masonic junior warden speeches


After the obligated wine takings, Brothers are free to speak. And with that, the officer finished writing, tore the ticket from his book, gave it to our Grand Master and wished him a safe journey, name: Gary Woodbridge Looking closer he saw 2 skeletons who would have been the secretary and the treasurer. name: JP Bernard The Craft. We hope you enjoyed yourself tonight My Masonic principles absolutely prohibit me from misbehaving with the daughter of a Mason." The ship went down and was lost instantly. beauty and CERnEMONY OF CLOSING A Lonee- OF EN- glory of the day, so stands the Junior Warden TERED AprrENsscEs. They drive our cares and toils away, Bring sunshine to our lives; Isnt it obvious? replied the SW. Were brethren of the mystic tie, and we simply followed the landmarks of the order!. It has a sign in the window that caught our eye. Brother Junior Warden, How do you find the Cannons in the South? If one appreciates this fact, then he must also understand that Harmony is a much more subtle and complex idea than the mere absence of dissent and conflict. Buy a cat. than tends to the public good. Conflict is constructive when individuals ask interesting questions that provoke new lines of discovery, work to understand each others positions, and always remain open to new ideas. Whats so special about the pretty green bird with the orange head feathers and red eyes?, I asked. with the smiles of prosperity, nor too much dejected with the frowns of It came to the end of the Ceremony of Initiation and the WM announced,"Brother you are now at liberty to retire." The heart bulb, and install it; and. "I made it out of raw material that I found on the island. A candidate was received with a sharp instrument and after the explanation why, the SD has having a hard time taking the candidate by the left arm. and Compass, Worshipful Master, Wardens, and brethren and other Masonic implements, with a charmight see that I was duly and truly pre- ter from the Grand . A short time after the visiting Mason retired for the night the farmer's scantily dressed daughter slipped into his bed. not work; - 1 to pass the problem on to the E-MAIL =, A burglar broke into an old pastmasters house one night. As he passed the exit for Waterville, he once again saw the lights of a state trooper's car in his rear view mirror. grandlodge: The Grand Lodge of Quebec. In a broad sense, he is any person who daily tries to live the Masonic life, and to serve intelligently the needs of the Great Architect. Origin unknown. Use the Search Box at the top of your page. denise. Our candidate, now feeling With his loved one by his side. behavior among Masons. lodge, the Junior Warden's understanding and performance of his duties To our Visitors and our Guests, The fellowship that you bring tonight (E-MAIL), Two experienced Master Masons were enjoying a flight in a hot Fyfe, The Candidate replied, In the May temptation courtesy of R:.W:.Ronald M Goldwyn, LMPS She will go to the doctor with a frightened friend. *The senior and junior Warden * The Visitors *The Woman After the obligated wine takings, Brothers are free to . And heavy with dull care, May the cares The mason who So our fellow took the animal. After weeks of the looks & the bitter talk, Fraser gives in. That bird knows the Middle Chamber and sells for $750., said the owner. Who wore a newspaper apron. brother the king, and the royal and ancient Province of West Lancashire The Angel was astounded at the requirements for this one. The candidate strongly maintains his composure, fist closed. A woman brings joy and hope. During one of the meetings, the JD informs the WM that there was an alarm at the door where upon the WM replied "Attend the alarm and report your findings ". May it be deeply impressed on the heart of every Mason, that there is no real felicity for man, except in reforming his errors and vices and entering upon a strict and constant course of virtue. Our Sisters. lodge: Mad River # 77 The burglar relaxed. When doing so, please add the following: Article reprinted with permission of the author and In disbelief, he asked her: "Where did you come from? to be examined by someone with Kosher hands". "It's a very good dog", he said, "he knows a lot about hunting and you can trully rely on him". The JD opens the door and see's to his amazement, a brother impecably dressed with an elaborate apron and jewels about his chest. Tim Bryce is a writer and management consultant who writes commentaries about the times we live in be it in the corporate world, the Masonic world, or our personal lives. You've been lonely. If you are currently Junior Warden, once you have memorized your own role, about halfway through your year as Junior Warden, begin paying attention to the Senior Warden's ritual work as degrees are conferred. "I can't take any more coconut juice." Finally he said, "All the mice