lincoln loud deviantart


*sees for himself, lowers his head*. Lily: *still giggling, reaches out for Ronnie* Wonnie! See? Luan: (sobbing) It was the truck that Hit you! Lola: Well, maybe he sent the Santiago's a message telling them where he was so they could pick him up, maybe to throw us off. Rita: *sighs sadly and guilty* Where could he have gone? Linky! Ronnie Anne: *notices the Louds* *texts Lincoln*. Lori Loud/Costumes. Is all that true? Lincoln: *continues* I would've told Clyde where I was going, but I know how his dads can get, so I couldn't risk telling him. Maria: *walking into the room* Roberto, did someth *sees the look on both Ronald's and Roberto's faces and grows concerned* What happened? That's ok, you can sleep with me Lily. Lori: *breaks down crying after everything Ronnie had said plus Bobby adding onto it*, Lincoln: *hears Lori crying, which surprises him*. But by then, Sam had already raped Lincoln during the fallout from the incident before, Sam is bisexual and rapes Lincoln at one point in the story. Rita: *picks up the crying Lily* It's okay, Lily. Ronnie Anne: *notices her mom noticing Luna* *turns around to face Luna and crosses her arms* What do you have to say? After everything Lincoln's been through, he could use a lot of support and cheering up to help him get through this difficult time. Once my time is up for this room tomorrow, I haven't really figured out what I'm gonna do next. Post an update . Lori: *crying into her pillow, guilty of how she helped drive her baby brother away, and very upset at the fact that it effectively cost her her relationship with Bobby*, Leni: *crying into her hands, guilty of how she let her stupidity get the better of her and how it drove her only brother away*. I hate holding this grudge. Lincoln: *nods* The bear scratched me on my back. They were so convinced, they even boarded up my room and I had to sleep outside. Luan Loud/Costumes. I really love seeing these two together. Lincoln Loud And Linka Loud And Mall Qt Female Male Boy Girl The Loud House Fanart Loud House Art The Loud House Lincoln. Forgiving a loud part 8. During NSL, Lincoln is out in the cold unaware that his life was going change. Lana: I guess it could be possible Lincoln might be here. Ronnie Anne: *smiles* Okay. *lifts up his shirt, revealing his bandages* I just didn't want you to worry even more about me. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Luna: *still teary eyed* I was so worried about you when you disappeared! Lynn ended up winning that game, and when they found out I was actually there, they started believing that me being in the suit was good luck. His sisters join too and put Lynn in her place. OOF! Lynn Sr: *walking to the front door and grabs the keys to Vanzilla, still feeling very guilty* Any of you girls wanna come with me to help look for your brother? Ronnie Anne: *trying not to laugh, calms down*. No Such Luck, No Such Love is a The Loud House fanfic written by SpartanXHunterX which can be read here.. Lily: *cries for a few minutes before stopping, but maintains a very sad look on her face due to missing her brother, similar to the sad look she had when Fenton the Fox went missing*, Rita: *puts on a warm smile, despite still being upset about her missing son*, Rita: *gently rocks her youngest daughter*, Lily: *very sadly falls asleep in her mother's arms*, Rita: *rubs her youngest daughter's back*, Lucy, Lana & Lola: *sadly walking to school*. Ronnie Anne: *puts her arms around Lincoln*. Maria: *finishes applying the new bandage* There we are. *, Leni & Luna: *give a warm smile to their younger brother, kiss him on the forehead*, Lynn Sr., Lori, Lola, Lana, and Lisa: *soon spot Leni and Luna, but doesn't notice Lincoln*, Lincoln: *clearly not ready to interact with the rest of his family, tenses up and starts to slowly back up*. Ronnie Anne: I'm just glad you're safe and back with us, who still care a lot for you. Ronnie Anne: Thanks, Mom. Chapter 1. Luna: *smiling* Mom, Lincoln just said his first word! After all, if all I am is just a good luck charm to them, then it's obvious they no longer saw me as a son/brother anymore. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early Life 2 Personality 2.1 Nick Description 3 Appearance 4 Alternate versions and alter-egos 4.1 Linka Loud 4.2 Ace Savvy 4.3 Warren 4.4 Triton They would only let me come hang out with them while wearing that suit, fearing that if I came without it, something bad would happen to them. Ronnie Anne: I wouldn't at all doubt it. (In Luan's dream, she was having fun with Lincoln, when suddenly a truck was about to hit him). Ronnie Anne: *walks over to Lincoln while holding Lily* Looks like she's getting tired. By not believing him when he confessed to lying about being bad luck? Luna: So, how did Lily spending the night go? Lincoln: *starts getting tears at what his sisters are saying*. - Lana furiously said (Lola is still laughing, which angers Lincoln into wanting to hurt Lola, but Lana and Leni intervenes; At home, Lincoln, bored, is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling) LINCOLN: I can't believe this. Lynn Sr.: *shocked that he may have just found his son* S-Son, is that you?! Ronnie Anne: *sits on the chair next to Lincoln, lightly rubs his white hair* *thinking* His hair is softer than I thought. *, The rest of the Louds, after having heard what has been said, are feeling far more guilty than earlier*, However, as they do so, Lincoln's white tuff of hair appears behind Luna's arm. She started getting into fights and vent out all of her bottled up emotions in the process. Realizing that she'd be unhappy either way, she chose to continue to be the tough one feeling that if nobody could bully her, she'd at least be able to make it through school. Part of me knew I did matter, at least to some people, but for the most part, I felt like I was nothing more than garbage, which is what probably caused the 2nd part of that nightmare to happen later on. I don't want everyone getting involved." Bobby: *answers the door to see that it's Leni and Luna with Lily, who's still holding onto Bun-Bun*. Maria: That's nice of you two! Bobby: *grabs the spare blanket from the closet and puts it over the kids*, Maria: *grabs a camera to take a picture of the 2 kids and baby together*. Forgiving a Loud part 5. pranking the pranker, Chapter 53. Lana: I know, I can't stop thinking about Lincoln. - They would have to go through us first! They know what they did, so now they can live with it. The Loud House: Heavy Meddle (HISHE Edition) Lincoln: "Lisa, please! However, no one ever calls Sam a pedophile or even hints at her being one, so it is debatable how avoided this trope really is, Lina turns out to have been the result of Sam raping Lincoln in a fit of an alcohol-induced mental breakdown. Luan dates Maggie in the background, while in the show, Luan only shows interest in boys. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Maria: *after having cleaned the not-fully healed bear scratches on Lincoln's back, applies Neosporin to help fight the infection, then bandages the wounds*, Lincoln: *flinches from the pain on his back as she bandages his back*. Lisa: While it is logically possible, there is no proof to go on that our elder brother is with them. Maria: *sees Vanzilla* Lincoln, you may wanna lower your head. the credit for the art goes to lol20. I wasn't really hoping to have to recall that memory, and I didn't know the scratches had gotten like that. I didn't go to the Santiago's house.. Luna: *concerned* Then where did you go first? Ronnie Anne: *quietly* Yeah, he needs it after what he's been through. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Originally written by Deviantart user videogames518. (It starts with Lincoln in his room, sulkily taking off his Ace Savvy costume and changing into his regular clothes. This suggests that he sees the sisters' nakedness without any malice, and that they don't care either. Literature. It's because of you that both of my children have found that spark of life within them they thought they wouldn't get a chance to experience. In a world where metahumans and superheroics are common place, Lincoln Loud is just trying to get through each day with as little fantastical chicanery as possible. The day bad luck became good luck, Chapter 6. Ronnie Anne: *still trying to calm Lincoln down* *soothing voice* It's alright Lincoln, I would never do that to you. She does eventually sober up, and while she does forget exactly what she