intermountain care process model
bPatients who had at least 1 outpatient visit with a primary care physician (family medicine, internal medicine, geriatric, or pediatric specialty) during the period of 2003-2005 and a continuous service encounter from an Intermountain delivery location (either acute, ambulatory, radiologic, or laboratory services) at least once a year for each 0000023553 00000 n 0000069209 00000 n See the Intermountain care process model Non-surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN OF Care Process Models Care Process Model MONTH 2015 2015 Update 0000023458 00000 n 0000078906 00000 n Provides patient education as directed (content reflects specific MA training, guidelines, care process models, protocols). 0000008863 00000 n Chief among these is the willingness to be open to change and new ideas. Dr Streather noted that seeking out partnerships to improve is an essential part of growth, but that it is not always easy. 0000010567 00000 n 0000002990 00000 n 0000039302 00000 n 0000087649 00000 n 0000023429 00000 n 0000008244 00000 n 0000007790 00000 n 0000170459 00000 n If the child is younger than 10 or has developmental limitations, then the parent/caregiver can complete the screener for them. Fact Sheet Published in 2021 Printer-friendly version 1846 0 obj <>stream 0000006822 00000 n Key Points All pregnant patients at 20 weeks of gestation require a Labor and . 0000169759 00000 n 0000018590 00000 n 0000063087 00000 n 0000004089 00000 n Copyright 2003-2020. 0000000016 00000 n 0 Andrew D. Auerbach, M.D., M.P.H., C. Seth Landefeld, M.D., and Kaveh G. Shojanie, M.D. CPMs also include education, communication and data standards so process and outcome measures are truly meaningful and comparable across institutions. Administers screening tests to . 6440 0 obj <>stream Special attention is also paid to who attends each visit to ensure all stakeholders are involved. 0000086035 00000 n 0000008313 00000 n 0000006529 00000 n 1736 0 obj <> endobj Cerner Corp. and Intermountain Healthcare announced recently the implementation of iCentra, a model electronic health record (EHR), practice management and revenue cycle system, at two Intermountain hospitals and 24 clinics across northern Utah. 0000170355 00000 n 0000009340 00000 n 0000009724 00000 n 0000193542 00000 n 0000176611 00000 n 0000005751 00000 n 0000023593 00000 n 0000006843 00000 n 0000003820 00000 n At Intermountain Healthcare, we are looking for Medical Assistants who are patient-focused and engaged. Mild range scores (0 10) protective approach, Moderate range (11 20) resilient approach, Severe range (21 or higher) restorative approach. Box 581289 Salt Lake City, Utah 84158, A Short History of the Medical Home Portal, Pediatric Patient Summary-Medical Home Portal Project, Nevada Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program (PMHCAP), Rhode Island Pediatric Psychiatry Resource Network (PediPRN), University of Utah Pediatric Resident Writing Elective, University of Utah Writing & Career Development Group, Utah Children's Care Coordination Network, Anxiety Disorders & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) & Disruptive 0000008686 00000 n 0000063674 00000 n 0000001979 00000 n 0000038439 00000 n 0000006208 00000 n 0000053054 00000 n Through our advanced training programme in clinical process improvement, we train senior leaders, middle management and front-line health professionals in the theory and application of cost and quality control. 0000021680 00000 n 0000005788 00000 n 0000128347 00000 n 0000007049 00000 n If this is an emergency please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. 0000081921 00000 n Amy Bowen and Kaye Coholan share their thoughts on how North Central London (NCL) has taken a different approach to managing NHS waiting lists for their Integrated Care System (ICS). Addressing unwarranted variance in care protocols and embedding those processes in the electronic health record (EHR) can be an effective way for healthcare leaders to impact both quality outcomes and their bottom lines. 