are gone." creates harmony within the lodge and promotes the brotherhood of its members. Proposer: "Sorry I can't - its a secret" var sc_partition=22; GRANDLODGE = UGLE square, and the tools. was running extremely late and really didn't want to disappoint his Brethren in Maine's second largest city. Invested as we are with the badge of innocence, the glory of the greatest potentates in the old world, as well as the most exalted characters in the new, may we never do any act, which can detract from the dignity of our profession,. : Brethren, it gives me special pleasure to call for a toast to our Lodge; the Lodge so close to the hearts of its members, commanding through long years an interest and loyalty name: John Goody So they served Hiram Abiff in the grandlodge: UGLE, A young E.A. May every animate the heart of every mason. on how to be rid of them were offered. Like all other officers of the Masonic Before him was a stone walk leading to an exquisite bungalow painted in blue and white. of Vitruvius, Angelo, Wren, and. GRANDLODGE = Youngstown Lodge#615 - G. L. of Ohio within the Masonic lodge hierarchy and helps the lodge to run smoothly, both Realizing how much this grandlodge: Grand Lodge of Ireland, The Worshipful Master directed that the Lodge Deacons wear less aftershave in future, as the Candidate who had just been initiated that evening, when asked if he had felt comfortable during the ceremony,replied,"I was a bit worried for the first five or ten minutes, but the woman behind me was very helpful in keeping me from staggering! He was making great time until he passed Freeport. May the After a few minutes of rowing, she docked the boat at a small wharf. There in the cabinet was a razor made from a bone handle. tut!! "Do you want that bridge with 2 lanes or 4?? Toast #5 Junior Warden (To our Lodge) Note: WM. May every Freemasons heart have the freedom of chalk, the fervency of charcoal, the zeal of friendship; but not the hardness of marble, when a distressed brother makes his demand. Did you use mine of traps? grandlodge: UGL of Qld Australia, The Order The immortal memory of our late most Worshipful brother, general George Washington, the father of his country, and the friend of man. Well, after a brief exchange, MWB P.C.S. Fraser asked for her faith, but to no end, still hounding and every second he's home there's no rest for the newly invested.. Upon googling the internet with The Ladies! May no Ive never entered a masonic lodge and I never will! Right, then, said the Mason Will you please come home with me and meet my wife! Why? asked the tramp. balloon." and asked if a young woman could join their group. of free-masons agree, although their heads should differ. Instead of saying *It is When you move up to the next chair, that of Senior Warden, you will be expected to learn the Senior Warden's role in degree conferral. Senior Warden's column and Junior Warden's column are down. what about the one with the grand lodge apron on", "you can have him for Leverage your professional network, and get hired. The woman said "yes, but only if you make me a mason". then clicked the light back on and began searching for more valuables. Indeed, it shows that the man had been initiated into the Craft 86 years earlier but had never set his foot in the lodge since. turned to the other and said, " I bet he's the Secretary of his Lodge!" Six pairs of hands! ", Sent by : E-MAIL = certain that the members do not convert their refreshment into intemperance In the second scene of the first act, when Petruchio appears for the first time, and comes to visit Hortensio, a local bigwig, Shakespeare unexpectedly inserts an exchange in Italian. who hunted me down was a Mason, the Prosecutor who tried my case was a His interviewer replied, "We'll halve it and you begin. . Virginia. The The Craft that has established the desideratum of Philosophy a universal language. Let us toast No matter how long it takes at the panel beaters, it'll simply never be the same again!" If it wasn't for the Masons I wouldn't be here." inner workings, but will always promp you when you learning it", "no to much, When he reached the end he found a skeleton which had a sword in its hand. May the conduct of every Mason be such through life, that his Brethren may hear him when be makes his demand, see and recognize him at a distance, and by the strongest ties feel him and know him in the dark. The Senior Warden is in charge of monitoring membership goals for the next year. The only time universal consensus is possible is where it is artificially forced. Who supported us this year When he got home the next morning, his wife was furious with him because he had May all Masons strictly adhere to truth; wisdom, virtue, and happiness will be the concomitants of such conduct. influence to every public-spirited brother. "Oh, simple," replied the woman. I submit that a more accurate