congressional casework quizlet
b. Earmarks are funds provided by the Congress for specific projects or programs in such a manner that the allocation (a) circumvents a merit-based or competitive allocation process; (b) applies to a very limited number of individuals or entities; or (c) otherwise curtails the ability of the Executive Branch to independently manage the agency budget. In which event was there congressional oversight? b. arguments Congressional Democrats and Republicans could not agree on a budget. b. __________ is a good example of Congressional casework. Creation of majority-minority districts has not increased racial minorities in Congress. c. executive order Which of the following activities would be a good example of congressional casework? A member of Congress helping a constituents with a lost social security check is an example of casework. Furthermore, What is casework Why do members of Congress do it?, Congress members do casework, which means, they troubleshoot for people from their home district or state who request help in dealing with the federal government.Congress members protect the interest of their state or district. d. A legislator does what is in the best interest of his or her party. b. the president In a congressional office, the term casework refers to the response or services that Members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance. Ring-shaped islands that are made up of coral attached to submerged volcanoes are ________. c. conferences b. majority leader The 3 major responsibilities for members of Congress are making laws, doing casework, and helping the District or State. In what year was Congress the least polarized? c. to manage and advise the president on the war c. $200 million Congressional committees are areas of __________ that allow members to develop the expertise to handle complex issues. c. Senate Chair - A member of Congress develops particular expertise on education policy. \text{ Direct labor: } & \$ 211,900 \text{ for 13,000 hours } \\ c. Modern presidents are much more influential in the legislative process than the Framers Each state has __________ senators, each of whom serves a ________-year term. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site The U.S. Constitution is very clear about who can be elected as a member of the House or Senate. In the House of Representatives, who is second in authority to the Speaker of the House? d. seniority within the committee regardless party affiliation d. nine Use left-to-right elimination to solve the system of equations. Congress has five main functions: lawmaking, representing the people, performing oversight, helping constituents, and educating the public. c. Supreme Court Ways and means d. laws \textbf{DEATH VALLEY RESORT}\\ c. deferential d. Speaker of the House, In the House of Representatives, a bill goes to the Rules Committee ________. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. c. according to age These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. However, overall, the lions share of direct campaign contributions in congressional elections comes from individual donors, who are less influential than the political action committees (PACs) that contribute the remainder.13. In the wake of the Citizens United decision, a new type of advocacy group emerged, the super PAC. One challenge to congressional casework is the widely held public perception that Members of Congress can initiate a broad array of actions resulting in a speedy, favorable outcome. c. Political Action Committee Why? helping individual members of their constituency What is hyperpartisanship? Very few challengers have any experience with elections. b. conference \text{Advertising Expense}&\underline{\text{\hspace{16pt}3,600}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{38pt}}}\\ Nevertheless, the pattern of midterm elections benefiting the presidents opposition has persisted.23 Only in exceptional years has this pattern been broken: first in 1998 during President Bill Clintons second term and the Monica Lewinsky scandal, when exit polls indicated most voters opposed the idea of impeaching the president, and then again in 2002, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the ensuing declaration of a war on terror.. What is casework and its importance? c. granting pardons What makes the Iraq War different is that the overwhelming majority of voters had little to no intimate connection with the conflict and were motivated to vote for those who would end it. As the parties have pulled apart ideologically, they also have become more _________ internally. The following information is provided to help congressional caseworkers expedite the servicing of constituent requests for records from the National Personnel Records Center. Which of the following would satisfy the congressional norm of universalism? Register to vote at e. Woodrow Wilson, Congress can remove a president through __________. The structural and other differences between the House and Senate have practical consequences for the way the two chambers function. What is casework why do members of congress do it? What can be inferred from the current demographic composition of the Senate? c. Both Republicans and Democrats have become more moderate. \text{Rent Revenue}&\text{}&\text{\hspace{11pt}80,000}\\ b. credit claiming c. to preside over the Electoral College The public generally tends to distrust Congress. investigations of the executive branch and government agencies by Congress. originally intended. c. Incumbents have no advantage in reelection. A filibuster can be ended through __________; it requires the approval of __________ senators. b. en banc b. Senate Nominations Committee What is casework What purpose does it serve quizlet? Congressional committees on a few subject-matter areas with membership drawn from both houses. We recommend using a Office of Administration b. c. minority leader b. Markup Committee \text{Accounts Payable}&\text{}&\text{\$\hspace{11pt}6,500}\\ But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. e. seniority within the congress. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. requires approval by both houses of Congress (credit: "Lipton sale"/Wikimedia Commons),,, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Explain how fundamental characteristics of the House and Senate shape their elections, Discuss campaign funding and the effects of incumbency in the House and Senate, Analyze the way congressional elections can sometimes become nationalized. a. original intent And congresspersons are hardly reticent about their efforts to support their constituents. c. military tribunals The principle partisan ally of the Speaker of the House or the party's wheel horse in the Senate. Another reason incumbents wield a great advantage over their challengers is the state power they have at their disposal.20 One of the many responsibilities of a sitting congressperson is constituent casework. satisfying constituents and supporting party positions. originally intended. Consider, for example, the role of the Iraq War in bringing about a Democratic rout of the Republicans in the House in 2006 and in the Senate in 2008. $$, Define the following term in a short sentence. d. impeachment Secretary of the Treasury In 1974, who staged a revolt against the congressional committee system? d. the informal organization of Congress, Because Congress is __________, it is fairly open to interest group influence. b. executive privilege This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. \text{Cash}&\text{\$\hspace{8pt}24,600 }&\text{}\\ b. additional financial support from the federal government campaign fund e. pardoning, The chief of staff, national security adviser, and press secretary are member of which group? create new laws to help Congress carry out its powers Congress uses its oversight authority to do which of the following? e. Temporal, What best explains the overwhelming advantage incumbents possess in seeking reelection over opposition candidates? - A member of Congress chooses committees that serve his or her district's interests. \text{ Rate, \$ 16 per hour } & \text{ Price, \$ .80 per kilogram } the constitution. **Instructions** If the president were to veto a bill what would the next step be? b. six c. The government shut down in order to save money. appearing in a parade. The evidence does suggest that national concerns, rather than local ones, can function as powerful motivators at the polls. a. appointment through Congress The House and the Senate have different rules and procedures in order to keep the nation's long-term interests in mind. a. Raise and provide public money and oversee its proper expenditure. b. representing the interests of groups of which they themselves are not members e. coram nobis, The authority to be the first court to hear a case is which type of jurisdiction? power of the purse After printing the report, his computers hard drive crashed, effectively destroying most of the actual results for the month. In the end, House leaders saw the Senate version as preferable to doing nothing and ultimately supported it. While they cannot give money directly to a candidate or a candidates party, they can raise and spend unlimited funds, and they can spend independently of a campaign or party. b. Abraham Lincoln How do operations in the Senate differ from those in the House? What does the elastic clause of the Constitution allow Congress to do? a. arbitration c. While members of Congress have not become more extreme, ordinary citizens have. What best represents the trend of party polarization over the last three decades? Which statement about incumbency is most accurate? The bill must be reintroduced in the next session of Congress. d. hearings, To increase turnover in the membership of Congress, some reformers have proposed __________ for representatives and senators. Then, between the late nineteenth century and the start of World War I, Congress pushed through a flurry of reforms intended to bring order to the world of campaign finance. c. They included separation of powers in the Constitution. The Department also provides information on a number of frequently asked questions. 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