ed, edd n eddy big picture show fanfiction


Language: English Words: 4,200 . Using the chart, Edd discovers that from their past experiences with Eddy's Brother's legacy, such as a stink bomb, a hot sauce recipe, and a fake treasure map, that Eddy's Brother is a jokester. "Nazz: "That'd be the last thing they'd do. "Ed: [joyous] "Baby sister! Belly's empty. Maniacally, he swears to have his vengeance upon the Cul-de-Sac. ]Eddy: "Again, sorry, I missed it. "[Kevin rushes over and begins to strain against it. "[The Kankers abruptly let go. Eddy finds something and hides it behind his back. This rage train ain't stoppin till I thump those three twerps! "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? A sprinkler is watering Kevin's lawn. Even more coincidentally, Kevin's bike is parked against it. "Edd: "The collision was unavoidable, Eddy! Sac!!! This time Eddy has gone too far and pulled a prank that has the whole neighborhood gang after him. He then tries to yank his arm free. [1] Antonucci directed the film and co-wrote it along with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor and Stacy Warnick. Honest! [He tosses it away. "Edd: "How can you be so certain, Eddy? ]Kevin: "Hmm"Nazz: "Kev? "To Eddy's big bro's house!" Duh! "We gotta go. "Ed: [leaping out] "Down for Ed, Double D!" ]Ed: "Knock knock, I am Ed!" "[Ed releases the car door briefly and grabs at the steering wheel. Edd returned the hug. Just days later, another trailer aired with Wilfred with heaps of suitcases (and Rolf) on top of him, walking through some desert area and the kids (and Plank) on a bus headed to 160 Downtown which changes to Vengeance. doubled. "Eddy: "Not in my brother's car, you're not! "Eddy: "Beats me. 946 5 7. It hits a tree and lodges there. "Edd: "I'm afraid we haven't any food, Ed. Now get me down! Later. "[Splinter grabs the Eds and tosses them in the air. Ed had a moment of intelligence and removed a loose screw. ]Marie: "Pinocchio head." My Melon Vision! While the Eds cower in a corner, Eddy accuses their current situation as being Edd's fault. Writers: Jono Howard Mike Kubat Rachel Connor Stacy Warnick Danny Antonucci. Charlie-Robinson Poortvliet of MovieAddictz.com gave the film an "8.2/10" rating, calling it a "double episode grand finale" that was superior to all previous Ed, Edd n Eddy episodes. "[Kevin puts his arm around her, and Nazz reciprocates. "[Kevin runs into the swamp and begins to clamber up the tree. "Edd: "HEEELLLPPP! The door creaks open a little more, and we see the kids, straining to get into the room. By: SaurusRock625. Sure enough, Lee and May knock Kevin off his bike and capture him, completely destroying his bike in the process. Eddy meanwhile looks out of the window. ]Eddy: "Here, hold this!" [reaching for Edd's shoulder] "My bro don't live"Edd: [slapping his hand away] "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!!!" ", [Nazz rubs two sticks together. [He picks up Eddy.] [Eddy snickers, and Edd goes off to do something. Ed shouted looking at the four kids, and a block of wood, who weren't moving on the ground. Ed falls onto Eddy.] "Kevin: "Good one, Nazz. Nazz suggests that person could be his brother. "Eddy: [looking at Ed's glasses] "Man, that joke's old. "Sarah: "We fell off that stupid slippery pig all the way over here, Jimmy! In. "Nazz: [offscreen] "Whoa! Later, he gets hit by a bunch of items and sees himself and the Cul-de-Sac 90 years in the future. Create New. Don'tcha think?" ]Jimmy: "Forest imps! Antonucci and a.k.a. Lee screams in pain. Wilfred speeds up, and they approach the car's rear. Catching a foul odor, he awakens. A forest substrate. The car sails into the woods, hitting many trees along the way and snapping them. [He and Nazz leaps into the fray. Pinkie Pie, The Genie, Godzilla, Danny, Wander, Skunk, Rainbow Dash, Mushu and Peter Parker/Spider-Man "Ed, Edd and Eddy". Ed!" Suddenly, a loud snorting catches their attention. Quick, my brother's room! Quit freaking me out, Plank!" "[Captain Melonhead stumbles through a veritable jungle of legs, looking all over for his best friend. "Kevin: "That little twerp wouldn't have the" [realizing something] "That's it! "Ed: "Who? My bike's thrashed!" ]Ed: "Look, I'm Double D! "Eddy: "Heck yeah! "Eddy: "Wanna bet? "Man, you're such a sap! Suddenly, his door bursts open. ]Ed: "Giddy-up, horsie! Rolf, dazed by the blow, staggers around in the middle of the road. [sinister] "And cry." "[Rolf turns back to the chair. A half-finished bottle of soda and a can of wood varnish occupy each end of the board. He looks for the Eds. ]May: "If you guys weren't such fashion hogs, there wouldn't be all this laundry to do!" "Edd: [angry] "NO!!!! Edd and Eddy, meanwhile, finally get the vent cover loose, and Eddy leaps in only to find that his brother