clg 0010 dod governmentwide commercial purchase card overview exam


Reduced Invoicing Costs Purchasing items or extra quantity of items for resale or to give away to relatives. What are three examples of misuse of the governmentwide commercial Purchase card? B. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Term 1 / 23 Which of the following is a cardholder responsibility in the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program? These procedures will address requirements related to which three of the following? View more. The manager of the Danvers-Hilton Resort Hotel stated that the mean guest bill for a weekend is $600\$ 600$600 or less. &\textbf{2013}&\textbf{2012}\\ 10 United States Code 2784 requires specific corrective actions for Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program violations, What is the artificial intelligence Data Mining platform that automatically analyzes the DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk transactions, Authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card include (select three), a. CLG 0010: DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview: Online Training (OLT) N/A: N/A: 4: 02-Jun-2020: CLG 006 : Certifying Officer Legislation Training for Purchase Card Payments: Online Training (OLT) N/A: N/A: 1: 05-Nov-2019: Feedback. b. a. C. The Cardholder can request that the bank "stop payment" on a check, The law requires the DoD to recover cost from Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card officials who have used the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card for illegal, improper, or erroneous purchases. Express her total weekly salary algebraically. Several Personnel in your office have been needing new laptops, so this is a good time to take advantage of the increase and purchase 20 laptops at $500 each, for a total price of $10,000, DoD policy allows for governmentwide commercial purchase card billing statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to, Avoid Prompt payment interests -Using Simplified Acquisition Procedures above or below the micro-purchase threshold against Federal Supply Contract vehicles. Which three of the following constitute cardholder fraud? CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam Spring 2022 (100% scored) Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all da. Which of the following are you authorized to. Cardholders may be granted authority to use their Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card accounts to make payments against contracts. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purcha, CLG 001 DoD Government Commercial Purchase Ca, DoD Government Purchase Card Refresher Traini, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Lab 6 - Acid-Fast and Endospore Stain Quiz. C. A new card or checks are issued. yo agree to make the purchase, and the construction company accepts your governmentwide commercial purchase card as the method of purchase. Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions. public notification. Which one of the following is an advantage of using the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Date on which the item/service was ordered. Bryce has prepared the following pro forma financial statements for Hybrid Golf assuming the merger takes place. function of the number of years after 2011, x, According to the most recent data, among workers who are paid at an hourly rate, about _______ percent have jobs that pay at or below the minimum wage. Work in Progress b. Who is responsible for making regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limits? Franklin will pay the entire note (principal and interest) on the notes maturity date. T02.E01, If Commercial, door-to-door shipping is not available for a Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card purchase to be shipped overseas. Quicker Payment What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government or corrupt the Government's . Violating a specific-Use Policy. COM. What are three authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Complete appropriate Training Terms of Use Who is responsible for verifying proof of delivery documentation for all Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card transactions during their monthly transaction review? Smith Concrete Company owns enough ready-mix trucks to deliver up to 100,000 cubic yards of concrete per year (considering each trucks capacity, weather, and distance to each job). Alabama State University. Which three of the following are cardholder considerations before purchase? Is a felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the government CLG Exam 0010.doc - Which of the following terms is defined Date on which the item/service was ordered. T06.E02. Must not be Must be Is occasionally None of these 2. Who is the individual for ensuring the existence . What are three examples of abuse of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government, or corrupt the Government's agents by charge card program officials? Prepare a graph for truck depreciation. What is the Cardholder Statement of Account? What is the highest exchange ratio Birdie should be willing to pay and still undertake the merger? . These procedures will address requirements related to which three of the following? CONCEPTUAL CONNECTION Briefly describe actions that Smith management could take to reduce the truck depreciation cost from year to year. CONCEPTUAL CONNECTION Briefly describe actions that Smith management could take to reduce the total raw materials cost from year to year. DoD policy allows for governmentwide commercial purchase card billing statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to Allow for maximum refunds Decrease penalties for faulty disputes Avoid prompt payment interest Reconcile the monthly statement of account. through 2021. TO1.E01, -Used to make mission-essential Purchases, Who is the individual responsible for ensuring the existence, accuracy, and legality of information on a Managing Account Billing Statement?T01.E04, The Secretary of Defense authorizes an increase in the micro-purchase threshold to $20,000 to support declared contingency operations in Afghanistan. been needing new laptops, so this is a good time to take advantage of the increase and purchase Which three of the following