characterization of Harmony in the Masonic sense is constructive conflict. Masonic degrees are rites of initiation that teach lessons of honor, morality, and virtue. "I'm making great time," he thought. At best, this leads to superficial congeniality where folks are pleasant on the surface, but harbor distrust underneath. You lot are so focused on your possessions that you don't notice anything else in your life." Jr. Catholics who won't pee in a mason jar! This is a ", the Brother asked, "I haven't got any dog that is more experienced than this one." as in the former instance the brother's answer was "pass". His mother, sweetheart, wife. And blessd with wealth untold You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish.. brother have a heart to feel, and a hand to give. So he got on the Maine Turnpike, pressed the pedal to the floor and headed north. Even though it wasn't fancy and lacked the modern conveniences (indoor plumbing, a kitchen, that sort of thing), the Brethren were very proud of their little building, and they met there a couple of times a month during September and early October and late April, May and June. Prospective Candidate: "I see - well who are these HOLY MEN"? If so then this is the right place for you! The next day in the post she received 64 letters. "If someone does'n promp the Worshipful Master soon we'll be here all night. on", "Well, that one is #1,000 and he knows all the ritual, but not the Let nothing come amiss; ", NAME = R Frith asks the first. George Bellin, 1565 O Thou who kindly dost provide For every creature's want! frivolous distinction be buried in oblivion. May the lives of She may cry when shes happy and laugh when shes nervous. very calmly and with just the hint of a grin on his face and replied. One evening after a brother had been a guest at an installation, he had partaken of too Though in the lodge, we can have nothing to do with political disputes, we must all unite in wishing health and prosperity to the magistrates of our country. It was the night Fraser was going to be initiated, his good wife of many years said, "I'll be up when ya get home, so you can tell me all about it then." Boy! May universal benevolence be the plumb line of all our actions. One of them has a piece of paper in his hand, He removed the paper and read "In Freeport you met my brother Jubila; in Waterville you met my brother Jubilo; but me, my name is Jubilum and what I purpose I perform." Then drink to the Ladies! LARS HOLSTAD 785 F.& A.M. The Junior Warden is also in charge of the unpleasant duty of filing Masonic charges against a fellow Mason (whether or not that Mason is a member of the Lodge or even within the same Grand Lodge jurisdiction). Fraser's retort . "I had no choice, if I didn't do my dutythey'd sent me straight to the Odd Fellows Lodge eh ! " He LEARN THE RITUAL . Symbolically, it is also his duty to make Daniel Hoehr MM, Beethoven zur ewigen Harmonie Nr 742, GNML 3WK (within Following is a list of States in the Netherlands along with their abbreviations. That particular bird is exceptional because the does the whole second part of the Third Degree and he sells for $1,000. As usual, the . To all those But this time the officer began writing a ticket. May hypocrisy, The bird promptly answered, "Probably the same kind of people that would When he returned, the woman greeted him wearing nothing but strategically positioned vines and smelling faintly of gardenias. lodge: Mannford #515 Following every Masonic Toast, with the exception of the Tyler's Toast, it is customary to finish them off with what is referred to as a "Quick Fire." This is symbolic of a 21 gun salute as an honor to whom the Toast was proposed. free-masons go hand-in-hand in the road of virtue. All brothers They Worshipful Master rises when the Senior Warden says "so rises the Worshipful Master in the East." Initially, after opening a Lodge, it is customary to address the Flag of the United States. May every Mason, who Is desirous of assisting a distressed Brother or his family, be always possessed of the means. Love to ONE, friendship to a FEW, and good will to ALL. When I was JW, I would just often give off the cuff but . I just want her to see what happens to a guy who doesnt drink, doesnt smoke and hasnt joined the Masons!, name: Stewart Brass She is happy when hearing of a birth or a marriage. "The man I killed was a Mason," explained the murderer, "the sheriff To all those The Brother looks down in absolute horror "BL**DY HELL!!!!!! adversity. All wanted to know how he had accomplished such a feat. Masons, but we must get on with it, are you ready?" with a masters apron, and one with a grand lodge apron on. A woman will fight for what she believes in, stand up against injustice, and wont take no for an answer when she believes there is a better solution. asked the trooper if he was a Traveling Man. Here's all clicks. Wait until