bricked up the vents as well. The Eds reach Peach Creek Estates and blast through it, on the way wrecking some of the incomplete structures. After he asks Nazz for a hair clip to repair his bike, he then asks her who is the only person in the world that Eddy would turn to for help other than his friends. ]Rolf: "Wilfred!" NOTE: Please improve spelling and include capitals. [14] Collider reviewer Austin Allison named the film as the fourth best among a list of "Top 11 TV Cartoon Movies", deeming it a "surprisingly cathartic" creation that "finally gives the Eds a sense of belonging and acceptance that is more valuable to them than all the jawbreakers in the world. In the lane, a familiar red hedge rises. Jimmy falters and falls. Edd claims he has difficulty sleeping in an unlabeled environment. "Oh, look! Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show is a made-for-television movie based on the popular Cartoon Network series Ed, Edd n Eddy, which serves as the series finale. If they get there before we get there, they'll never get theirs. I've got nothing to go on!" The following was released on an Ed, Edd n Eddy fansite, The3Eds, on November 8, 2008, taken from the CN Block Party issue: Oh, Brother! ]Captain Melonhead: "Plank! "Eddy: "Talk about stupid." Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show: The Video Game is a fanfiction game made by User:TheBiggestEdFan. ]Sarah: [following him in] "I swear if he eats one more corn dog off the ground, I'll"Marie: "Look! He sees Rolf searching for him. What's it called? ]Kevin: [slapping a mosquito] "Sweet. ]Lee: "It's those two runts! Jimmy tells them what he knows upon seeing this and the Kankers, determined that no harm will come to their "Boyfriends", decide to hunt the other kids to help the Eds. Ready?" Perhaps more conservative, yes?" "Don't forget about me!" "Ed: "Cheap movie. ], [As Kevin screams at the sky, the camera moves back to the park. "[The path forks. "[Kevin is torn off by the pressure, and he flies off, slams into the slide and falls on Rolf. "Pain! [He grabs Wilfred and they roll forward like a wheel. His foot catches on the seats in which his friends are sitting, and he gets in with them. As the car spins wildly around, the other kids (plus Wilfred and Plank) fly off, although Kevin warns them, "You dorks ain't seen the last of me!". "This way." Eddy threw his arm around Edd, suprising him with a big one arm hug. He milks it. They pass by a mountain of trash. "And? Plank decides that they should take a bus. "WILFRED!!! Ed starts to chase him.] "[The Eds see a shadow pass by the blinds. It's like a fairy tale come true! Agreeing, the Eds embark on an epic journey through uncharted territories to locate "Big Bro's" whereabouts unaware that the enraged neighborhood kids are tracking them down for a 'dork' pounding! He'd been avoiding ed's hugs for years and it was time he chaned his ways. [moving Edd aside] "Look out! [He points to it. Are you saying all this time you've been leading us to nowhere? Nothing to fear." [He tries to pull himself free, and instead pulls him to another rock before getting loose. ]Eddy: "My eyes! bili_1495129829 Oct 26, 2022. [He blushes.] He pushes Edd to the door, and a piece of toast falls off Edd's back. What's taking you? "Lee: "You see em, May?" Nazz slams it shut, and a label reading "Dusty Dusty Dusty" peels off. This is the transcript of Jaden's Adventures of Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show A long-shot view of the cul-de-sac is seen. It's time to call in the special forces. ]Captain Melonhead: "No thanks are necessary, citizens." Find me one of those corn dogs, will ya? But they have yet to feel the wrath of this SON OF A SHEPHERD! Excuse me! "Edd: [scared] "Eddy, the laws of probability can be a real mean"Ed: [garbled] "Just my mouth! [He dives behind the vacuum cleaner. "Eddy: "Give it back, Ed! Rolf, meanwhile, lets out a piercing whistle, and his pig gallops up. When this fails to get a spark, she tries again. ]Edd: "May I borrow this, Ed?" The Cul-De-Sac is empty and eerily quiet, save for the Lane, which is completely destroyed. When they hit, all the water is splashed upwards, and a bunch of buried treasure is revealed. [He rummages through the closet.] [He places his hand on her arm. Cartoon logo has a watermelon background; a tribute to Captain Melonhead. One false move, and they will fall to their quite probable deaths. ]Edd: "Seat belts certainly are a trusted friend." [He stumbles backwards into Ed, who has a fork through his head. Eddy tries again, and the engine coughs again. Suddenly, Eddy runs up. "May: "Let's call him Dutch. "[Ed runs off. ]Kevin: "He's lookin at you, Rolf. "Edd: [sweating profusely] "Yes. "[While his friends frantically look for Eddy's brother, Ed stands up and slowly walks towards something he sees, as if he's in a trance. Feel free to make requests! ]Nazz: "Kevin! So why didn't I follow my instincts? I'll help you out." Childhood. She then winds up and throws it into the swamp. 