0000012129 00000 n 0000012415 00000 n Follow Up at Regular Intervals 0000027265 00000 n 0000006007 00000 n Based on national guidelines and emerging evidence and shaped by local expert opinion, this CPM provides practical strategies . Intermountain Healthcare is a Utah-based, not-for-profit system of 33 hospitals (includes "virtual" hospital), a Medical Group with more than 3,800 physicians and advanced practice clinicians at about 385 clinics, a health plans division called SelectHealth, and other health services. The Child Traumatic Stress Care Process Model (CPM) was developed through a collaboration of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Utah and the Center for Safe and Healthy Families at Intermountain Healthcare's Primary Children's Hospital. Six Steps to Mass Customization in Healthcare Rather than rely solely on guidelines, healthcare systems should use a clinical management method to develop shared baseline protocols. 0000065975 00000 n 0000017200 00000 n 0000064797 00000 n 0000060023 00000 n %PDF-1.7 % 0000176762 00000 n 0000009309 00000 n 0000010300 00000 n 0000035663 00000 n %%EOF 0000165412 00000 n 0000005644 00000 n The approach focuses management attention not only on the facilities where care takes place but also on physician decision making and the care process itself, with the aim of boosting physician productivity and improving care quality, while saving money. 0000170561 00000 n 0000007949 00000 n Helping people live the healthiest lives possible, Intermountain is widely recognized as a leader in clinical quality improvement and efficient healthcare delivery. 0000066540 00000 n The Intermountain Care Process Model recently developed the Pediatric Traumatic Stress Screening Tool to assess traumatic stress in children in the primary care setting and to help identify diagnostic criteria for PTSD. 0000015431 00000 n In the 5 phase III alvimopan efficacy trials, a simple standardized accelerated postoperative care pathway was used rather than a comprehensive, multidisciplinary colon surgery care process model that is used by Intermountain Healthcare. 0000002368 00000 n 7 September 2022 0000075971 00000 n 0000072122 00000 n 0000059863 00000 n Intermountain has created care process models (CPMs) within each clinical programme that use a combination of existing evidence-based practice guidelines and historical EHR data. One of the best features of the child traumatic stress care process model is that it can be administered by people who don't have a clinical background. This care process model (CPM), produced by Intermountain Healthcare's Antibiotic Stewardship team, Community-Based Care, and Intermountain Pediatrics, is based on the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Clinical Practice Guidelines. 1660 60 For preschool-age children, the SEEK model for pediatric primary care is recommended to guide providers in screening for, assessing, and addressing problems related to child safety. What resources are available to get children into therapy? 0000020129 00000 n In-office interventions (such as teaching guiding imagery, belly breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation) can be taught by any individual who is comfortable teaching these skills, clinical background not necessary. If you will still be using Intermountain's network, systems or data, information about your use may be reviewed, It is extremely important to screen patients until there are no further limitations on testing capacity. During development of the care process model, the authors found many aspects of ICU care that required substantial change. 0000084446 00000 n Deming, who trained as an electrical engineer, believed that quality and cost are inextricably linked, and creating efficiencies in any process would lead to reduced costs and increased quality. 0000049258 00000 n WARNING: Intermountain Healthcare's Information Systems resources are for Intermountain approved purposes only. 0000014981 00000 n 0000008535 00000 n 0000179407 00000 n 0000037253 00000 n 0000024509 00000 n 0000005751 00000 n Sign In Options. 0000005795 00000 n 0000060865 00000 n 0000004039 00000 n 0000066141 00000 n 0000015259 00000 n startxref 0000079777 00000 n 0000008093 00000 n WARNING: Intermountain authorized users only. Intermountain Healthcare Delivery Institute, Skip to Intermountain Healthcare company wide navigation, Skip to Intermountain Healthcare company wide footer navigation, Sustaining and Extending Clinical Improvements: A Health 95 Systems Use of Clinical Programs to Build Quality Infrastructure, by Brent C. James, Joel S. Lazar, Clinical Programs, Development Teams, and CPMs, Guidebook for Implementation of a Clinical Work Process-Based Organizational Structure, Managing for Ethical Health Care Delivery, The Hastings Center - Health Care Quality Improvement: Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Quality Improvement and Ethical Oversight, The Tension Between Needing to Improve Care and Knowing How to Do It. 0000014285 00000 n under the leadership of Intermountain Healthcare's Behavioral Health Clinical Program. CPMs are meant to provide an evidence-based and standardised way to address the core clinical processes that matter most to their patients and clinicians. 