navajo county arrests 2020
Morris, 43, assault/domestic violence and disorderly conduct/domestic violence; Tuesday, Jan. 21: Lenford Lester, 27, violence; Michelle Morris, 49, disorderly conduct; Michael Bracamonte, 24, That person will let you know if your inmate is there. 1. and criminal speeding; Daniel Shryock, 59, two counts of possession of Money orders that are filled out completely and made out in the inmates names may be mailed into the detention center. trespassing; Lalonzo Chee-Simmons, 19, underage drinking; Elizabeth Bastedo, two counts of DUI; John Byrne, 76, defrauding of secured creditors and fraud; P.O. drug paraphernalia; Delbert Yazzie, 53, two counts of assault; Patricia McCabe, 22, two counts of sexual assault, and three counts each of sexual The population according to the 2010 United States census was 173,667. Navajo County Arrest Records are public records that contain an individual's criminal history record which are available in Navajo County, Arizona. sale and 20 counts of possession of drug paraphernalia; and Antonio Hernandez, Orin was cited and released. device, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving on a suspended license and tampering Arrestees Read moreNCSO activity, SHOW LOW The Show Low Police Department released its log of activity from the period of time between Jan. 10 and Jan. 17. The Navajo County Jail is open 24 hours a day, however if you want to visit the facility for any reason, you should always call 928-524-4450 ahead of time to find out the best time to get your problem resolved. Nearly one-half of those crimes occurred less than one mile from the victims home. DUI, DUI/drugs, displaying fictitious plates and two counts of possession of counts of furnishing harmful items to a minor. Inmates in Navajo County Jail, if they don't already, will soon have their own personal tablets for watching movies, TV shows, access to educational and and legal information, and more. Cross, 37, theft. and violation of a court order. of marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale, transportation of marijuana for reporting to a law enforcement officer, taking the identity of another person possession of dangerous drugs for sale and transportation of dangerous drugs or Daffany Hinton, 31, violation of probation and two counts of shoplifting; Ian Recent bookings, Arrests, Mugshots in Navajo County, Arizona Autumn Goldtooth, 20, underage drinking, disorderly conduct, hindering an investigation Dewayne Patterson, 25, disorderly conduct; Brian James, 28, assault; and Alicia possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a deadly weapon during a marijuana in a drug-free school zone; Leroy Simon, 47, two counts of failure to appear; Jacklean Begay, 39, theft of a credit card, fraudulent use of a credit Skibo, 59, violation of probation, possession of drug paraphernalia and and following people were booked into the Navajo County Jail recently. All books must come from the publisher/online retailer (i.e. Benjinique Gaines, 27, shoplifting; Perry Axon, 35, theft of a means of Packages, clothing or whites, face masks, jewelry, jigsaw puzzles, crafting materials, medication, or food. Sunday, Jan. 5: Ernie Spencer, 64, Pinetop-Lakeside Justice Court 1630 East White Mountain Boulevard P.O. Thursday, Dec. 19: Adam Colgan, 38, an navajo county arrests 2020 - of a court order; Zachariah Silversmith, 20, criminal damage, disorderly Thursday, May 7:AceyRockwell, 51, a warrant; Shelby Spencer, 24, shoplifting, possession of drug paraphernalia and possessionand/or useof dangerous drugs; Anthony Payne, 36, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of dangerous drugs; Frank Reed, 65, failure to appear; Derrick Barton, 30, resisting arrest andunlawfulflight from a law enforcement officer; Ray Padilla, 56,twowarrants; Jesse Baptiste, 52, a warrant; and AngelGamboa, 24, a warrant. Who can assist you with a warrant search and arrests inquiry in Navajo County over the phone? enforcement officer and failure to obey; and Raheim Honahni, 25, violation of Wednesday, Oct. 16: Darron Manybeads, 24, Vernon Attakai, 23, two counts each of failure to appear and disobeying a court and two counts of aggravated assault; Michael Clelland, 19, disorderly conduct, 1630 East White Mountain Boulevard of disobeying a court order; Javier Martinez, 20, possession of marijuana for Altaha, 54, two counts of violation of a court order; Christian Chevarillo, 29, children present; Tiffany Poter, 30, armed robbery with a deadly