did, she has an idea that she did something bad. Lori squishes Lincoln (shrunkengts) Extra Large Loud (BlueIke) Rita: A little walk (migueruchan) Sam: Fool me twice (migueruchan) Littler Brother (Final7Darkness) Leni: The Big Date (metalix64) Sam: Lady treatment (dipseli324) Lincoln and Leni Dream Team (migueruchan) Rita Loud about to crush son (SheepWoolington) Sid Stomps (MegaMaliit) Luna . I do not have enough room in my brain for this kind of tomfoolery." I know you're worried about me and for that I couldn't be more grateful. Ronnie Anne: *wipes Lincoln's tears away, concerned* Had a bad dream? I'm sorry Lily: *reaches out to try to touch the bandages* Whut wappined Winky? Ronnie Anne: *sees his tears, wipes them, wakes him up* Lincoln, sweetie. (Cries harder) Lincoln: Oh, my word that's horrible! Lincoln: *begins to fall asleep from her lullaby*, Ronnie Anne: *rests her head against Lincoln, while still humming the lullaby*, Ronnie Anne: *smiles, kisses Lincoln on the cheek before resting her head on his chest* *closes her eyes, just waiting for sleep to take her*, Ronnie Anne: *slowly wakes up, still feeling all cozy with Lily sleeping on her while she herself is still laying on Lincoln, who still has an arm wrapped around her*, Ronnie Anne: *smiles at her sleeping boyfriend and the baby sleeping on her*, Lincoln: *smiling, still not showing signs of waking up yet*, Lily: *lets out a cute yawn, meaning she's waking up*. This was that same morning that I had been locked out after having to had to sleep outside all night, with nothing but the clothes I was wearing. Then you might get a better understanding when you hear the nightmare I had. Lincoln: *surprised* Lily! Takes place in the middle of the events of the infamous episode No Such Luck. Leni Loud/Costumes. You guys made him feel unloved, unwanted, unless it was to be used as your own personal good luck charm, while not even caring how miserable it was making him feel! The Village of La Grange Park has started its Lead Service Line Replacement Program to comply with a new state law. Lincoln: I'm guessing you're here to take her back home? Lincoln: *still broken down, crying* That dream seemed so real, even if the first half of it really did happen. Lola: *remembering what Ronnie said earlier, feeling ashamed* Maybe they're looking for Lincoln too, since they know what happened. Full Time position. Maria: *still shocked* It seems like it this has affected him even more than we thought. The only one that hasn't mistreated me is Lily, so please, let her know her big brother still loves her. Lincoln: Alright. Ronnie Anne: *calms down* You should be ashamed of yourself, as well as the rest of your family. Luna: *her gaze focused outside the window, looking for her little brother*. . Maria: I think you guys better leave. Lincoln: *smiles* I'll gladly help you buy some stuff to replace it. Experimental One Shot. Lincoln: *cries into Luna's shirt* I felt so scared and lonely in that nightmare Luna: *gently rubs his back, trying to calm him down* *soothing voice* It's okay. Lisa: Seems Leni hasn't yet returned with our other female sibling. When we get back to our place, I'll treat those for you. Lincoln is raped by Sam after she gets super drunk, and he is mentally broken as a result. Lincoln: *sits in the recliner* *quietly* Here, hand her to me so you can get comfortable. Lincoln: *lands on the trampoline below then gets up, unsure of where he'll end up as he starts running off in any direction, now having let the flood gates fully flow* Goodbye former family! Lincoln: *texts Ronnie Anne* Ronnie, if you don't see me at my house, it's because I'm leaving. Leni: *sighs, understanding* Okay, Linky. Lincoln: *watching in shock at seeing his furniture being moved back in*, Rita and Lynn Sr: *hears Lincoln call out to them*, Rita: Lincoln?! If little bro by chance did mention the nightmare, I figured this would make it easier on him than for him to have to try to explain such a horrible thing again. Ronnie Anne: *glaring angrily, but trying to keep quiet just enough so others don't hear* You have some nerve coming up to us after what you did to Lincoln! Okay? *pokes his head through the door and is shocked to see his little man being home*, Lincoln: *gives a