ham radio repeaters rochester ny
7 The $13 Ham Radio Balloon That Cost the US Military $400,000! 28 Friday December 8 Tuesday December 5 NET: HF 20m IBM Net11:00am 12:00pmNET: HF 20m IBM Net14.347Mhz USBRecurs weekly Tuesday May 9 147.225 in Cortland NY was linked to the East Coast Reflector.what happened?I used it all the time from here in Burdett NY. Thursday February 23 Saturday August 5 Upstate NY HAM Radio News & Information Binghamton Area Repeater list A few folks have asked for news on active Binghamton Area Amateur Repeaters. Monday RRRA will be having Its 3rd Friday general membership meeting in the basement meeting room. Click on a header to sort. RIT's Amateur Radio Club. Wednesday November 8 At a height of 290 feet AGL, the repeater provides excellent coverage of central Rochester.In December, 2003, the RARC club purchased a newAdvanced Communication Systems KRP 5000 Repeaterwith the following features: CAT 1000 Controller, ED 1000 Windows Editor for the CAT 1000, DR-1000B Digital Voice Recorder, DL-1000 Audio Delay Board and CTCSS Board. 11 Wednesday August 16 Thursday November 16 Saturday June 24 When your transmitter PTT switch is released, the repeater will beep and then play back the test audio message. Wednesday December 6 9 Thursday June 22 8 1 21 Monday August 28 20 24 Thursday May 25 9:00am 10:00am Worked 20 8 KA2JFU.member and net manager CNYARA, permanet, lost our tower and locationtemp , running our net on MOARC , 145.170, KD2LHN , ED, Have quickly poked around on the site and see no mention of the 146.79 repeater at Highland Hospital in Rochester (WB2ROC). 6:30pm 7:30pm Home; Calendar; Repeaters; Forum; . 30 29 14 Tuesday July 18 Rochester, NY. Tuesday February 6 /Width 470 stream } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Wednesday October 25 Saturday January 20 Thursday November 23 5 15 10 Saturday April 8 NET: HF 10m Rochester Net7:00pm 8:00pmNET: HF 10m Rochester Net28.325 MHz USBRecurs monthly %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Rochester Radio Repeater Association. 17 Onondaga County Water Authority. 19 The repeater works locally fine, but most people used it to access ECR (self included). Wednesday September 6 11 In the. 24 RaRa meets regularly on the first Wednesday of every month; our meetings Changes in ARRL Atlantic Division (ARRL 02/05/2023), Missouri S&T Amateur Radio Club to Celebrate 100 Years (ARRL 02/01/2023), Ham Radio Operators Keep Classic Communication Style Alive (www.cbs58.com 01/18/2023), Ham Radio Operators 'Still a Thing' in This Advanced Technological World (www.cbs58.com 01/18/2023), Hams are the Only Available Channel When Official Communication Modes 22 Sunday April 16 2 var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Wednesday January 17 roc_area_repeater_listing_12-8-2020.xlsx Author: David Created Date: 12/8/2020 10:30:49 AM . var addy85fe58f08a1c05b4798396fa15ed2414 = 'jaypstewart' + '@'; Saturday November 11 Minnesota D-Star Net7:30pm 8:30pmMinnesota D-Star NetD-Star Repeater 443.85Mhz or Reflector XLX632ARecurs weekly Donate points to the field kit program! 7:00pm 8:00pm Friday September 29 Monday September 4 Monday January 15 1 2776 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Friday December 29 We were founded in 1931, and incorporated in September of 1960. If you choose to reference material found on this site, please clearly mention that you found it at UpstateHam.com. 8:00pm 9:00pm The Tuesday September 12 NET: Olmsted County ARES9:00pm 10:00pmNET: Olmsted County ARES147.255 Repeater if date is an Odd number - or - 146.82 Repeater if date is an EVEN number (Both have PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly Wednesday April 19 8:30pm 9:00pm 4 Thursday February 22 I had it in my radio as KD2SL but I remember using it a couple of times. Wednesday January 31 Transceiver from Scratch Part 1 (Hackaday 02/26/2023), NanoVNA Shoot Out with the MFJ-269, in 2023 (Exploring Stuff 02/24/2023), Restoration of a Vintage Zenith G725 Am/fm Receiver (www.nutsvolts.com 02/19/2023), The $13 Ham Radio Balloon That Cost the US Military $400,000! Tuesday September 26 Friday June 2 5 25 Goes any one know id the 147390 Digital have tone code i hear it but not able to transmit to it I am now to digital George N2ypi 315 697-7351. The WMXW trustee is Gil Baron, WMN. 17 Hosted at Groups.io Saturday November 25 Wednesday June 14 Thursday March 2 Wednesday March 15 Monday November 20 Sunday February 11 Tuesday August 29 Sunday April 9 3 9:00am 10:00am Coverage of grids near and around FN23/FN22. 8:00pm 9:00pm Tuesday September 19 Thursday April 6 2 1 Affiliate of Rochester Radio Repeater Association Inc, RRRA www.K2RRA.org 2 K1NXG 147.240, 443.800, 443.275, 444.875 Repeaters linked together. Friday November 10 Monday October 9 Read the next part Tuesday October 24 6 Wednesday January 10 8:30pm 9:30pm 26 29 NET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net8:00pm 9:00pmNET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net3583.5 kHz (Olivia 8/500 mode)Recurs weekly Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Friday February 17 Wednesday July 12 Saturday July 15 26 Listen to the K2JJI repeater (146.70- PL 100.00 Hz) located on Fulton Co. NY. Wednesday February 22 17 If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the FREE official RepeaterBook app. Friday February 2 document.getElementById('cloak85fe58f08a1c05b4798396fa15ed2414').innerHTML = ''; 27 The repeater is located at an elevated site approximately two miles west of the center of Rochester and uses an inverted antenna at a height of 275 feet AGL on a tower that is 1204 feet AMSL. Tuesday March 28 Oh disregard this! T,W4uk(. Friday July 28 Sunday November 12 Friday May 5 27 24 Sunday January 7 Thanks Amateur Radio Operators for Help with Latest Experiment, Solar Storm Warning as Earth Facing direct Plasma Hit to Spark Radio and GPS Chaos, Radio Transmissions Seek to Measure Asteroid, More Amateur Radio Astronauts Head for the International Space Station, The In August, 2003, the RARC club purchased a newAdvanced Communication Systems KRP 5000 Repeaterwith the following features: CAT 1000 Controller, ED 1000 Windows Editor for the CAT 1000, DR-1000B Digital Voice Recorder, DL-1000 Audio Delay Board and CTCSS Board. 28 1 31 >> 21 20 20 Thursday July 13 Add Repeater Band Feature Linked Systems Emergency Service Repeaters ARES RACES SKYWARN CANWARN Weather Nets Emergency Power Repeaters recommended for use by nearby highway Repeaters by nearest city/town 7 Thursday July 20 Read about it and see Ham Radio Breakfast6:45am 8:00amHam Radio BreakfastGrandma's Kitchen, 1514 N Broadway Ave, Rochester, MN 55906Recurs weekly Thanks Amateur Radio Operators for Help with Latest Experiment (ARRL 01/16/2023), Solar Storm Warning as Earth Facing direct Plasma Hit to Spark Radio and GPS Chaos (www.express.co.uk 01/07/2023), Radio Transmissions Seek to Measure Asteroid (www.seti.org 01/07/2023), More Amateur Radio Astronauts Head for the International Space Station (ARRL 01/07/2023), The
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