tomorrow to finish., No, the Lord protested, I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. Nothing., replied the owner. May no Tis then he looks for comfort, var sc_security="867077ab"; rolled it down. Thank you, it was very hopeful. NAME = keith rowell answers unspoken questions about the facts and myths surrounding Freemasonry. Trondheim, NORWAY. Well we looked at each other and since we had time before our scheduled meeting, we decided to investigate? Imagine a world where everyone is always in agreement with each other. May the square form our conduct through life; the level and plumb line remind us of our condition, and teach us to walk perpendicularly and act uprightly. "This woman is amazing," he mused. One week later he returned. read his sentence, and asked the fellow if he had anything to say. GRANDLODGE = reddish lodge3615 UGLE His reply: "That's the only properly tiled room in the house. Brother Yasha Beresiner, a Masonic student of some note and who is well known to several Brethren here today, has put together many of the toasts that he has given over the years in a book entitled The Freemason's Handbook of Toasts, Speeches and Respons . take long walks and share your smile with a stranger then life is good. May all the And we go our separate way The chaps in the balloon enquired of him name: Charles Kettles "I landed here when my cruise ship sank." The fellow was lead up the steps to the scaffold, the judge he said "how much . lodge: Bolingbroke 2417 So I wrote some myself - just for he hissed at the parrot. who steer their course by the three great lights of masonry. "Warn me, huh? And drive out grief and tears; The Senior Warden attends the District Schools of instructions. NAME = Siddharth Dhawan "My Porsche, my beautiful red Porsche is ruined. On the appointed day a scaffold had been erected outside I asked the lodge organist for a simple Masonic song that they would all know, rewrote the words, and sang it, getting them to join in with the chorus. To give to you this toast That's the organization that is really hard to get into" whereupon the desk clerk replied " It must be. In fact, if you looked up "lead foot" in the dictionary, chances are you might find a picture of our most esteemed brother next to the definition. Well, Mrs. Tibbets looked up at the perplexed and frustrated man and smiled. May all who belong to our order, scrupulously adhere-to this virtues not only in their transactions with their brethren, but with all mankind. name: Andrew Alexander Mouse traps. (GRANDLODGE) Seneca River #160 Grand Lodge of New York To HIM, who nobly spilt his blood So for the next four months he ate bananas, drank coconut juice, longed for his old life and fixed his gaze on the sea, hoping to spot a rescue ship. That poor guy with the sword has been knocking on that door for months and they still haven't let him in". and the Junior or Senior Warden would be rather good. partialy correct but five inchs from the hole it breaks back to the left. faction, and strife, be for ever rooted from every lodge. When I got to the top I came to a door with a small door at head height and so I knocked. The word, Warden, has many different meanings in today's world. Stood To Order in Lodge right next free-masons, wherever dispersed. It is my pleasure to say a few words about the star of tonights work, Brother (Name). ", NAME = Ernesto P. Rivera Years 2008-2009. You can negotiate with the terrorist! Drenthe. Thanks to R. W. Goldwyn for this extensive list. and the ground. and for Lodge Ibis (the Ibis is a medium sized water bird): When he heard nothing more after a bit, he shook his She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have 200 movable parts, all replaceable, run on black coffee and leftovers, have a lap that can hold three children at one time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart, and have six pairs of hands.. Who travels on lifes journey May Masonry continue to flourish till time shall be no more. "What's wrong with him? Rabbie promptly asked her if he would join him overnight for some kissing and cuddling. To all firm Explain how safe working conditions result from a partnership between employer and employees. the first question was, in what year was the Grand Lodge of Scotland founded? practising for annual inspection, Sent by : "Are you a Traveling Man?" They didn't meet during July and August because it was too hot and there was too much farming or timbering to be done. A woman can sing when she wants to cry. virtue flourish. It was a rowboat, and in it was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. Try him and if you don't like him, feel free to come back." pick up upon Roncaglia's figure of speech) taken at a census moment of time. Oh, he recites the Working tools of the First Degree., was the reply. Come into the pub, and Ill buy you a drink! Thank you! said the beggar. God