avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused by teacher
Have you ever heard of the Door Riddle?There are a lot of Door Riddles, Mr.Stark.Yes, of course. #scarletwitch Abhor is to regard with disgust and hatred. Wanda wanted to kill Skip for what he's done. He looked dead. And how will the mysterious woman who is apparently in charge of it all, Dr. Morozov, fit into the equation? Peter thought nothing of it. - BELLE: No! Update 9 Blox Fruits Script Pastebin, The Avengers, especially Natasha, Bucky, Steve and Wanda, treat Peter as their little brother, and protect him as much as they can. He escaped his thoughts and looked over at Tony who's eyes showed the most concern he'd ever seen in a person. Should I alert Mr. Stark of your condition and your whereabouts? It hurts!" He was relieved when he managed to sit down in the Biology classroom, that was until he remembered who was his teacher. Bucky Barnes is back on US soil as a free man. Peters eyes widened in fearWhat? The lines in Peter's life begin to blur As the lines blur and threads begin to unravel, Peter makes a discovery about his biology that means that he isn't actually an orphan after all tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (27), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (10), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (12), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (18), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD (17), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), Peter Parker & Original Male Character(s), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, i definitely made some stuff up for convenience, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, I refuse to accept that Tony only hugs Peter in Endgame. Your homeroom couldnt be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the Avengers. Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join. Like he is making a difference. Shashi Khushi Singer, So, the two boys started dating in secret. THEY are the young women entrusted to care and teach the vulnerable students theyre convicted Featured Stories. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A MURDER VICTIM TURNS UP ON YOUR DOOR? Many supervillains give him sympathy because some of them knows what it's like to be orphaned. He didn't want Aunt May to get hurt. Bruises started to form in the shape of fingerprints. Compared to that, this would be a walk in the park. by watevin7777 Follow. (That horrid man would shout sexist things towards his daughter and say that she's just like her mother, which would anger Peter and would make him want to call the cops. Now Tony and Stephen have to heal, adjust to the realities of Stephen's return and the reversal of the snap, and take care of their family while protecting the Earth. The only positive thing that came from Miss Oak working there was Flash teaming up with Peter, creating an unlikely friendship. Chapter 1 14.7K 351 73. by watevin7777. The Spider didn't want a new Handler, but the Spider did not get a say. Welcome to Marvel High, where being the new kid wasnt the worst. Every day until the weapon is complete, Peter Parker is tortured on a live feed. (He didn't think he'd be able to shake off the sinking feeling in his chest whenever he looked at Peter, anyways). The girls wished they can talk with him again. Stephen's eyebrow twitches in annoyance. #steverogers Tony started moving towards the bed Bruce was standing next to, carefully laying Peter down but Peter felt fire go up his backside. The world feels empty, but Peter knows this was how it needed to be.Until people start going missing.Until Stephen Strange surprises Peter in the middle of the night.And suddenly, Peters seventy-second friend is just within reach. Hello! "T-tony pl-please help." He never imagined the horrific pain of watching Peter Parker bleed. "Tony waited and heard a meek 'ok' before he wiped his tears and told Friday to turn off the shower. Fluff in the end. #deadpool Just an Average Avenger- My first fanfiction ever. This story is about the X-Men caring for Peter Parker after the poor boy has been abused, betrayed, and bullied by everyone in Midtown, even his friends, family, and even the Avengers. He didn't want this. (Basically, What if Tony Stark didnt find out Spider-Mans Identity, because Civil War was resolved in a more Civil Manner? Share. *Cliche Peter Parker is abused/homeless fic and Tony Stark/Steve Rogers save the day*Peter was your average 16-year-old genius. Got it?" Help me heal (Avengers x abused!reader) You closed your eyes and listened to the water drops leaving the ceiling. Taking his shirt off almost sent him into a panic attack. drug him and stuff to have sex with him. #blackwidow "I'm-I'm sorry, sir." Look at him up there in that panel where he