c3po tier 7 no logray
no Logray for me. Literally, I don't think any of my ewoks can actually survive it. STAR WARS & TM document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Modded Chirpa, Paploo, Elder for Survivability. His unique boosts it by 25%, so with very fast mods, he is one of the fastest characters in the game, despite having one of the slowest base speeds. You really want all 3 to get the most out of Chirpa's zeta, Logray's Hypnotize - 100% TM drain is never bad, but 70% is already pretty good. Thanks for this! My order attack -> Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia/This guy with taunt, R2-D2, C-3PO. Paploo's zeta was the key for me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Edit: should be an order of magnitude easier if you have Wicket, could sub in for Scout or Teebo, probably keep Teebo, since he can be lower gear and his TM boost and removal is handy. My team is similar to the one I used in the previous video, where I unlocked C3P0 at 6 stars. Contents. In my configuration, zetas seems essential cause I'm undergeared! The buff spreading abilities of the other Ewoks can refill his health in the blink of an eye, and he already has high base health and defense. Cookie Notice The gear was However, I now have another great team for all aspects of the game and the golden god himself. Best post ever done. Beating Tier 5 C3PO Event (No Wicket & No Logray) - YouTube Chirpa, Logray, Wicket, Paploo are all 5 star. Les meilleures offres pour Topps Star Wars Digital Card Trader Tier 9 Heritage C-3PO S5 Variant - 77 cc sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spcificits des produits neufs et d 'occasion Pleins d 'articles en livraison gratuite! Where are the details? I'll give more tries tonight, and probably this week end, but it looks achievable, I'm confident! 65,716 views Dec 20, 2018 Gear levels and mods are at the end of the video. R2 is insanely tanky. Always the 1 or 2 toons you dont have are the ones you need! If you want more information on them, come and join us at the Murderbears Discord server. What you do not want to happen in the opening round of enemy turns: 2) Point 1 was a lie if you don't mod well, Protection Primary Triangle, Circle, Cross, 2x Critical Chance Set and Health Set or Critical Chance Set and Critical Damage Set, Critical Chance or Critical Damage Primary Triangle, Paploo / Elder, Elder / Paploo, Wicket, Logray, Chief Chirpa, Chewbacca, Tank, Han Solo, Endor Leia, R2, C-3PO, https://wiki.swgoh.help/index.php?title=Contact_Protocol&oldid=36865. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. There are no counters except the tanks buff. This is the team that I ran in arena right through most of the Traya meta, and it's the lineup I used to beat Revan a while back. Sometimes people aren't hit by R2s stealth. If everyone is stealthed restart. Originally tried doing it with a G11 Scout instead of Teebo, but Teebo ended up being surprisingly important -- his dispel helps keep the soldier's taunt down and his TM reduction helps a ton with stopping Han and Chewie from taking turns. I tried to kill Leia third, but she stealths herself too often. Chief Chirpa Zeta not necessary but recommended. Star Wars Collectors Archive The optimal lineup for most battles is Chirpa lead, Wicket, Logray, Paploo and Elder. Within 5 attempts of changing him from speed to damage I had it done. For more information, please see our I actually managed some runs where I killed the trooper while chewie was stealthed and made some headway but restarting is probably faster overall. You have plenty of time before event comes backget logray he is key to them being good in tw and ga. I have this team ranging from 8 to 12 and get killed in just a few turns. today in the morning i came home at arround 5am and was to drunk to do my dailys so i woke up at 11 am and did my dailys. If they go in succession someone is going to die. It's worth noting, though, that both of these gain a ton of Health through G12 gear. G10 zChirpa and Logray, G11 Elder, Scout, and zPaploo. - YouTube 0:00 / 9:44 C3PO Final Tier - No Wicket, No Logray! C3PO Event Ewok Squad by Gold Leader SWGOH.GG C3PO's mass assist is pure murder when everyone has translation. If