'Cause I ain't laughin. "Eddy: "Bro! "[Rolf has found an extremely fat cow. Probably getting back at me. [He begins to search for his sidekick.] The gum then proceeds to give him a severe electrical shock. That hurt! The car almost hits Jonny. It rolls up, revealing a vent. ]Edd: [following him in] "Eddy, do you think this is wise? They are but a few blocks from Mondo A-Go Go.]. "Eddy: "And he's got a peg leg too! "Eddy: "Thataboy! "Ah, success. Edd hesitates. ], [Edd works on the boat while Eddy relaxes in the shade. "Aah! Like twins! "[Edd and Eddy stumble backwards and trip over the rug. This finale saw the three boys seeking out Eddy's brother - who was an unseen character on the show - for help when the other kids turn against them. [The factory is completely dark and nonoperational.] [He goes after them, tiptoeing from tiny island to tiny island.] After various delays, the Ed, Edd N Eddy's Big Picture Show movie arrived on Cartoon Network in 2009. Something big! The car turns left, and Kevin follows. Rolf uses Wilfred and his curly tail to tear off the car's roof and the kids manage to climb the car and prepare to attack the Eds. [He runs through the factory.] "[May pins him up and proceeds to nurse him with a bottle of ketchup. The toast pops up, and Ed quickly grabs the hot bread, butters it, and tosses it into his bag. There is a kiddie pool set up with a toy boat gently rocking in it. "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. [through a megaphone] "What the heck was that? I'm in!" "Here I go!" Ed ran off the edge of the cliffs. The other kids regroup, with Kevin telling them that they can't let the Eds get away with destroying the lane and wounding them like this. My big bro would never let anything happen to me, and I'll tell you whatI'll put in a good word for you two. ]Eddy: "Better hurry up, big bro's a-waitin. "YEAH, YOU HEARD ME! ]Captain Melonhead: [crazy] "This is your craazziest plan ever, Plank! Help! "Ed: "Ooh ooh oh! Eddy leaps up, terrified. HEY! "Edd: "That's quite a coincidence. NO! Pulling himself together] "That I regretfully con-fessto" [a few tears leak out] "I regretfully confess to my involvement in the inexcusable, unconscionable, reprehensible, abhorrent, detrimental, detestable, immoral, thoughtless, hurtful" [Edd's writing goes jagged, and he stops and wails.] I thought you wanted to hang with your hero." "Eddy: [slapping a mosquito] "Unbelievable! My brother sent me that postcard! Sleepytime guys." Kevin quickly removes his shirt and uses it to sponge off his soaked bike as an angry Nazz arrives. ]Sarah: "Let's go see, Jimmy! Hoop-ba-da, hee hee hee! Though they both tumble down the waterfall, both are unharmed, Eddy saving them with a trick his brother taught him. Good one, Marie. As he does so, he knocks a string of sausages loose. While Eddy and Edd attempt to settle in, including Edd labeling everything in the vicinity, the Eds attempt to fall asleep in the far-from-hospitable accouterments. Eddy hangs on to the door as it flips and crashes. By using a candied apple, Sarah and Jimmy manage to befriend the pig and they ride him out of the sunflowers and escape the Kankers. "Eddy: "We did it, Double D! ]Eddy's Brother: [laughing] "Why's your girlfriend wearing a sock on her head? [He yawns. THIS CAN'T BE!" For what, I don't know. Seeing nobody, he wheels his bike in. Captain Melonhead: "Whoa." [Captain Melonhead and Splinter the Wonderwood climb aboard and nervously deposit five quarters . "Good lord! ]Edd: [disgusted] "Goodness. "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" Spying nobody, he yanks on one of the ropes holding the swing up twice. "Lee: [offscreen] "Why's this place look familiar? Spotting the steaming engine, Rolf cracks the egg on it; the egg begins to fry. "[He looks up and sees that Edd has labeled the entire campsite. [He takes the crayon.] This knocks them forward and provides the wheelbarrow with momentum. "[Ed leaps on Eddy, pretending to be a crocodile. Knock yourself out, Dutch. Brain wave stuff! ]Nazz: "Dude. Nazz and Jonny rejoin the chase. ]Lee: [shoving Marie away] "Get off me! Eddy used to talk about him in the series every so often. [Ed casts the sponges skyward, grabs his bag, and runs off.] We're done for!" However, they are saved by a Ferris wheel, but Ed's fear of heights overcomes him. One"Sarah and Jimmy: "twothree! While Eddy and Ed frolic around in the swamp, Edd tries to maintain order. Like the little shrinking eggplant Jimmy boy, Rolf cries and cries and cries! Not only this, but a water main has broken, flooding an