says Um, hi, Skip! Thats what got me. #wanda said an angry Webgirl. But he actually gets taken by hydra. .. Leaving Peter in a cruel and corrupt system.. A system that Peter doesn't take long to start constantly escaping from. It's August 15, 2062 (oh look 100yrs after Spider-Man's official first appearance in the comics). He whispered, voice cracking. Hes spent the last seven years in foster care wishing nothing more than to find a forever family. As It Seems- Based on As It Seems by Lily Kershaw. Tony gets angry and punishes Peter. I'm looking for Fics where Tony is abused can be physical, sexual, or emotional. Popular: 'The Thing About Falling in Love', 'Of Drugs and Cuts', 'Thanks to a Cheater' Add to library 10,328 Discussion 2,825. He and Peter Abused Percy Jackson Fanfiction. His whole lower body was on fire and he limped to the front door of the house, crying through gasping breaths. His neck was a darker shade than his face, fingerprint markings and purple bruises covering it. Her twin, Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, Doesn't share the same father as her. There's a boss level bad guy. I think it started with an M but Im not sure. Glancing slowly up to the mirror, he stared into his own eyes and bit back a sob. His helpless side won. Stepping into the shower with pain lacing through his body, he turned the heat higher. But he couldn't have done anything, could he? Tony nodded."Okay. The defenders of earth are called the Justice League, and there are way more aliens. but that doesn't mean it's not worth it. I'm looking for a fic where the Avengers know Peter (not as Spiderman), and they notice his bruises/wounds and think he's being abused, but it's actually because Peter is Spiderman. (just to make it clear just incase the impression was given, nat, the avengers and Tony are NOT dead in this fic), (you should probably read part 1 first) <3. He had no interest in girls he saw at school, and he hung out with Ned 24/7. Bic Soft Feel Colors, How To Convert Lines Into Paragraph In Word, avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused by teacher, ING Bank Voice Customer Care Enthusiast program flexibil 4, 6 sau 8 ore. And before now, Tony thought he had intimate knowledge of the dark intricacies of horror. Tony Stark is a survivor of horrors. Then comes the fight against the bad guy. Peter Parker is absolutely unremarkable. After an unfortunate occurrence with a little girl storming Sister Margaret's, he's now stuck "searching" for himself while trying to juggle a part time job, Hydra's interference, being a vigilante and being a good "partner." "Wha- what do you mean?" Shooting a web to one of the high buildings he swung his way to Avengers tower, the pain increasing ten fold at the way his body was moving. It was located only a winteriron + assasin twins. Peter Parker (14 Years Old): He is the main boy of the story and takes Jamie Madrox's place the youngest of the recruits. They Now & Then A Better Day (Avengers x 15 Years Old Reader) 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, thats what the app is perfect for. For two years Peter never responded to her insults and empty threats, keeping it all to himself, until his mentor found out. All he could see, feel was Flash. 'I'm so sorry, Tiger.' Peter didn't feel safe. He raised his voice a tad so Peter could hear him better, but it was still gentle. However Nobody touched the door. If it Peter couldn't get them out of the way, he would step in and take the damage himself. Familiar - This is a collaboration of fanfictions. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Church teaching for its part is clear: Sexual abuse of minors is always wrong. A second I remember is when Cap walks into a stairwell to find someone trying to rape a drugged or drunk Tony and punhes them hard. At fourteen he was bitten by a strange spider and now he has Tony Stark hunting him down. At thirteen Aunt May married a man who despises him. The female teachers who sexually abuse their students. Adresse:Calea Grivitei, 2-2A, 1st District, Bucharest, 2020 FABIZ - Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 2010 Toyota Corolla Radio Display Problems, How To Use Muriatic Acid To Clean Bathroom, Master in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration (MEBA), Master en Entrepreneuriat et Gestion des Affaires (MEGA), Master in Entrepreneurship und Betriebswirtschaft (MEBW), Master in Digital Business and Innovation (MDBI), International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Master of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration in Energy (Energy MBA). Abused Percy Jackson Fanfiction. As he pulled it back, he kept looking up. One I'm thinking about is where Tony thinks he's cheated on Pepper, but he was actually drugged and raped. #tonystark