the production and maturation of T lymphocytes? (c) The number of pathogen particles began to decline/die off. interferon. If clearly labeled, food and drink are permitted in areas where BBP exposures may occur. MTBE and gasoline leak from old tanks, then the MTBE dissolved into water and moves through soils into groundwater. When the immune system fails to recognize its own body tissue and begins to attack it, it is known as what? She suspects that the bacteriums fimbriae are a virulence factor. - it is an opportunistic pathogen Based on these characteristics, how would you classify this toxin? Explain three reasons why biofilm formers are more pathogenic. True OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Quiz 2: Statistics & Pathophysiology Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Which of the following is a major virulence factor for the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus? ", "According the Centers for Disease Control, how many people living in the United States suffer from chronic HBV? false Strep throat is caused by a? P. aeruginosa usually causes localized ear and eye infections but can cause pneumonia or septicemia in vulnerable individuals like newborn babies. Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with chronically inflamed joints. does Chronic fatigue syndrome have a cure? 25. eosinophils and basophils cell-mediated in putting on ppe, the first article to put on is the which of the following is not OSHA standard? The concentration of pathogen needed to kill 50% of an infected group of test animals is the __________. Which of the following individuals introduced the terms "aerobes" and "anaerobes"? IgA - it acts as a mutagen and carcinogen *Anything that the immune system recognizes as foreign to the body is called an antigen. a targeted and highly specific response to a single pathogen or molecule. hay fever the bacterium becoming most resistant to antibiotic treatments, such as penicillin, is known as what? Which of the following is a pathogen that could not be identified by the original Koch's postulates? *T cells possess specific receptors that help them identify antigens. -The use of Personal Approximately how many people in New Mexico are infected with the HIV and/or AIDS? 10. Distinguish between the signs and symptoms of disease in Brians case. A bacterial infection called lyme disease is spread by what?
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