everyone but Han is stealthed, put in work and keep his TM down. Paploo does absolutely no damage he's there to soak damage and for utility. So I'm guessing Paploo basic hits to get rid of the Taunt. G12 EE did it for me. i chose to resart the event everytime chewie or han or both were under R2s invis, because my main focus was to kill chewie first. Speed (in brackets) and mods 1) Wicket - CC/CD (239) (1 crit chance primary and 1 Protection primary) (CC at 73%) Crit chance is essential to give TM to allies with his special and restore health and protection with unique Zeta Chirpa - G9 . Once han and chewie are dead I felt very comfortable: they had lost probably 70% of their offense and I won first try once I passed that milestone. There are inconsistencies with every attempt that makes this more RNG based. I saw the G9 and was filled with hope, then you crushed me with your triple zetas haha. This feels familiar) Hope this provides some clarity and prevents senseless paploo and wicket zetas! labradorite effets ngatifs; activit typiquement franaise; . Then it was just a game of keeping everyones TM down while I chipped away at them. by . Only took about 250 tries and I almost quit the game entirely. sometimes R2 doesnt stealth. flammes jumelles signes runion; plaine commune habitat logement disponible; gestion de stock avec alerte excel Thanks! The other 3 zetas are all passive healing effects, and all have their individual merits, and can be applied in any order depending on how you want to use them: 2 of the Ewoks in particular are most effective at high gear levels: Elder and Wicket. You don't need Chirpa or Logray if you have the others geared high enough. You may have noticed by now that Ewoks are looking for a specific turn order. Sign in or register to get started. This team, with good mods and a little luck, can beat any other team in arena, and holds very well on defence in TW. Welcome to Meat City Gaming! A typical opening turn, with the optimal Ewok team, looks like this: So, in conclusion, Ewoks are fast, snowballing death machines that are damn hard to kill. Dimension: 31.5" (L) x 12.6" (W) x 36.2" (H). Also, he has a chance to get a bonus turn, which can be used to call Elder to assist, stealthing both of them and giving another chance for Elder to spread TM, By this point, things are looking crazy. I am just a bit worried I won't get him 7 star in time (for the next event), so wondered what alternate lineups I can use? Paploo - dispel tank, call assist scout, keep taunt up. Paploo's zeta was the key for me. I decided to stick with my account and to stick in my shard. Yes it can be done. 85 54 % Teebo Speed: 181.0 . Once he's down hopefully you can target han. my best trys were always 2 of enemy team down and then i got annihalted. Restart everytime chewie is invis at the beginning or ur EE got 1 shot. :(. The Max. I did it with g11 chirpa, wicket, scout, g12 EE, g10 teebo. Scout had Greedos, which is +106. i tryed to kill chewie first, then i tryed to kill han first, then i tryed to kill the tank gguy first. How to Beat Contact Protocol C3PO Ewok Event Guide Tier 7 SWGOH RaiderOne 102 subscribers 8.7K views 1 year ago Playing Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on BlueStacks @ 60 FPS, 1080P Support us on. I did move some of my arena mods but couldn't move my best because of the lack of G12. Logray and Chirpa both play more supportive roles, so they're your last priority for gear. SWGoH: Best Mods for Logray - Gaming-fans.com . Sometimes people arent hit by R2s stealth. C3PO Final Tier - No Wicket, No Logray! - YouTube Logray, believing Threepio a god, ordered Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca to be cooked as a sacrifice to their "god." The three were freed after . Kmplett in Speyer | eBay Kleinanzeigen Now it's not that simple: it's not just rebels go, then ewoks, but it feels that way when the tm train is running. Even chirpa's basic is pretty weak sauce, especially at low gear. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Fun event, perfect balance of fun and hard IMO. Yes, https://swgoh.gg/squads/63034/ (had much better mods on at the time), https://swgoh.gg/p/523285783/characters/c-3po, but be prepared to loose your sanity. The others are almost as bad as they all want the same energy. I'm running a G11 squad and am having trouble targeting Han since that tank seems to have some kind of Kenobi auto-taunt whenever I hit Han too hard. Wicket: use Wickets special on Elder to keep him stealthed, Teebo: if you're going to town on a toon, and Teebo has stealth and another enemy has almost full TM, switch targets and have Teebo take it out. correct. I used g9 zchirpa, g8 teebo, g11 wicket/paploo/elder though in retrospect it seems very possible with a bit less gear on the last three. Now, Wicket, Chirpa, and Elder are all at 100% TM. Bahumat29 4 yr. ago. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you get turns between enemy attacks you have a chance to heal and cleanse exposes. this was really frustrating so i decided to go to bed and play again when i wake up. Check out info below on how to contact my personal expert on full roster modding!I hope you enjoy the video and if you did. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. So you have to survive that first wave of attacks with elder and 3 other ewoks alive and ideally chewie out of stealth. How to Beat Contact Protocol C3PO Ewok Event Guide Tier 7 SWGOH Expect to zeta a few if you want 7*, though. Average speed increase was +80ish, Paploo being the fastest and as much health as possible on him and Elder. C-3PO . I dont know if I can get them all to G12 this time, itll be close. Han and Leos are the next targets, but I ended up taking out 3-PO about halfway and not at the end. Sometimes referred to as Threepio, he was fluent in over six million forms of communication, and developed a fussy and worry-prone personality throughout his many decades of operation. Sometimes the tank doesnt taunt. Always target trooper over r2 if possible until the end. you can sub in scout for logray or teebo even for logray but without wicket you need more gear on everyone. 174 Attempts! Revive whoever is dead and start your tm train. how many tries? since all hope was lost i meet some freinds and got really drunk. I had him hitting for 20k crits. All of this is before most arena teams have taken a turn. There are no counters except the tanks buff. piccole SUCCO DI FRUTTA BUSTA IN LEGNO . I am confortable when i hit arena rank 50 and i am just a casual player. and our Just had to restart until no one died and elder could heal them all. In pvp it's critical to get that tm train started with a certain turn order etc. Pretty much a game of trying to keep pap and teebo alive to do cleanses. Legendary C3P0 - Defeat Tier 7 with Gear 9 Ewoks. Wicket took Hans set, which had a 6-E crit damage and enough CC to 75% (crit chance on basic takes him to 100%). Again, his speed should at least match Paploo's, Elder - Speed + Health sets, Health primary on Circle, Cross and Triangle. My G12+5 Paploo, with +146 Speed mods, takes his first turn at 332 Speed. 85 57 % Paploo Speed: 173.0. LEGO the Ninjago Movie 70632 Cole's Donner-MECH Nuovo/Scatola Originale, Lamborghini Gallardo GT3 FL2 Anno 2013 Opaco Grigio 1:18 Autoart, SST 60020 Rear Lower Suspension Arm for HSP Himoto Amax Sst 1:8, LEGO Star Wars personaggio SILVER Protocol Droid u-3po MINI PERSONAGGIO c-3po Argento Nuovo. sometimes R2 doesn't stealth. I managed t7 without paploo, but had logray (zchirp, wicket, logray, scout, elder, all g11). Speed at least as high as Paploo. i started playing 00:00 am german time and ended 6am in the morning with still no 7* c3po. Woohooo! If you have the option try to tmr targets that have tm similar to another enemy. https://wiki.swgoh.help/index.php?title=A_Quickish_Guide_To_Murder_Bears&oldid=13720, Logray's Prophetic Visions - Starting everyone with Offence Up and Advantage makes that opening barrage so much more deadly, Wicket's Forest Ambush - An extra 25% TM for everyone is amazing, the -1 cooldown is just icing on the cake, Chirpa's Tribal Unity - A ton more damage from the assists, Paploo, Logray and Wicket's basics - All pretty much as important as each other, they're very similar effects anyway. Have you dont a write up on how you did it? i just gave this event another try and i bet it first try this morning. No regrets, been planning on gearing/zeta'ing murderbears for TW and GA anyway. Can this be done with Chirpa, Scout, Paploo, Elder and Teebo? SWGOH Link for referencing mod sets in more detail: https://swgoh.gg/p/438694522/. It was pretty tough because the taunt auto triggers when someone loses protection, and with only a single source of debuffing, the soldier must die soon while chewie and han tear your ewoks apart. Hopefully I can get a 7 star C3PO this next time around.Thanks for watching! It is possible to kill Chewie first.. That's the only way I ended up beating it without Logray. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Office No.042-37245953 Ali Akbar 0300-4103013 info@maccatraders.com. Contact Protocol - SWGoH Help Wiki Paploo goes first. Then Chirpa Tribal Unity on Chewie? If everyone but Han is stealthed, put in work and keep his TM down. Oh shit! Since you have teebo instead of logray you also have 1 source of debuffing, but you're trading daze and offense up/ten up for tm removal and gain. Logray - G11 . 85 58 % . The enemy gets an incredible opening salvo, then you get to run the Ewok TM death train until it breaks, then they get to wallop you again. Once I had defeated Chewie, everything became much easier and it was relatively smooth (but exciting!) HOMIDEC Shoe Rack, 6 Tier Shoe Storag | Furniture | ksl.com I also took out chewie first. Press J to jump to the feed. Food Products / Fast Food / Premiums: Revenge of the Sith : Burger King ___ Yoda Face Hat (With Ears) Food Products / Ice Cream / Premiums : Nestl ___ Anakin (Lightsaber In Front) Sticker Even when it was him and C3PO my entire squad barely made a dent with a mass assist. the next 7 hours i tryed to win this event but it wasnt possible for me. Also, the only Zeta is on Chirpa. .more. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. At first I had Paploo with the fastest mod set from Thrawn (+120ish) but switched to Bossks which had double protection and +98 speed. Spent about an hour on attempts. Lokal. I think this may have been the first time I tried recording SWGoH gameplay with commentary,. Einfach. 2.1 Leia; 2.2 Clone Trooper; 3 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Scavenger; 4 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Scoundrel. I used zchirpa, teebo, zwicket, scout, EE. So far, we've completely ignored Chirpa's lead: any of these Specials can call someone to assist, giving even more TM and more damage. If you managed to kill someone then each successive "turn" gets easier. just got 7* with no wicket. Left droids for last and kept EE stealthed with wicket. zChirpa is essential to a strong Ewok team. Much like Resistance Trooper, Scout gains a ton of TM, so he doesn't need any Speed, Teebo - Slightly slower than Paploo, with as much Potency as possible. C-3PO (See-Threepio) was a 3PO-series protocol droid designed to interact with organics, programmed primarily for etiquette and protocol. Enjoy!If you have any questions, or if you would like to contact me feel free to email meatcitygaming@gmail.com.You can also contact me on Discord \"JDiesel (JD)#8360\"SWGOH official forums - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.comSWGOH official Reddit forum - https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroesIntro/Outro Music: Sweet Self Satisfaction by RoccoW I think this may have been the first time I tried recording SWGoH gameplay with commentary, so I realize that this video is probably longer than it needs to be with my slow-paced and mostly unnecessary commentary. This team, with good mods and a little luck, can beat any other team in arena, and holds very well on defence in TW. I had to take Wicket to G12 and Scout to G10 as well as zeta both Wicket and Paploo. This is the team that I ran in arena right through most of the Traya meta, and it's the lineup I used to beat Revan a while back. Expect to zeta a few if you want 7*, though. 