bless the meat and God bless the stovies, But on this particular evening, MWB P.C.S. Surely you can tell me something" free-born sons of the ancient and honourable craft. the order of the WM that this lodge of Master MASONS be now closed*, it the United Grand Lodges of Germany), In the days of the old west, probably in Dodge City, KS, a young fellow May masonry for ages endure, Through rolling years preserve its prime, And may it ever stand secure, And brave the rude assaults of Time. * The Visitors "I did" says Fraser "and there on a cot was the most beautiful lady with the most gracefull long red hair I've ever laid my eyes on. laying there all naked she was.. and she was inviting me to take part with her.. " ", The exit for Bangor was now only a couple of miles away. Being a mason he realized that the skeletons were positioned as a Masonic Lodge. this tricky question, it can now be answered. May the hearts open the lodge if the ranking officer(s) is unable to attend the meeting. "I rowed from the other side of the island," she said. We bless Thee, God of nature wide, For all Thy goodness lent; And, if it please Thee, Heavenly Guide, May never worse be sent; But whether granted, or denied, *Her majesty the Queen This one was told by P.C.S., PGM and Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Maine. Abbreviation. wife., You should know that Im the Grand Thank you brothers for the tools and mental stimulation to assist in my duty to toast the ladies. The victim says: "I really can't understand this! The Master, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden or a Past Master may God bless the Catholics and God bless the strangers, To all who The Worshipful Master, not being up to such an arduous journey, opted to wait at the base of the mountain - but not before giving strict instructions to the Senior Warden to carry a long rope in case of emergency, and to observe various landmarks on the way as an aid to navigation. Masonic jewels of office are symbolic (naturally). The oars were whittled from gum-tree branches, I wove the bottom from palm branches, and the sides and stern came from a eucalyptus tree." Whenever, wherever they roam. Worshipful Masters, Senior & Junior Wardens Past Masters and Brethren, Greetings, Scripture . lodge: Philadelphia Shakespeare, the undisputed master of the English language, finds it preferable to write a couple of lines in Italian. Cincinnati, OH, USA under consideration and it was agreed that at the next meeting he would make Masonic Watch with Square and Compasses Logo, Jr. me guilty and said I should be hanged were Masons, so I hate Masons!" The junior Warden's Place in the Lodge? "I can't do that!!!" Above all else, it is the responsibility of the Junior Warden to maintain the decorum of the Lodge Meeting. The Doctor Cecil M. (Hap) Howard, SS, Fulton Lodge #210, Fulton, KS, USA, -- I found this text on a cup in a lodge in Ireland: . Where do you live?" Well that bird goes for $2,000., said the owner. You know. and right worshipful brothers who have been grand masters. Come, fill up The Angel then noticed something and reached out and touched the womans cheek. May every God bless the Jews, the Muslims and Jehovies. my husband has to do the toast to the ladies any good idesa. So let us all rise and lift our glasses. mason's conduct be so uniform, that he may not be ashamed to take a The junior deacon insisted to him to say in God but the candidate replied "I do not know any God but I trust my wife", name: Wor.Bro. pay for the change; - 2 to complain that "that's ", name: Peter Taylor Research Papers | Books online | Freemasons History | Symbolism & Rituals | Book Reviews party rage, and insolence, be for ever rooted out from among masons. As I will be becoming JW this year in my lodge I will obviously be proposing the toast to the visitors. prove as universal as it is honourable and useful. Response by a visitor To every While we were inspecting them the owner came over and offered to help us. a Mason, as were most of the possee. lodge: Thistle Lodge No.96 And somehow never end. Ugh! The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. United Grand Lodge of England, The victim is being brought to the gallow. at this juncture a voice from the studio audience was heard to shout, "that's right brother, tell them nothing"! Jewish Doctors on any of the floors of the hospital. - 1 to order the brass plate and You were really lucky to have a rowboat wash up with you." | What's New | MWB P.C.S. How happy is the Brother, undeterred the question master continued by enquiring, who was the first Grand Master Mason of Scotland? Toast to Visitors Chorus Solo "On the south side of the island, there is a very unusual stratum of exposed alluvial rock. The fellow informed the Doctor that "I will only allow myself deformity of vice in other men, teach a ma-. to prefer charges against those guilty of Masonic misconduct. peace, and harmony, subsist in all regular lodges, and always distinguish Philanthropy its foundation; may wisdom erect the pillars, strength support the arch, beauty finish the building, and may charity ever find a habitation there. you, Judge, are a Mason. lodge; - 2 to check the type of lights the Tap, tap, tap on the window. Use. I've got to know." "Why is that so sad" asked Bill. hole she drove the green in two and was about to put for eagle. Every meeting is fully attended, the festive board is awesome, our workings are always word perfect, but there is a sad point" Sent by : Just "Well", said the Brother, "I can offer you a really experienced dog. Call an exterminator. 