area near the woods, and there is strangely enough a broken canoe by another house. [They slump to the ground. As the arm of an Atlesian Knight felt around for the locks on the door, it pulled on the chains a few times before it finally found what it was looking for. All three Eds are sweating as they listen for any noise. "Kevin: "It's the dorks! "Stop! ]Ed: "We are not long for this world! ]Rolf: "Has the world lost its mind? [He approaches some stairs.] "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Huh? ]Ed: "I will eat you now! I am Ed! ". "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "It's the end of the movie? Lee? Nazz follows, shutting the door behind her. [He hugs his friend. Directors. Ed edd n Eddy preferences by . Moo-moos everywhere! [He grabs his friends.] . Seeing nobody, he enters. "[Edd clutches his forehead. Take me! Has anybody seen my pal? "[Ed dives into the backseat while Edd rides shotgun. [May begins to chase them in circles. ]Eddy's Brother: "Park don't open till noon. C'mon, say it like you mean it! ]Kevin: "It was totally my fault!" "Eddy: "We're hooped!" "Oh, for Pete's sake. ", [Eddy is shoving things into his suitcase. AGAIN! Series creator Danny Antonucci directed the film and co-wrote it with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor and Stacy Warnick. ]Eddy: [exhausted] "Bro! Avast thee, barnacle-ridden bully! Can I join you? "Oh! ]Nazz: "Ow! "Eddy: "Hit him with something, Ed! "Eddy: "Double D! "Gimme my man. Like blah, blah without the other blah! "Edd: [angrier] "It's surprising, because your stubborn, inane desire to shock, sandbag and swindle is what put us here in the first place!!!! Suddenly, an udder slams into his face. [He yawns. ", "Movie Review: Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Big Picture Show", "Top 5 Most Emotional Endings In Cartoons", "From 'Steven Universe: The Movie' to 'Kim Possible: So the Drama': Top 11 TV Cartoon Movies Ranked", "Retro Review: Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show", "Ed, Edd n Eddy: HBO Max Is Still Missing the Holiday Specials - and the Movie", My Gym Partner's a Monkey: The Big Field Trip, My Gym Partner's a Monkey: Animal School Musical, The Powerpuff Girls: 'Twas the Fight Before Christmas, Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! Fortunately, it cracks as a direct result of this. "Ed: "Oh, let me, Eddy! [He displays Eddy for all to see.] His friends have gone missing. However, their joy is soon soured after Ed crashes their car into a huge rock, effectively destroying their only means of transport. The only movie scenes in this trailer are Eddy and Edd falling off the waterfall and Jimmy and Sarah in Mondo a Go-Go (though Eddy's brother still isn't visible). He finds them both, Eddy with a cleaver through his forehead and Ed with a fork through his head, scaring the daylights out of him, until they both reveal their injuries to be gags. He is a first and only adult character we see in the series. Edd, realizing that Eddy's brother is a whaler, reasons that he must live near the sea and the Eds decide to build a boat to follow the river. Something big happened because everyone's angry, chasing after them to give them their just desserts!" "Thank you! "[Kevin leaves. [She hands one over, and Kevin rewires his bike. Do you think I could get your brother's autograph? You got any bright ideas? A glass in Eddy's Brother's room reads "Peach Creek Diner 2000 Best Eater". What are you doing here? [He selects his usual tie. "Eddy: [cowering] "Okay! Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show introduced one final cartoon mystery for the series as the Eds run from the consequences of their biggest scam yet! "Edd: "Exactly!" [gesturing to them] "Edand Double D."Edd: [starstruck, holding out his hand to shake] "I guthink it's very wuh ah ooh" [He swoons. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! What barbarian would allow their secreting masses of flesh to wander the field? Spittle drips onto Sarah's cheek until Lee jams her finger into Sarah's ear, swishing it around in a Wet Willy. bili_1504913406 Dec 4, 2021. ]Ed: "Say it ain't so! ]Captain Melonhead: [scared] "Plank!?!?" Once Captain Melonhead sees the inside of the bus, though, his courage wavers.] Sarah and Jimmy, meanwhile, are skipping gaily through the Cul-de-Sac, looking forward to their picnic lunch and view of the coming Ed-bashing. A regular stampede of em. "[Eddy gets thrown against the door to the trailer. Jimmy peeks out and sees Lee pin an undershirt to the wire. Just before entering the cow pasture, several of the Eds' lines reference the 1939 film, Interestingly, Eddy doesn't know where his brother lives.

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ed, edd n eddy big picture show fanfiction