bob lazar: area 51 & flying saucers
This was the scanner used to get in to S-4.". He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now. The article described him as a physicist working at Los Alamos lab which is sort of true, he was clearly an amateur rocket scientist and he did work in the labs, just not as a scientist. He claims that the said facility was adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is located south of the main Area 51 facility at Groom Lake. "Its really difficult to find positive aspects of that.". The basis of Lazar's story was that thanks to his master's degree in physics from MIT and his time working at Los Alamos, he was able to gain work as a US military scientist at a secret facility codenamed S-4, 15 miles south of Area 51. Stream Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers on Netflix now. Testors Area S4 UFO Revealed! Area 51, Bob Lazar and the Alleged Secret Facility Known as S-4 As part of a community that was already at that time fascinated by the legend of Area 51 and the phenomenon of UFO sightings, it doesn't take much of a leap of the imagination to go from back-engineering unknown military technology to otherworldly propulsion systems. This article is more than three years old and was last updated in April 2022. Absolutely not, said Lazar. (Lazar said his element could power alien spacecraft without worrying about gravity.) Bob had always talked about a hand scanner, staff members would place their hand on the device's pins underneath a light. Just big tubes.". In the years after his initial appearance, Lazar largely returned to private life. One thing Lazar's stories did was put the secrets of the NTTR up for scrutiny by the general public. Records obtained through a freedom of information request show the raid was part of a murder investigation to determine whether his company sold thallium to a murder suspect in Michigan. The bright lights would rise above the mountains and begin dancing around in the sky and were seen to be pulling off manoeuvres that would be impossible for any terrestrial craft to perform. ", "A 25 micron search for Vega-like disks around main-sequence stars with ISO", "Why Did the FBI Raid the Home of the Biggest Alien Truther? As you might have guessed, there are plenty of holes in Bob Lazar's story. That's an area of sky the size of Belgium. [3] His story has drawn significant media attention, controversy, supporters, and detractors. Lazar's tales, on the other hand, are almost certainly bogus. Customer reviews: Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers The small "chip" of element 115 was put inside of the system's antimatter reactor, which consists of a plate about 18 inches in square with a half-sphere on top. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went . The whole test range is the size of a small country literally. Would he really have been running a business on the side if he was employed in a secret government project? He then told Corbell, "I can't believe you found a picture of this. Bob Lazar and Friends Filming Test Flight Alien Craft at Area 51 in 1989. AREA 51 (PLAYLIST): RECOMMENDED VIDEO: E-mail Your UFO Footage: Subscribe To The Second Channel: READ THE DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------In March, 1989 Bob Lazar took his friends (Gene Huff and John Lear) to Area 51 (Groom Lake) to see test flights of Alien Crafts (Sports Model). Lazar said officials seemed to be primarily concerned with gaining access to United Nuclears computers. Under the title Sensei, he has also sold instructional videos for an MMA style that involves sport, street, and art that Corbel calls Quantum Jujitsu.. Bob Lazar and Friends Filming Test Flight Alien Craft at Area 51 (1989 The substance has to come from a place where super-heavy elements could have been produced naturally." The documents note that investigators obtained search warrants for a suspect's Google, Yahoo, and Bing search results, and seized computers and other data from a suspect. Journalist Ken Layne states, "A lot of credible people have looked at Lazar's story and rationally concluded that he made it up. In Corbell's film, Lazar admits that he may have been mistaken. He subsequently attended Pierce Junior College in Los Angeles. A whimsically Strangelovian GIF on the sites home page says, Looking for some URANIUM? [b] Inquiry into Lazar's position at the facility, however, revealed his role to have been a technician for a contractor firm, and that he worked neither as a physicist or for Los Alamos. However, electricity isn't the only thing the generator produces. His claims brought additional public attention to Area 51 and fueled conspiracy theories surrounding its classified activities. Conspiracy theorists suggest that Lazar was under government surveillance, and that this is the latest in a decades-long harassment campaign against Lazar by the feds. Though Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers is largely a