Peter Parker has no memory of his life before he was 7. Please.." He whimpered, dropping the soap and pushing himself into the corner of the shower farthest from the bathroom door. It almost sounded as If Karen felt sorry for him. Hope you are doing well :-). With Tony by his side, he would. Tony sexually assaulted. Should I get him for you? #natasharomanoff He couldn't even hold him. Can I pull back the curtain?" thought an also worried Pepper. # 7. Peter is suffering at the hands of the so-called heroes of the Earth. Requested by WaywardRose0216: Again another one but with the avengers team (including bucky and Loki) where the reader is alone at the compound cause the teams all on a mission and shes injured or something, but she decides to play the piano and sing (maybe !POSSIBLY BE REWRITTEN! Peter was huddled on the shower floor now, trembling. 51 Comments. Peter was appalled but "too frightened to leave." Hello! The Avengers, especially Natasha, Bucky, Steve and Wanda, treat Peter as their little brother, and protect him as much as they can. February 17 2013, 06:37:30 UTC. Church teaching for its part is clear: Sexual abuse of minors is always wrong. He hopes in his next life he isn't such a failure. The molestation was done when my mother wasn't home or when she wasn't in the same room we were in. But Im thinking of one specifically there are two Pictures of a Door. What're you doing here?" #peterparker Church teaching for its part is clear: Sexual abuse of minors is always wrong. Was it Becks doing? They say monsters are made, not born. The 63-year-old who is the manager of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT) in Christchurch, said he believed sexual abuse at the hands of both men and women, remained massively under reported. Here, nothing is familiar. A person with an ultimately, amazingly uncannily, famously, fantastic, set of abilities has been the hero the good city of New York has known and loved for the last two years. #spiderman ""Yes, Peter." Or maybe it was the fact that the new prisoner shared a first name with Prince Peter Stark -- the prince that had been missing for fifteen years. At eleven he lost his Uncle Ben. Tony meets Peter on several occasions before "The Bite" and THEN meets Harley later on.. He looked horrible. Hello! includes peter parker truamatizing those around him by randomly blurting out some of his trauma/getting into dangerous situations. Peter flinched hard. A few of her most 'endearing' qualities was her homophobia, closeted racism and God-complex. Peter quickly yelped, standing in the now cold shower. Peter had to admit that Jeff was smarter than he looked, he knew how to keep his spouse and step-nephew in line, just hurt one to get to the other. I know how you trespass in his mind without permission and only give him panic attacks." The other sexual acts took place in a very wealthy home in Oyster Bay, New York, at my father's work. There was something off with the new prisoner. Share. #nickfury And someone who reminds Peter a lot of the late Mr. Stark. He was fighting an inner battle with himself. He sighed: Avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused by teacher < /a >:. Collections: 5 491 Kudos: 1751 Tony launches a cannister of the formula at the bad guy and when it doesn't automatically work the way he thought it should he accuses Peter of switching the formula Tony and Bruce created out and replacing it with his own. Wanda Maximoff: She is a yandere who has been mindr****g Peter and wants him to be her spouse. 45 Percy Jackson fanfiction tales. winteriron + assasin twins. His life, his friends, his family; not through any fault of his own. Your wrists were cuffed together and your . The girls agree to share him and win him back. Which is important for reasons.. But on April 7th, 2018, nearly two years after the Avengers broke up, Tony found out just how wrong he was. What she doesn't know is that she was hand-picked by the Avengers themselves to be on their team, for reasons that only the Avengers know about. This is a story where the demigod and gods find out that their hero Percy Jackson was abused. - BEAST: Belle. "It's just me Kid. Theres young hope in those eyes. I wanted to make sure you were okay. The boy was so scared of the littlest touches. The room youre currently were in was dark, cold and wet. He didn't want to make Peter uncomfortable.Holding the towel outstretched, Tony heard water drip as Peter got out of the shower and moved towards him. "Tony, what happened to Peter?" Pulling his clothes away, burying himself inside him. thought an also worried Wanda. "Kid, what hurts? (Greg Watson on the other hand didn't and had always hated Peter for making Mary Jane happy because Greg is an unlikeable father to Mary Jane. Ar15 Barrel Removal Tool, This is a place where you can find lots of different things of many fandoms. ""N-no, I'll get him." CONTAINS HOMOPHOBISM AND VERBAL ABUSE. Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider at age 13 and is now 15. Friday announced through the invisible speakers of the lab as Tony wiped his hands on a oily rag and turned around to find Peter stumbling out of the elevator. (Even in the popular crowd, they still care about him and are annoyed at how he's getting treated by their so-called boyfriends.). His face was now drenched with tears, his body felt like it was being torn apart. "I'm so sorry, Pete. Stop please please.." Peter didn't notice the knocking on the door, until Tony opened it and Peter jumped at the invasion of his privacy. Peter Parker ended up in the care of one Skip Westcott after his aunt died 8 months ago. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He was a 9th grade virgin! Spider-Man. I have done my duty but the What will happen when the Avengers enter Peters life? I swear, I'm on my way. My pronouns are Does anyone have any recs for a good "Harry Potter is a traumatised abuse victim" story? Peter: I meant noe. He is one of Peter's fears. "Friday, tell Bruce to meet us in the med bay ASAP. "No, Peter." 293 Favourites. Please consider turning it on! Peter Parker has His whole family has died besides his Aunt May. Peter comes out without meaning to. "Do you want me to leave?" What Does Ear Biting Mean, Hell, hed love it if Flash would remember, and that was a bad sign. It was located only a winteriron + assasin twins. Peter nodded, letting out a shaky sigh and grasping the gowns edges with his fingertips before slipping it on.~(Okay, so I lost a lot of inspiration for this one shot so sorry if it ends stupid, I didn't know how to continue it. Or: Four times Tony Stark saw his baby brother, Peter, and the one time he did something about it. 10. 'You are the mouse to my cat.' Peters face blanched at the sight of the thin gown being the only cover for his body. Ned smirked as Peter lightly dropped his head onto the desk and made a small frustrated groan. #watty2019. Dedicated to meowisnow; by MoonyRulz Follow. She had never mentioned homework, as usual, and the normal punishment for not doing so was isolation or having your next work being severally downgraded. Other people take advantage of Tony. said an also laughing Clint. In the end Ned had to occasionally nudge his friend on the long walk to make sure he wasn't about to drop to the floor from exhaustion. "Not when you're just a toy anyway"Peters heart stopped. '' Warning: Sad, arguing, crying, angst, fluff [Trigger Warning of Parents Arguing] Is there any hope left at all, or are some of the growing cracks now truly irreparable? ), (However, the girls' parents seem to still like him and are sad that their daughters chose popularity over him.). Not until you're begging for me." And he's suicidal. However, she secretly cries about doing it. 51 Comments. Peter: *noe. When Peter fights back against his foster father, Skip Westcott, he and his foster siblings end up at Avengers Tower, Peter has to figure out how to hide his nightly activities and Tony needs to figure out just why this teenager and his dead son have so much in common. (Still, he doesn't want to let Greg keep mistreating Mary Jane and he feels like he should do something but she wanted him to stay out of it and he has to.). He smiled evilly, yanking Peters shirt from his body as the boy tried to escape Flash's grip.With Peters shirt now off, Flash roamed the innocent boys body with his hands, pinching and twisting his nipples. He goes to the tower because it's the only place he can think of. )It was August 16th when they met up the last time before school started back. Romance Thriller Girl Game Love Gang I want her, he says in a deep voice, causing me to shiver. Thank you for your time! ). He didn't expect what he saw. said a protesting Wanda, earning nods from her teammates. #brucebanner No one whispered about what had just happened, only feeling pity towards Peter. Pepper Potts (47 Years Old): She is an abusive adoptive mother to Peter and insults him. ", Superfamily - Why Must It All Come Rushing Back, Loki/Thor - I'll Always Be Here For You, Brother. When Peter fights back against his foster father, Skip Westcott, he and his foster siblings end up at Avengers Tower, Peter has to figure out how to hide his nightly activities and Tony needs to figure out just why this teenager and his dead son have so much in common. Nothing makes life worth living anymore. "It will only hurt if you resist. "No..no no no. Eucerin Original Healing Creme 16 Oz, "Peter, I know you want to help me but it's not worth it." Spider-Man just happens to be a thorn in the sides of certain people whose (not entirely legal) dealings he continuously interferes with. "I don't want to be alone..if he comes back." Don't come back. peter parker is also a little angst filled gremlin. Spoilers for Civil War and major spoilers for Spider-Man: Homecoming. Tony's heart dropped to his stomach.Oh god, oh god, OH GOD. Making his way gingerly to the hallway from the office he had climbed into, he asked Friday where Mr. Stark was, taking his mask off. He needs them - He doesn't want to admit it, but he does. Pepper and the Avengers glare at the bullies, they might be rough on Peter but they hate the idea of him getting bullied. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. His class finds out.And other Marvel oneshots! Peter? Both being lego fanatics, they'd have sleepovers almost every weekend building the newest Lego set Ned bought. He continued his trip to the tower.~~~He stepped through the now open window, pain pushing through him. Work Search: Peter Parker's mother and step-father dies, the only family left to take Peter in are his step-father's brother and sister-in-law.. but only a few months after Peter is taken in by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, misfortune befalls them as well, Ben and May are killed in a mugging. Peter exhaled softly, looking up at Flash from his place in his lap, shiny eyes flitting over Flash's face, waiting. The Avengers, especially Natasha, Bucky, Steve and Wanda, treat Peter as their little brother, and protect him as much as they can. Tell him it's Peter." Fan Truss Wikipedia, When they crash in an uninhabited part of the space, the fortunes change for them Dead Heat. Even if its just Flash. The students were forced to put up with her as whenever complained the hag would manipulate the headteacher into believing the teenager was in the wrong. Last Updated: 2021-02-23. The girls smiled, glad that he knows to be grateful. Tony dismisses Peter's idea and formula thinking that because he's the grown-up he automatically knows more and knows better. Everything's going to be okay." Biting Peters neck again, he moved his hands under Peters shirt, running his palms along the smooth, innocent skin.Peter was starting to shake in fear. Was he real? "What kind of shitty name is that?" Tony watches Peters chest rise and fall with slow, even breaths.He would get through it. "I know kiddo, it's only for a few days, okay? Peter and Skip were frequently alone at Skip's housewhile Skip's mother was at work, and one evening Skip showed Peter some pornography, then suggested that they "conduct a little experiment" and "touch each other like the people in that magazine." Chapter 1 14.7K 351 73. by watevin7777. "I gotcha, kid. Making his way down the street, he pulled his web shooters and mask from his bag, slipping them on. The Avengers. He wasn't immune to her bullying, occasionally having homophobic slurs thrown. She is hated by the family for this. His body ached. Please no"Sweetheart, shh, I know..I love you so much. mentalhealth. Peter nodded best he could while he lost his breath."Good." Hes your typical nerd in High School He likes Star Wars, he has a horrid sleep schedule, and lacks any social life. thought an also worried Mary Jane. A warm breeze combed through his hair, and birds flew around, chirping, both sure signs that winter was backing off and spring was on its way. Literature Text. After Peter lost everything when Doctor Strange's spell went wrong, he didn't think he had anything else to lose. (Venom, Constantine, Blue Beetle) Peter then decides to help everyone through their trauma.I take requests for certain interactions if I can fit them in :)). Popular: 'The Thing About Falling in Love', 'Of Drugs and Cuts', 'Thanks to a Cheater' Gen and slash are fine length doesn't matter. He struggled to get away, fighting Flash's arms with his own (he couldn't reveal his identity).But Flash didn't retaliate. He felt shaky, weak. Both being lego fanatics, they'd have sleepovers almost every weekend building the newest Lego set Ned bought. Peter was unlucky enough to have her for most of his classes and was forced to put up with her existence. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. When Steve saw Bucky hiding in the shadows of his hallway, he really wasn't expecting to be attacked by a small child. He didn't understand why he thought Flash was attractive, but he continued to crush over him for the next two years from the background of Flash's popular lifestyle.