how old is my hohner marine band harmonica
Im working my way through every key to fill my harp case. Youll get 3 free video lessons where youll learn. Legendary Hohner Marine Band Harp. 18.80 postage. this excerpt from my Fender Blues Deluxe Review. The picture of Matthias Hohner is slightly simplified compared with earlier versions and the laurel around his picture is also a little different. Ending Today at 5:24PM GMT 16h 54m. Clicking on the links under each picture will open new windows with close-ups of various parts of each instrument. If it don't have little screws, don't take it apart, leave it alone. Fast shipping. (I go into some detail about the changes of the Hohner Marine Band model on this page.) It's like trying to cook eggs without breaking them. The concept failed and is often frowned upon by professional 48 chord players. The Marine Band Deluxe brings the incomparable sound of the Marine Band 1896 into the 21st century with a variety of improvements which optimise handling and ensure greater volume and faster response, while retaining the rich and powerful Hohnersound. Do you have the box or case for it? My grandfather gave me a Hohner Chromonica back in the 80's and I would like to get an idea of how long he had it before he gave it to me. Old harmonicas which have pins or rivets typically have pear-wood combs however, and soaking them is not advisable. Sold out. Several noted users are Bob Dylan, Brian Jones, John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, Little Walter and Neil Young. If you do it carefully the small pins will come out intact and you can push them back firmly into the same holes after you have cleaned up and adjusted the reed plates. Your email address will not be published. I pulled out this Marine Band 1896, and the thing bends like a champ! However, despite all these improvements, the Marine Band MS lasted for less than a decade, compared with twelve decades (and counting) of the hand made version. Full Disclosure: Not All Hohner Harmonicas Are Created Equal! All of the above raises the inevitable question of hygiene - is it safe to play something that has been in someone else's mouth? 5 out of 5 stars (1,424) Sale Price $33.50 $ 33.50 $ 37.22 Original Price $37.22 (10% off) Add to Favorites Hohner Marine Band 364/24 G Harmonica, Vintage Instruments Collectible Musical . I want a marine band, I would do a Buddah model cause i'd like to play it, not take it apart. I once attended one of the UK's biggest antiques and collectibles fairs, hunting for old harps. The cut-outs at the ends of the covers are taller, but not as wide as on the previous example. The covers now have a substantial lip at the rear opening and the cutouts at the end of each cover are slightly smaller. There are some models of Hohner harmonicas that I do NOT recommend getting. There are many other small variations in the Hohner trademark that may help give a rough approximation of the manufacturing date, but they are a little beyond the scope of this article. IIIF provides researchers rich metadata and media viewing options for comparison of works across cultural heritage collections. Its got a loud bright tone, its easy on the lips, very responsive, very easy to bend and its very EXPENSIVE! Although the WIEN medals keep their single circle outline, there is a partial circle of dots inside this outline. I play it in its Richter tuning and Natural Minor tuning and it is fantastics, Your email address will not be published. The front left channel and rear right weren't playing sound, power supply was working and output transistors were working, just had to clean the gain pots and all 4 channels work. $270.00. To make space for this, the medals are all slightly smaller and have smaller lettering around them. If you have a very good condition old Hohner Marine Band, or 64 Chromonica, then there could be a player prepared to pay a reasonable price for it. Almost unchanged since it was patented in 1896, the instrument embodies the real deep blues like no other and is the benchmark against which all others are judged. Recent versions all have a hard plastic box, green for the 270, black for the 16-holers. This expands the pin/rivet at the ends and compresses the shell together further. You're in! If the harmonica has been lying around in someone's attic for a few years, you also have a chance of inhaling some other tasty delicacies. I guess it is possible that anything resembling a Jewish symbol would have been risky to display as part of a trademark during those times, but I am aware of no evidence that the Hohner family were Jewish, besides which they also used five and eight pointed stars in some of their designs. The answer, of course, is for comfort! To get the best out of our site and for it to function correct, please read, accept and understand our 'Cookies Policy'. The number A440 stamped on certain Hohner harps indicates neither a limited edition, nor a model number - it tells you that it is tuned to standard concert pitch (see FFAQ10). It's simplistic in its design but beautiful in its achievements. The steel covers are similar to the later pre-war versions, although they give the harp a slightly thicker profile top to bottom. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. In fact, in 1980 they produced their one billionth harmonica. Just leave plenty of length so you can twist the other end like a fern frond using needle-nose pliers, then possibly hammer the swirl perpendicular against the harmonica shell. The bottom of the box and the inside of the lid are also different. Look at the openings inside the round holes, with the slide in the out position (i.e., not pressed in). C. $19.99. From the birth of the blues, the Marine Band 1896 has been a constant musical fixture. Those may not be available though, and rivet pins are easy enough to make anyhow. Your email address will not be published. The box now has #1896 added to the design on the top and a label on the bottom boasting of the quality of their instruments and of their award at the 1915 San Francisco Exposition. Maintenance with the older harmonicas was hit and miss, with no guidance. This harmonica has a rich and expressive sound that defines what most people think of when they imagine the sound . If all the top halves are open in a straight line, that's straight tuning. After WWII this was reduced to seven nails. C $135.09. Even some fairly common harmonicas may be considered collectible by some people. In that case don't attempt pining the centers of the ends. Hohner Hot Metal Harmonica $ 17.99 Select options; Hohner Marine Band 364/24 Soloist Harmonica $ 79.00 Add to cart The circle with the star has the words GESETLICH and GESCHUTZT in full, instead of the abbreviated forms GESETL. Youve got a harmonica very suitable to learn on. Photo courtesy of Ill never tire of saying it: if you wanna sound like the old blues masters, play the instrument that they played: the Hohner Marine Band! There are some slight differences in the engraving and the design of the hands in the trademark is considerably different and all the medals now have doubled circles around them. Learn Harmonica! Registered Company 10370912. Whilst old guitars are often considered to be "vintage", old harmonicas are generally considered to be merely something that has been in someone else's mouth. Vote. They are not pins or rivets.They are small nails. In fact, one of the main reasons that Hohner developed their Special 20 and Crossover model harmonicas was to address the comfort issue. Now I have this marine band, you have to see to believe! This harmonica was made by M. Hohner in Germany, undetermined date. Harmonica, Hohner Marine Band key of C. Like new and sterilised. The harmonica is engraved: MARINE BAND Verdict - The Hohner Marine Band 1896 is the classic harmonica played by old Blues greats like Sonny Terry, Sonny Boy Williamson, and Litter Walter. Here's my take on the Hohner Marine Band, which is the #1 best-selling harmonica model of all time. Either way, you want a pin/rivet with a head on one side, and about 1mm or 1/16th inch sticking through the other side of the harmonica. or Best Offer. Do i have to use a hammer? If youre into jazz, gospel, or bluegrass, I highly recommend that you consider this harp. Completely assembled with screws for easy maintenance. Hohner Marine Band Crossover Harmonica $ 105.00 - $ 110.00 Select options; Hohner Marine Band Thunderbird $ 180.00 - $ 192.00 Select options; Related products. One of the easiest harmonicas in the world for bending. Hohner's Marine Band 1896 is the archetypal blues harmonica. (The 270 has always been straight tuned.). 1896 model in the key of C, with 10 single holes and 20 reeds. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. M. Hohner Marine Band A440 1896 Classic Harmonica - Key of G Used - Good $19.95 + $5 Shipping This piece of gear has sold View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb View similar gear Watch Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. Tubes can be made by rolling some brass foil. It was made in 1896, and it still has the same design. I have never seen any actual physical examples of this stage in its evolution, but here is a picture from an 1896 catalog of the William Tonk and Bro. Although the comb is the same length, the covers have changed substantially. Lets get down to business. Hohner reed plates decoded. That said, the Special 20 uses the Marine Band technology and we prefer the Hohner Special 20 because the plastic comb on the Special 20 doesnt swell over time. The instruments, held together with nails, were hard to get apart, hard to get back together. If you don't take the cover, you can't clean it properly. Help Note: Comment submission is temporarily unavailable while we make improvements to the site. Links, Are you a beginner or struggling to sound good on harmonica? The 1896 model first appeared in the year 1896, but back then it seems to have been called the Marine Orchestra. The chord harmonica is used to provide chordal and rhythmic backing in an ensemble, much as rhythm guitar might do. I've had it 30 years now. For basic cleaning just rub the covers down with a microfiber cloth and use a toothpick to get the gunk out of the holes (hold the harp so the stuff falls out, not in). What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Figuring out the age of a harmonica is by no means easy, nor is it always relevant to the value of the instrument. Double sided harmonica - Weltmeister Rare World War 2 Double sided - Old Harmonica - Collectible harmonica Ad vertisement by TheVINTAGEShopBG. That's a tough one. Only one problem: why in the world are there soooo many different Hohner harps to choose from? Very responsive. Tech Specs Scale: Diatonic Blues Key: C Saturday 4th March: All orders are being dispatched as normal! Take the [not rivets] pins out, clean, then put them back. Probably any small tweezers or files would do - probably a cosmetic set would have the right tools. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. To have a look please message me. Known for its full tone, wood comb, and its patented cover plates, the Marine Band harmonica was there when harmonica blues was born. Presenting the Marine Band 1896 Classic from Hohner. How can I find out which sectors are used by files on NTFS? (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Hohners main Chord is known as the Hohner 48, because it plays 48 chords. If you would like to know how you can use content on this page, see the Smithsonian's Terms of Use. It is also probable that you are now considering emailing me for more information on the possible value of your harmonica. The covers still have the lips at the rear opening, but they are no longer flatted against the inside of the covers, which makes the harp much less open at the back. Constitution Avenue, NW Its uniquely authentic sound has defined the role of the harmonica in the blues tradition and made it the benchmark by which all others are judged. Sold out. Likewise, there were various changes in the alloy used for the reeds and different reed profiles being used, although the lengths and widths of the reeds remained constant.
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