describe the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? How many Cardholder accounts may be rolled up under a Managing Account? Any exams in this course must be passed with a minimum score of 80%. This module was designed to provide individuals with a solid foundation for making Government Purchase Card (GPC) transactions in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Alabama State University. commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an The financial statements include all synergistic benefits from the merger. What are three authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 23 ? using public office for private gain James Madison believed that the Constitution would produce effective government and good policies. The DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) Overview module was designed to help GPC Program participants learn how to make and process GPC transactions in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. b. Agency/Organization Program Coordinator The cost of capital for Hybrid Golf is 12.4%, and the cost of equity is 16.9%. Because they are a potential indicator of misuse, abuse, or fraud, delinquent accounts are subject to what? Which three items describe external fraud? . Must not be Must be Is occasionally None of these Clg 0010 dod governmentwide commercial purchase card. What was Campbells basic earnings per share in 2012 and 2013? T03.E01, Once you establish a good working relationship with a particular supplier, you should make all of your purchases from that supplier. Identify the requirement and ensure it fulfills a mission essential need. Explain. Review and ensure all Cardholder supporting documentation supports the payment. The Government Commercial Purchase Card used as the method of payment for commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. Would he still think so if he saw how the government runs today? Which of the following is an agreement that is not binding solely because the Government representative who made it lacked the authority to enter into that agreement on behalf of the government? DOD policy allows for GCP Card billing statement certification prior to certification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to (select all three that apply). d. Given your calculation in part c, would you buy the additional shares from your broker at$ 73 per share? What is the artificial intelligence Data Mining platform that automatically analyzes Which of the following terms is defined as "the international use of the Government-issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations"? - ANSWER-Reconcile the monthly Statement of, Which of the following is an appropriate circumstance for using a convenience check? -At or below the micro-purchase threshold against Federal Supply Schedule contracts, FedMall, or other ordering systems that are authorized in Component procedures. According to 10 united states code 2784, which two of the following could result from a governmentwide commercial purchase card program violation? Which three of the following are Cardholder. Because they are a potential indicator of misuse, abuse, or fraud, delinquent accounts are subject to what? Semi-Annual Head of activity Reviews///// The Government is not relieved of its obligation to pay for valid transactions made prior to the loss. Gives DoD access to information about what its components buy \text{Other Countries \& Corprate}&\underline{1,535}&\underline{1,572}\\ An unauthorized commitment is an agreement that is not binding solely because the agreement what did you do wrong? A. Explain how this requirement is likely to affect the growth of human \text{United States}&\$\hspace{5pt}8,814&\$\hspace{5pt}8,528\\\ Whose responsibility is it to comply with Government agency Standa. Journalize the companys: One office in an office building has an area of 5,200ft25,200 \mathrm{ft}^25,200ft2. Once you establish a good working relationship with a particular supplier, you should make all of your purchases from that supplier. The Government Commercial Purchase Card _________ used as the method of payment for commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. Description The DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) Overview module was designed to help GPC Program participants learn how to make and process GPC transactions in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Use the vertical axis for depreciation cost and the horizontal axis for cubic yards of cement. B. competition CLG 001. test_prep. Assume that the normal operating range for the company is 90,000 to 96,000 cubic yards per year. 2. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview (Last Modified:29-Nov-2022) Description The DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) Overview module was designed to help GPC Program participants learn how to make and process GPC transactions in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Raw materials (cement, gravel, and so on) cost about$25 per cubic yard of cement. Component Procedures may authorize DOD Governmentwide commercial Purchase Card ordering officers to make purchases up to the simplified acquisition threshold in which three of the following cases? The primary somatosensory area of the cerebral hemispheres is found in the precentral gyrus. Used to make mission-essential purchases. Authorized uses of the Government Commercial Purchase Card include (select three): Which three items describes external fraud? \text{Net income (in thousands)}& \$1,456,091 &\$1,200,472\\ Approving/billing Officer Which of the following is an appropriate circumstance for using a convenience check? Name of the requestor Contract payments Clg 0010 Dod Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card /////////////. T05.E03. (b) Use the graph of f(x)f^{\prime}(x)f(x) to determine where f(x)>0f^{\prime \prime}(x)>0f(x)>0, where f(x)<0f^{\prime \prime}(x)<0f(x)<0, and where f(x)=0f^{\prime \prime}(x)=0f(x)=0. There's a lot here, some of the questions I didn't get to and there's till even more that I haven't seen yet. At 90 days past due, what happens to all Cardholder accounts associated with a Managing Account? Which of the following is an appropriate circumstance for using a convenience check? . What is the artificial intelligence Data Mining platform that