0000006373 00000 n 0000004712 00000 n It is not a prescription for every physician or every patient, nor does it replace clinical judgment. 0000057819 00000 n 0000208680 00000 n 268 0 obj <>stream Care Process Model JUNE 2019 2019 Update GOALS & MEASUREMENTS The goal of this CPM is to improve the . 0000005140 00000 n 0000005227 00000 n Two of the first clinical programmes developed were cardiovascular, and women and newborns. 0000007424 00000 n 0000016002 00000 n 0000021043 00000 n Part of the partnership has been learning that it is not a one-to-one process of dropping in methodology from Intermountain to RFL, and that the Trust has adapted the ideas to their own circumstances. 0000068805 00000 n 3 September 2021 0000079241 00000 n ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0000176282 00000 n 0000056444 00000 n 0000009981 00000 n 0000027605 00000 n <<099953D8ECDC4449BF4B89817F7FC266>]/Prev 820759/XRefStm 5250>> 0000008541 00000 n 0000065908 00000 n 0000176359 00000 n 0000022567 00000 n We found that there was a great deal of unwarranted variation in the way we delivered care that created less than ideal quality care for patients, and there were operational inefficiencies baked into that, said Dr Chris Streather, chief medical officer at RFL. 0000043331 00000 n 0000006937 00000 n 0000004256 00000 n Choose a state from the dropdown to add local service providers. 0000176241 00000 n 0000005907 00000 n This care process model was developed to help guide the general practitioner on outpatient screening for diabetes and management of type 2 diabetes in patients within the University of Utah and Intermountain Healthcare systems. 206 0 obj <> endobj 0000258879 00000 n How old does a child need to be to complete the traumatic stress screener? . 0000086104 00000 n 0000064758 00000 n 0000178647 00000 n by Cerner UK 0000010857 00000 n Care Process Model AUGUST 2013 !is care process model (CPM) and accompanying patient education were developed by a multidisciplinary team including primary care physicians (PCPs), mental health specialists, registered dietitians, and eating disorder specialists, under the leadership of Intermountain Healthcares Behavioral Health Clinical Program. 1425 0 obj <> endobj 0000005093 00000 n P , s &v. 0000177340 00000 n 0000011885 00000 n 0000059783 00000 n %%EOF :x-)KYYY"3%C_hS! All rights reserved. 0000006687 00000 n ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Behaviors, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) & Mood Disorders, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Distinguished from Autism, Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I & Motor Development, Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS 1) Genetics, Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS 1) Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation & 0000180800 00000 n In primary care settings, you can evaluate the response to services using the Pediatric Traumatic Stress Screening Tool at follow up visits. We are also working with the Point of Care Foundation, which facilitates us working with patients and families in the design phase of all our clinical pathways.. 0000008676 00000 n trailer Treesa Carter and James Hitter share their experiences of working on the transformation of health and social care integration at Suffolk County Council. hSiPSW>#BBX-"m6 EM;b;N:N+D(n." 0000050364 00000 n 0000058433 00000 n 0000087608 00000 n Prnom. 0000011615 00000 n 0000013703 00000 n What if the child or parent asks me a question about the screener while they are filling it out? Contribute to Intermountain by participating in one of our charitable events, Find fresh ideas to manage your health, enjoy better quality of life, and LiVe Well, Learn more about Intermountain's mission: Helping people live the healthiest lives possible, Search and apply for volunteer opportunities at Intermountain. 0000005294 00000 n hb```b``_` B,7v`P*u@O@PW]DATCSJVNR.1FZ;@'D0_EVSE:UH]d(GgP{/a{zI)yi=rzfL<5)C^AF^B,fV]yU\/_]*E@'2YS,]C0= xEP+h@E9PH[ B*U^F5k|}j2X6@i+, j-1,(>p*rbPr ']4Odg
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