small smile to his parents*. Lincoln, and Cass bonding time, Chapter 19. The Price of Admission. When I tried to get back inside the next morning, I was locked out. Lana: *scared* She's gonna kill us! Luna herself apparently did so at some point, judging by her comments in the present. I just want my little brother back. Lincoln Loud from Loud House. Loud family: *teary-eyed, crying of happiness* We love you too, Lincoln. Ronnie Anne: *absolutely shocked at what she just heard, now feeling even worse for Lincoln*, Bobby & Maria: *overheard the entire thing, and were just as shocked*. Lincoln: I can't help it. Ronnie Anne: *soothing voice* It's okay, Lincoln. Oh no, they must be looking for me so they can put me back in that stupid squirrel suit!! *hopes Lily doesn't question further*. I had managed to escape with my life, but it did manage to scratch me pretty bad on the back. Well let me tell you, after what you did to Lincoln, my respect for your family has completely disappeared! Lincoln: *quietly* Lily's already asleep? Lana: *remembers something* Wait, wasn't that the Santiago's car we just passed not that long ago? *breaks down* I felt so scared, so lonely, so upset, that it felt like my own birth was nothing but bad luck on my parents end. Job in Melrose Park - Cook County - IL Illinois - USA , 60161. You should be good until tomorrow morning. If you don't, my mom could tell you first hand that some people who go through it are never mentally the same again, some of which even go as far as committing suicide! Baby Lincoln: *hugs Luna, giggling* Love you, Luna! Lori: *completely taken by surprise by Bobby's sudden angry text* *breaks down crying*. After what he's been through, he deserves a good sleep. Lincoln: *rubs his eyes, then sees Bobby and Ronnie Anne* Best sleep I've had in a week Bobby: That's good to hear, bro! Bobby: Lets have a nice fun day together! Lincoln: *while packing, talking silently to himself while filled with anger as hot tears fall from his eyes* If all they care about is the "good luck" wearing that stupid suit brings and not care about how badly this is affecting me, then I guess they really don't love me to where I'm part of this family anymore! Lynn Sr: *hasn't noticed Lincoln in the car he just passed*. Lynn Sr: *goes downstairs to answer the door, only to be met with a very angry Clyde*, Clyde: *angry, kicks Lynn Sr. in the leg*. She brings Lincoln over to the school and at first, gives him a. Luna is given some of this, being more aggressive and prone to anger than she was in the show. Ronnie Anne: *still rubbing his hair* *whispers* Same here. Bobby: This is what a superstition did to him. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. They had no right to do that to Lincoln, even if they are his own family. I miss you. Un planeta que parece estar formado por un solo rio enormemente largo, rodeado por montaas imposibles de cruzar. Marinette's kidnapping part 2 Finding a Draco, Chapter 38. After the events of NSL Lincoln runs away from his abusive family after being locked out of the house and told that he was adopted and ends up . Lynn Sr: Morning girls, just in time for breakfast! My scratches are doing better than what they were, and they don't hurt as much as they did. Luna: *teary-eyed of joy* *hugs Lincoln tighter* Oh baby bro! Lynn Sr: *starts tearing up* I should have never believed in that superstition, lock you out of the house, tell you to move away from it after not believing your confession, helping your mom sell your furniture, then going along with the family in making you wear that cursed suit. Maria: Lincoln, we don't want you to be in the city by yourself. Luna: *still crying, starts to head back to Vanzilla*. Not once did I see or hear any of you show any concern for how I was doing, and every time I got hurt while inside that thing, you guys would worry about if the suit was damaged instead of asking if I was ok. Family: *hit with large amounts of guilt, knowing what Lincoln said was right*, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Maria: *shocked at hearing what Lincoln just said, mainly since he didn't mention those details when he described his nightmare*.

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lincoln loud deviantart