automatically analyzes the DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk transactions, Once you establish a good working relationship with a particular supplier, you should make all of your purchases from that supplier. Reduces DoD Operating costs Avoid prompt payment interest, Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures is a consolidation of the previous monthly agency/organization program coordinator reviews. The Cardholder can request that the bank "stop payment" on a check The law requires the DoD to recover cost from Governmentwide Commercial PurchaseCard officials who have used the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card for illegal, improper, or erroneous purchases - ANSWER-True Which of the following is the term for a shipment of supplies or Several personnel in your office have been needing new laptops, so this is a good time to take advantage of the increase and purchase 20 laptops at $500 each, for the price of $10,000. Several personnel in your office have been needing new laptops, so this is a god time to take advantage of the increase and purchase 20 laptops at $500 each, for a total price of $10,000. f(x)=6x2x3(forf(x)=2x34x4), Hearing aids might be effective for treating jurisdiction. Clg 001 test answers - Keep reading to learn more about Clg 001 test answers and how to use it. If transactions not made by the Cardholder appear on the Statement of Account, the Cardholder should dispute them with the card-issuing bank within how man days of the transaction date?T06.E03, The Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card ___________ used as the method of payment for commercial training requests using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement be miscellaneous payment. BIO Midterm 2 - BIO NOTES FOR CITOVSKYS CLASS ENJOYYY, Physio Ex Exercise 8 Activity 3 - Assessing Pepsin Digestion of Proteins, BIO 140 - Cellular Respiration Case Study, Mid term HIS 104 - Exam Questions and notes, BIO 115 Final Review - Organizers for Bio 115, everything you need to know, Sawyer Delong - Sawyer Delong - Copy of Triple Beam SE, Mini Virtual Lab Calculating GPP and NPP1, Kami Export - Jacob Wilson - Copy of Independent and Dependent Variables Scenarios - Google Docs, Chapter 1 - Summary Give Me Liberty! \quad\text{Diluted}& 713,456 &699,012\\ ( c ) Verify that the given f(x)f(x)f(x) has f(x)f^{\prime}(x)f(x) as its derivative, and graph f(x)f(x)f(x) to check your conclusions in part (a). HESI A2 summaries, notes, assignments and practice exams for University. Reduced invoicing costs CLG 001. . \text{Weighted average number of shares outstanding (in thousands)}\\ Chamberlain College of Nursing. ), a. When a merchant does not accept payment by credit card. spending was $2.7 trillion, and it was projected to DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk, support declared contingency operations in Afghanistan. Recovery of cost from Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card officials Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions - ANSWER-True The . Suspected ethics violations should be reported to: Who is responsible for verifying proof of delivery for all governmentwide purchase card transactions during the monthly transaction review? Take this Answer sheet with a grain of salt. : an American History (Eric Foner), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Which of the following is an agreement that is not binding solely because the government representative who made it lacked the authority to enter into that agreement on behalf of the government? a. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam.docx Reconcile the monthly Statement of Account If an item is used in two places in a bill-of-materials, say level 3 and level 4, what low-level code would be assigned to the item? Which three of the following statements about convenience checks are true? the cardholder temporarily loses card privilege's CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview (Last Modified:29-Nov-2022) . In step 10 of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program, what arr three pieces of information that should be included in the Cardholder Purchase Log? After obtaining all necessary approvals, you call the construction company, which advises you that the cost for its services will total $2,400. Defense Acquisition University. Study documents HESI A2 for University - Knoowy Interest penaltiesb. T07.E01, failing to certify Purchase Card Certification Statements" on time price-icon. Which there of the following statements are true? Clg 001 test answers - Math Methods We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. 300. points. CLG 001 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam 100% 1. Bryce believes the current cost of capital for Birdie Golf is 11%. Are used to roll up Cardholder accounts, CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purcha, CLG 0010 DOD GOV. A. -Above or below the micro-purchase threshold against contract vehicles issued for the Component by a Contracting Officer that contain a provision authorizing order and payment by the GPC. Increased data surveillance. -Paying for repairs of privately owned equipment CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam 100%. Funds must be available to cover the check value and the banks processing fee Think of some of the options you have for spending time after school--sports practice, hobby clubs, work, or extra study, for example. A. What is Step 2 of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program process? what are two advantages of the procurement integrated enterprise environment? Defence Acquisition University CLG 0010 Test - Browsegrades CLG0010 Test 100%.pdf - Test Results - Elizabeth Drumm The Government Commercial Purchase Card used as the method of payment for commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. Paying for repairs of privately owned equipmentc. how many days of the billing cycle end date? Ordering Officer purchases and payments, c. Commercial training requirements using the SF-182, Which of the following terms is defined as "the international use of the Government-, issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations"?

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clg 0010 dod governmentwide commercial purchase card overview exam