contemporary retelling of Lazars original story, the police raid on United Nuclear Scientific is central to the film. Man Who Ran Area 51 Claimed They Had Alien Crafts & Non-Human Beings His role at S-4 was to back-engineer the advanced antimatter and gravity wave propulsions systems on one of these nine flying saucers. Area-51 Bob Lazar Posted On: 5 th Sep 2020 Contributor. All have proven extremely radioactive, decaying in a few hundred milliseconds. UFO researchers believe that there's a secret government within our government At Area 51 the government is test-lying alien spacecrat Area 51 is the most secretive spots on the planet and is located on the north-east edge of the Nevada test site and is said to be where numerous top-secret weapon systems have been tested over the years . Chief Dan DeKorte of the Laingsburg Police Departmentwho assisted and was present during the search of United Nuclearsaid based on the information he was provided, the search was related to a homicide investigation, and he had no information on Bob, his film, or Area 51., "Maybe if I run into some one day and find myself in a larger and more well-equipped facility that will come to fruition". Model #576 Kit 1:48 Sealed 1994. It wasn't long before debunkers found holes in Lazar's story. The reason the public even knows the name Area 51 is because Lazar talked about the work he did at the formerly secret military base. In the documentary, Lazar and Corbell discreetly discuss the possibility of Lazar having taken a piece of the mysterious element. The charges stemmed from a 2003 raid on United Nuclear's business offices, where chemical sales records were examined. Bob knew the test flight schedule, on Wednesday nights, when they flew the flying disks that were held at S4. Director Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell Writer Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (a film by) Stars Bob Lazar George Knapp Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell Lazar said he was fired from his job at the clandestine military base because he brought some friends into the desert near Area 51 one evening to surreptitiously watch a saucer being test flown. As he passed a door with a window in it, he saw out of the corner of his eye what he described as "something small with long arms". These connected to "gravity emitters" on the lower level, which can rotate 180 degrees to output a "gravity beam or anti-gravity wave" and that the craft would then travel "belly first" into this distortion field. We had a customer a few years ago that murdered his wife. What is known is that Lazar took an electronics courses at Pierce Junior College, Los Angeles in the late-70s, but claims that he went on to earn a master's degree in physics from MIT, and another in electronic technology from the Caltech. To this day he runs his own company, United Nuclear Scientific Equipment, which sells a various lab chemicals, chemical elements including radioactive ores, and scientific equipment. According to reports written by Michigan State Police Sergeant Detective Thomas Rajala, the events leading up to the search of United Nuclear began in late 2015 with the mysterious death of 31-year-old Janel Struzl. Lazar said that his job was to help with the reverse engineering of one of nine flying saucers, which he alleged were extraterrestrial in origin. Lazar likens this to the work of Nikola Tesla, who first used a coil to transmits power to a fluorescent tube. Lazar and his supporters have been steadfast in saying it was the FBI who spearheaded the search of United Nuclear. [2][8] Friedman asserted, "Quite obviously, if one can go to MIT, one doesn't go to Pierce. He knew Bob Lazar before, during and after he was in the flying disc reverse engineering program at S-4. "It's a unique element. Even if we were able to replicate this technology, the fuel would still evade us. Plus reviews of ghost hunting television shows, and the latest on supernatural movie and documentary releases. Tom Mahood ran a website called Bluefire in the 1990s at the height of Lazar's fame. He eventually opened a business called United Nuclear Scientific, a scientific supplies and equipment store based in New Mexico, and then Michigan (earlier this month, the company announced its moving to Oregon). Indeed, the fact is that Area 51 is actually just one portion of what is titled the Nevada Test and Training Range. But if youre interested in conspiracy theories, you have to check out their newest offering: Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers. The Truth Is Weirder", "In 'Bob Lazar: Area 51' documentary, director investigates UFO whistle-blower's story", "I-Team: UFO Fest means close encounters of a different kind", "New Mexico Company Fined, Ordered To Stop Selling Illegal Fireworks Components", "US v. United Nuclear Scientific Supplies, et al", "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap To Conclusions", Tulli Papyrus (possibly 15th century B.C. Independent In 1989, a physicist blew the whistle on the US government's work on alien spacecrafts at Area 51, shocked the world, and went silent. $149.95 + $12.55 shipping. Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers Season 1 (3,410) 2021TV-PG In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. Described by some as a "UFO whistleblower", Lazar admits that can't definitively support his story with evidence, but he still has plenty of supporters. Bob Lazar Vindicated: Area 51 & Flying Saucers Documentary Review What actually happened on that raid, uncovered in documents obtained by Motherboard using public information requests, doesnt seem to have anything to do with element 115, but the real story is almost as bizarre. Terms Of Use Privacy Policy About Us . [44][45], He said that while walking down a hallway at S-4, he briefly glanced through a door window and saw what he interpreted as two men in lab coats facing down and talking to "something small with long arms". By signing up to the VICE newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications from VICE that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. Alien conspiracy theories and history of Nevada site as Storm Area 51 Facebook event passes 1 million attendees", "Everything you need to know about Area 51", "Alien visitors restore ghost town's spirits", "Conspiracy theorists, UFO hunters among first to flock to Obama's once-secret presidential records", "Bob Lazar and UFOs: a reading (and watching) list", "The Area 51 Raid Is Mercifully Canceled", "Dissecting the Autopsy and Research Features in 'XCOM: Enemy Unknown', "Thing; It Is Copied. By what name was Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers (2018) officially released in India in English? "If I had some, would I reveal it to confirm my accounts? The MSP report indicates that local and state police traveled to several areas in Michigan to conduct interviews. At this point Lazar must have realised how close to jail he was and all he had in his defence was the fact that he'd lied to his friends about the nature of the tests and not actually revealed any government secrets. Free shipping for many products! Why did the FBI raid the home of the biggest alien truther. [40] He explained that the craft was split into two main levels. Of course Lazar claims that records of his academic achievements have been wiped clean by the government in an attempt to discredit him, but Lazar has also failed to correctly name any professors working at the universities at the time he said he was there. Remember those strange glowing lights in the sky over Groom Lake caused by a proton beam? The installation has been the. To date, theres never been any tangible evidence proving Lazar ever set foot inside Area 51, much less worked on alien spaceships or obtained any mysterious elements. On United Nuclear Scientifics website, along with five-gallon buckets of Aerogel, customers can buy prints of Lazars sketches of flying saucers or custom element 115 Lazarium coffee mugs. The fact he doesn't have the qualifications or experience he claims to may sound trivial compared to his much grander claims of working on classified government projects and encountering alien technology, but these lies about his past raises a valid question - can we believe these elaborate stories of secret bases when they come from a man with a proven history of exaggeration and deceit? His assertions have been analyzed and rejected by skeptics and some ufologists, although he retains a following of supporters. [41], Lazar has claimed that during his joining the program, he read briefing documents describing the historical involvement of Earth for the past 10,000 years with extraterrestrial beings described as grey aliens from a planet orbiting the twin binary star system Zeta Reticuli. Mind-controlled, maybe. [2][3][4] He filed for bankruptcy in 1986, where he described himself as a self-employed film processor. Thallium is most often used in the manufacture of electronics, as well as in glass manufacturing and the pharmaceutical industry. They look like a couple 55-gallon drums stuck on top of one another. Lazar told me that, during that raid, hed heard some members of the SWAT team say this is total bullshitits nothing like they told us in the briefing. Lazar has no evidence of alien life or technology. He was part of a team that was assigned to back-engineer alien vehicles. Bob Lazar Area 51 - Etsy (7:00), Lazar alleges his employer at S4 was the US Navy. Lazar is not specifically listed as a suspect in the murder in the police documents. They indicated they had computer experts there who wanted access to all the computers, which I freely gave them.. Corbells film will explore Lazars groundbreaking claims and the devastating impact it has had on his life over the course of the last thirty years, including rare and never before revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.
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