6 Tier Shoe RackHOMIDEC 24 Pair shoe rack provides a large space to store shoes, toys or handbags, etc.It can help you save more space. I think that'll require a stable full of horseshoes to pull off. Another element of RNG. Regardless, this is a very effective zeta for shorter battles like in Arena and TW. Still lots of time before this comes back around. But realize that each enemy you kill drops the enemy team's power *dramatically*. - Speed Hey reddit my name is Panda and i am from Germany. All G11. he's the dengar, not Logray. my killorder was and thats best in my opinion if u dont have logray or wicket: Chewie>Han>tank guy> leia> since r2d2 was invis i did c3po next>r2d2, i used my arena mods and i went with EE as fastest and then Chief Chirpa . Where are you, comment? Hope this helps or gives hope to those also without Logray to show it actually can be done. Teebo removes tm when he has stealth. Is that right, or am I missing something? eBay Kleinanzeigen: Kmplett, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt in Speyer finden oder inserieren! If you can kill chewie you've got a shot. Likewise I didn't go fast paploo, at least not so fast it tanked his survivability. In this video I walkthrough tier 7 of. c3po tier 7 no logray - s52306.gridserver.com Its a money maker you can beat it but depends heavily on rng. Ive got the same team but Im still gearing. Took me about 15-20 tries. Damn thats some well equipped bears! If you beat it using one or both of them you are kinda missing the point. Paploo dispels. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://swgoh.gg/p/523285783/characters/c-3po. I have those all 7* and Logray and Wicket are still 3* and 2* respectively. SWGOH C3PO Event: 7 Star Guide with NO Logray! - YouTube Wicket and Logray may replace the ewok scout. Chirpa is Stunned and my attacks start. 1. Nice pic. C3PO Final Tier - No Wicket, No Logray! SWGOH // Legendary C3P0 - Defeat Tier 7 with Gear 9 Ewoks Overview Contact Protocol is a Legendary Event that requires 5 Ewok characters to go through 7 Tiers in order to unlock C-3PO. I tried at first with zChirpa and Scout G9, and Wicket, Paploo and Ewok Elder at G11 (no zetas). You can beat 7T C-3PO event with G9 Ewoks : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes - reddit The pap zeta may or may not be required. Need help with your mods in SWGoH? nothing. Elder can hide behind stealth and revive everyone else, so he wants plenty of health to prevent him dying to an AoE attack. Yes, this is the squad I used (see my other post in this thread), but be prepared, it will test your resolve. Why have you gone away? At one point during the war, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO were brought to the tribe. This recording is quite old, since the last time the C3PO event rolled around was back in early June. I did it without chirpa and paploo but man, without the extra dispels from logray it would be tough. Logray gains 10% TM from Paploo's ability, then 20% from Chirpa's lead, and is now at full TM, Logray uses Prophetic Visions, giving all Ewoks 20% TM, Foresight, Offence Up and Advantage. Logray dispels the Endor Rebel Commando and my offensive focus is on Chewbacca who is dazed. I think you could get it done subbing in Scout for Logray. What gear levels? Completing this battle earns 100 shards of C3P0 so you can promote him to 7 stars. But if you take the time to dispel a translation here or there, it makes it much more survivable especially if chewie is dead. You think its also achieveble without Zeta on wicket? Privacy Policy. Getting their gear up enough to survive the initial assault helps. My MVPs were Paplop and Teebo. That doesn't mean sometimes elder shouldn't heal, paploo shouldn't dispel, etc but if you are debating it, make elder use basic, get that tm! I see Logray only drops from one of the stores, but he's rarely there! Most of my runs were like that. U can make it. Avoid using him if at all possible: single-target TM removal is his only real skill, and that usually proves fairly useless outside of raids. 85 54 % Ewok Elder Speed: 208.0. Then Logray Prophetic Visions to put up TM and Foresight? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Based off the site SWGoH Events, I know that this event will be coming back sometime soon, so please stay tuned for when I cover this event again. Awesome.. thanks for the hope! I had my arena/raid mods on them too, with +100 speed etc. Even when I was murdering han and chewie it was worth using tmr on rebels who were close to full and removing translation and other buffs on other toons because the damage was negligible. My Minimalist Guide to 7* C3PO without logray AND paploo (and NO G12) Around +100-115 speed mods on everyone. You probably also want to restart at any point if: Cookies help us deliver our services. https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/244510/forum-faq-by-the-players-for-the-players#latest. Logray is not needed here. 100% the trick here is Turn Meter Management. my slowest was ewok scout but he had my best attack mods on him, Speed: EE(+121), ZChief Chirpa(+115), ZPaploo(+103), Teebo(+101), Ewok Scout(+87), Gear: EE G12, zCC G11, zPaploo G10, Teebo G9, Ewok Scout G11. Did it with Chirpa (G12,L), Paploo (G11), Scout (G12), EE (G11), Teebo (G9), I did it with zChirpa (11+0), Paploo (11+3), Ewok Scout (11+4), Ewok Elder (11+5), Wicket (11+2). 1.1 Luke Skywalker; 2 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Hero. Not only is he very easy to gear until around G10, but his percentage based healing means that more health makes him much harder to kill. Tips and tricks for C3PO with Logray without Logray It was pretty tough because the taunt auto triggers when someone loses protection, and with only a single source of debuffing, the soldier must die soon while chewie and han tear your ewoks apart. Good luck and may the Shiny Ewok God be with all of you, Scan this QR code to download the app now. My tip: Lots of people recommending you keep Elder stealthed with Wicket's assist, and while that's usually a good idea, don't be afraid to use Wicket to call Teebo to assist if you can stop a 90% TM Han from taking a turn. Will take a lot of gear without wicket because he's like half your damage output, and his assists keep elder stealthed. Also, remember to throw a potency set and cross on Teebo to help him land his TM reductions. I managed t7 without paploo, but had logray (zchirp, wicket, logray, scout, elder, all g11). Any Omegas after that are mostly just extra damage. what i try to say: it took me about 13 hours of not having a single chance. I have completed Tier 6 with below and now waiting for the last few shards on Elder and Paploo to attempt Tier 7 . Chirpa - mass attack the right target, buff, auto Scout - attack targets, special when avail Teebo - give everyone TM, dispel for TM removal, auto for Tm removal. Do not save them to attack Chewie, just get the tm train going. Crit Chance and Damage on Scout since he's the DPS (lol) though his turn meter removal on basic is key. Once both Chewie and Han are down it gets a lot easier. If elder dies just restart. In this video I walkthrough tier 7 of the Contact Protocol Legendary Battle for C3P0. xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m. Well, doesnt matter how hard i try, i dont even get close of taking out 1 heroits absurd. This recording is quite old, since the last time the C3PO event rolled around was back in early June. Kill order is chewie, han, trooper, then who cares you've won but I did leia because r2 is incredibly tanky this event. It took a good amount of tries (30-40 maybe) but I finally got the right RNG, so you can for sure too! When modded correctly, they have one of the fastest, most explosive openings of any team. SWGOH - C3-PO 7 Stars Tutorial - With G9 Teebo! C3PO Event - SWGOH Tips zCC (L) g9, EE g8, Wicket 5* g7, Logray 5* g7, Paploo g8. Logray Speed: 202.0. Takara Tomy STAR WARS The Force Awakens 12 inch FIGURE BB-8 & C-3PO It can also raise, this can save you so dont waste it. I am still missing logray and wicket 7* so i read a lot of guides and watched a lot of youtube videos to prepare myself. Note he has decent speed but he has plenty of health/prot and over 50% armor. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. I had to target the Taunter a lot at first, and my best advice for strategy is this: DO NOT HOLD BACK WITH USING SPECIALS. c3po By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Remember this for next event! But none of this advice matters without context. SWGoH: Contact Protocol C-3PO Event Live Blog - Gaming-fans.com Once your TM train is over, you get overrun. Can C3PO be done without Logray? : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes - reddit
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