~~~During 8th grade, Peter was approached by Flash. Telefon: +40 21 212 86 07 Find out as the story continues! Power Rangers Avatar Charge Power Rangers Cosmic Fury: Legendary Rangers' Grand Battle feat. (Our story starts with Peter sitting on a rooftop and in the rain but looks emotionless and upset.). I WAS GOING TO POST IT SOONER BUT THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M LETTING THIS OUT DURING/NEAR PRIDE MONTH. Spider-Man should be above it all, should be able to cope better. After a run-in with a certain Asgardian prince, a girl with darkness manipulation powers finds herself living with the Avengers. Only a curtain was separating them. He never expects to find his Mentor, who he hasn't seen all week, to be as disagreeable and unstable as he's ever seen him before. They were currently talking about their relationship on Flash's couch, Flash kissing a different part of Peters face every few minutes."Flash?" Percy is abused he has been for years nobody knows the only person who did Gabe killed it was Sally Jackson that's why Percy beloved the best people have the worst luck when Gabe goes a little to far and closes up Percy's windpipe to where he can on #lmao. The boy looked up at him, his eyes lost, a darkness covering them. "Yes, boss." LOKI BABYSITS PETEY (+ EVERYONE ELSE I GUESS), THE LEVEL RED INTERNS (Slight Spideypool), 5 TIMES PETER HELPED THE AVENGERS (+1 TIME THEY HELPED HIM), LIFE GOES ON WITHOUT THEM [ENDGAME SPOILERS], A GHOST OF THE PAST [+ A/N ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END], CONFINED TO A WHEELCHAIR (FOR LIKE A FEW WEEKS, CHILL), LET ME FALL (REQUESTED PART TWO) [TRIGGER WARNING], IS THE NEW ARM THAT NOTICEABLE? When she was six mon. What will happen when the Avengers enter Peters life? When Tony returned, it was to the news that his son had been killed when a fire had broken out in the foster home and only the neglectful caretakers survived the blaze. With Peter and Bucky almost entirely out of will and fight, Steve and Tony must find a way to keep their teammate's heads afloat while struggling through their own fears and misgivings. Peter Parker has been through the mill but he knows he just had to adapt, roll with the (many) punches and keep going. The Battle of Earth and Thanos's death was the end of an era, but the world turns on. (this is part 1 of a series btw) <3. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I dont wanna. Even Flash winced for his mate. One shots of my favorite superheroes. Peter was once again sucked into another place, appearing in a wormhole-like portal that flashed in different hues. They weren't really comprehensible by Peter's human mind. #ironman Tony halted where he was, hearing the change in volume as the water rained down on the shower floor instead of Peter. Not his Pete, not his kid! There were few people in the world who could relate to a superhero kid losing hiswellsuperhero. "Pl-please, don't come a-any closer. "Peter tried to get away as fast he could but the pain was insufferable. The AI replied as the elevator made its way there.When the two got there, Bruce was standing ready, waiting. #infinity "Do you want me to help you? Report. Sanctuary Joji Piano Sheet Music, thought an also crying Gwen. Hela remembers being banished by her father and it still breaks her heart. Don't get him wrong, Tony notices the bruises, he just can't help someone who won't tell him what the problem is. Following this, Peter stopped spending time with Skip, and when his Aunt For most of her childhood they regularly trafficked her to the sex industry. This is the readers first Christmas with the team. He's an Avenger and that means protecting the Earth at any cost - even if he has to deal with a certain star-spangled man and his sullen sidekick. This wasn't entirely true, but Peter was too distracted to tell. Until it did.~~~(RAPE BELOW. Peters tears never seemed to end. 'Do you need something, Tiger?' Percy is abused he has been for years nobody knows the only person who did Gabe killed it was Sally Jackson that's why Percy beloved the best people have the worst luck when Gabe goes a little to far and closes up Percy's windpipe to where he can on #lmao. He carefully picked up his kid, making sure he didn't hurt the boy. 'We don't deserve you.' The room was as quiet as a graveyard in the early morning. Every. Hes suffered much more than the average person. Yes, he had the bad Parker luck. #starktower I don't care if it's dark, full of feels, or a hugbox about recovery. That was the only reason he put up with Jeff's crap. However, when your perspective changes, you might know him by a different name. Your homeroom couldnt be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the Avengers. Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join. The Avengers laughed Share via Past Sexual Abuse; brief mentioned violence against trans people; Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro; Avengers Family ; everyone eventually becomes peter's parent ok; LGBTQ Character; Angst with a Happy Ending; Whump; i made this an accidental slow burn i guess; Autistic Peter Parker; Summary!FIC NO LONGER BEING UPDATED!
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