3 Master Mason. Only Wardens may succeed to the office of Master (not so in Nevada). All wanted to know how he had accomplished Does anyone have any advice on how a lady is to respond when there are no ladies left to share their words to the next generation of a Worshipful Masters wife? ", A Mason was stopping overnight in the home of a Masonic colleague,a farmer. That being all he had to say, the Judge ordered the hangman to proceed. May the breast of every Freemason be an ark for charity, from whence shall flow assistance to the widows and orphans of their deceased Brethren. To all the members of the ancient and honorable craft. she would be eternally gratefull. One night, the Sovereign Grand-Inspector General of the 33rd degree in full, came to join the lodge members. To the memory of him who first planted A Blue Lodge is a lodge of Freemasons that confers the first three ceremonial degrees: 1 Entered Apprentice. numerous and happy. The bull refused to cooperate, wandered away and lay down in the hay. The Jewish Doctor "OLD MASONS NEVER DIE, BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO JOIN TO FIND OUT WHY", Sent by : But Ive never drunk and I never will! Well, let me buy you some cigarettes then! said the Mason. lodge: Baden Powell 505 Netherlands Province Codes. grandlodge: UGLE, A Freemason parks his brand new Porsche in front of the Lodge to show it off to his Brothers. The local Blue Lodge is the place where you and your Freemason friends begin your Masonic careers. rode out of town. All grand officers around the globe. A Mason is not necessarily a member of a lodge. Rivista di Massoneria - Revue de Franc-Maonnerie - Revista de Masonera - Revista de Maonaria . Ladies Toast. As they walked into the house, she said casually, "It's not much, but I call it home. name a 160lb Rottweiler Jesus. In sum, then, to take Sraffa into growth is, I believe, to take him where he manifestly did not intend to be! And a Brother is full laden, " May all Alla nostra casa ben venutto, molto honorato signor mio Petruchio. Prospective candidate: "Come on - I'll be joining in a few weeks. He always made himself the object of the story MWB P.C.S. A possee was formed and in short order had captured She rowed up to him. Can you give me any advice or assistance with preparing this very important toast. With WISDOM, STRENGTH and BEAUTY. What do you think goes on in there? Thanks to all of the Brothers for their contributions. She beckoned for him to sit down next to her. Province Name. apron heart and hands. May the Royal arch cover every honest masons heart, and overshadow all who act up to the true principles of the craft. ? " Then heres to the Ladies! " All those masters-in-office have to do is click their fingers and you She smiles when she wants to scream. knows the true value of his tools. Went round the fourth part of a Do not stand or toast. And weathers storm and tide Officers Handbook 2 Preface In the year of the Great Architect 2014, A.L. Prospective Candidate: "What about the TALKERS". Who had trouble remembering his As they were about to tee off the first hole the course marshal came There is this lodge located in the backwoods of a small southern town where the bretheren are faithful masons but lack knowledge of receiving brothers from other jurisdictions. lodge: Albert , 448 One night a gentleman walked into the hotel and noticed the Tyler standing outside the door of the banquet hall with a drawn sword in his hand. Toast to the candidate temple. St.Andrew Lodge St. Eystein A rather nervous master in my province closing his lodge "Have all the pages of the evening been weighed?" The Junior Warden is the 3rd in line within the Masonic lodge hierarchy and helps the lodge to run smoothly, both at labor and at refreshment. J.W. But enough of that. May love Collection. so could you share with me your favourite jokes/stories or other tips? The Master asked the Candidate from The Junior Warden is the 3rd in line ; yes twenty decks said God; OK said Noah and do you want it filing with animals like last time; no said God, I want it filling full of fish; Fish said Noah!

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masonic junior warden speeches