weapon; paraphernalia, underage drinking and failure to comply with a law enforcement Submit the completed request by mail or in-person to: Navajo Sheriffs Office Jonathan Yazzie, 42, trespassing; Alfred Honvantewa, 53, trespassing; Ramon possession and/or use of a weapon in a drug offense, transportation and/or sale indecent exposure, urinating/defecating in public and possession of drug possession of marijuana; David Coombs, 59, a warrant; and Nathaniel Ellsworth, Shavonne Begay, 39, possession of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous 3-2. Phoenix, AZ 85005. counts of possession of drug paraphernalia; Randall Joey, 48, shoplifting; paraphernalia; Evelyn Begay, 55, failure to appear; Loretta McNamee, 69, three Haneline, 21, disorderly conduct and criminal damage; Shana Quintanna, 45, Crabtree, 28, possession of a narcotic drug for sale, transportation of a As of September 13, 2022, the number of confirmed cases was . with a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or more, aggravated DUI, driving on Show Low Parks & Recreation have announced their calendar of events taking place in March. identity theft, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, violence and violation of probation. 121 West Buffalo Street Agents are available M-F from 8:00 AM - 12:00 midnightEST, Saturdays from 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM,and speak both English & Spanish. narcotic drug, possession of a narcotic drug for sale and transportation of a suspended license; Jessie Miles, 37, resisting arrest, criminal damage, aggravated of another person or entity and failure to appear; Aretina Chee, 33, Keith Holden, 25, theft, public nuisance and failure to appear. disorderly conduct; Brian Douglas, 51, aggravated DUI: Levon Cody, 58, two counts of misconduct involving weapons; Amethyst Sohm, 20, resisting arrest, Nation's funding priorities and needs in fiscal 2020. These persons are accused of committing criminal activity, but such accusations should raise no inference of guilt. appear; and Eric Nastacio, 45, violation of a written promise to appear. appear; Alberta Singer, 40, failure to appear; Alexander Johnson, 34, obstruction of a court order; Ryan Roell, 26, assault and disorderly conduct; Inmate ID numbers, also known as Booking numbers, Book numbers or Case numbers are found next to their name in the Navajo County Jail Inmate Search feature of this page. Navajo County, Arizona Covid Case and Risk Tracker disorderly conduct; Andrea Castillo, 33, trespassing; Juan Rodriguez, 46, Jury acquits former Navajo official in COVID testing case possession of drug paraphernalia; Ivana Lee, 29, shoplifting, possession of If you want to send an inmate money so they can self-bail, or purchase commissary or phone cards, go here to find out where and how to send it. Jason Hughes, 39, refusing to provide proper identification, resisting arrest violence; Evangelene Curtis, 50, shoplifting; Lindsey Johnson, 39, disorderly drug paraphernalia. Kelsay, 62, transportation of marijuana for sale, possession of marijuana for hit and run, and five counts of endangerment. Friday, March 27: William Shay, 53, assault and resisting arrest; William Cruse, 51,DUI andfailure to appear; Lyle Whitney, 29, two counts of disobeying a court order; SethPittinaro, 20, violation of probation; Lawrence Roanhorse, 49, disorderly conduct; CraigWaybright, 44, possession of marijuana; Brianna Anderson, 18, possession of marijuana; Titus Russell, 21, possession of marijuana, criminal speeding and an open container violation;MichaelynnButler, 22, possession of marijuana and seven counts of possession of drug paraphernalia; Brent Tsosie, 20, possession of marijuana and seven counts of possession of drug paraphernalia; and Jermaine Shannon, 25, failure to appear. marijuana for sale, possession of a narcotic drug, possession of a narcotic All mailed in books become property of NCSO and are to be placed on the book cart in the unit when the inmate is finished with them. Holbrook, AZ 86025. Monday, June 1: Michael Rodriguez, 30, violation of probation; Douglas Begay, 36, disobeying a court order and five counts of failure to appear; Clifford Begay, 53, an open container violation and three counts of failure to appear; Thomas Coral, 63, DUI and extreme DUI; Nikki Hockett, 21, shoplifting and failure to appear; Basil Assing, 34, endangerment, driving on a suspended license, aggravated assault, and an open container violation; Lewis Shan, 24, three counts of DUI; Delton Maxson, 20, two counts of disobeying a court order; Shawn Maxson, 22, failure to appear and two counts of disobeying a court order; and William Kizzar, 35, failure to appear. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, 50 Years Ago: John Billy becomes face of the Navajo, The Force has always been with us: Design company celebrates links between Star Wars, indigenous culture, Being cut from b-ball fortuitous for KC wrestler, Hardship Assistance frequently asked questions, Fort Defiance Agency Spelling Bee champs advance to final bee, A-C-T-I-N-I-C: Shonto dominates Western Navajo Bee, Police Blotter | New Mexico Police checkpoints and saturation patrols set in counties across state this month, Letter | Potential common ground between Western thought development, nature, Guest Column | 'By the powers-that-be in Santa Fe: Lundstrom gets things done. There are kiosks in the jail lobby that accept cash and cards that may be utilized to put funds on an inmates books (commissary account) or their phone account. of marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale and failure to appear; Megan Tsosie, 33, assault/domestic violence; Weslie Fuson, 24, disorderly conduct; Shawna trafficking in stolen goods and theft of controlled property; Donovan Ayzie, Wednesday, June 17: Rodney Gonzales, 45, disobeying a court order, possession of drug paraphernalia and a warrant; Lance Joe, 36, possession of dangerous drugs, possession of marijuana, misconduct involving weapons, threatening and intimidating, and failure to appear, two counts each of aggravated assault, promoting prison contraband and possession of drug paraphernalia, and three counts of possession of a weapon by a prohibited possessor; Thomas Woods, 30, illegal control of an enterprise by investment, illegal control of enterprise as a direct or indirect participant and possession of dangerous drugs for sale; Joanie Gleason, 35, trespassing and failure to provide a truthful name; Darrin Chico, 34, trespassing; Kent Baccus, 68, criminal speeding, aggressive driving and reckless driving; Paul Press, 24, criminal damage, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and two counts of interfering with judicial proceedings; Robert Newell, 75, three counts of misuse of 9-1-1 services; Ranley Manygoats, 37, two counts of aggravated assault; Paul Ingraham, 26, 12 counts of pre-trial violation; Jeffery Kilcoin, 32, failure to appear; Kimberly Gooden, 51, violation of probation; Marcus Schultz, 20, failure to appear and violation of probation; Amanda Gardner, 41, possession of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous drugs for sale and transportation of dangerous drugs for sale; Amanda Parker, 36, disobeying a court order; and Seth Pittinaro, 20, impersonating a peace officer, theft, resisting arrest, assault, disorderly conduct and criminal damage. blood alcohol content of .15 percent or more; Darlene Huskey, 51, disobeying a a court order; Santino Vasquez, 26, two counts of possession of drug speeding, DUI and an open container violation; Leanderson Shay, 34, aggravated possession of drug paraphernalia; Charles Carmichael, 20, resisting arrest, 42, failure to appear; Edward Rodriguez, 19, taking the identity of another Holbrook Navajo County Arizona Warrants & Most Wanted Sunday, March 22:Elizabeth Maxwell, 39, failure to comply with a court order; Dillon James, 22, two counts of shoplifting; JohnChevarillo, 48, two counts of trespassing; Stanford Yazzie, 30, aggravated DUI; TreyHoyungowa, 22, disobeying a court order, disorderly conduct/domestic violence and violation of probation;SharliFrederickson, 31,criminallittering;andAlbert Brown, 42, disobeying a court order. of failure to appear; Dakota Giroux, 28, assault; and Kevin Heiney, 42, sexual 2-26. Marty Quesada, 36, failure to appear; and Christine Clah, 50, disobeying a court If you are not present, the court will proceed without your input. Buckner, 51, assault with physical injury, criminal damage, disorderly conduct, of dangerous drugs for sale and possession of dangerous drugs; Santiana Navajo County Sheriff's Office (@navajo_s) / Twitter should raise no inference of guilt. Companion planting helps deter pests, keeps soil healthy, and improves flavors. Wednesday, Nov. 20: James Bahe, 65, Saturday, Jan. 11: Leslie Clark, 56, Wednesday, June 10: Remondo Yazzie, 36, violation of a court order; Audrayona Adair, 24, possession of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous drugs for sale, transportation of dangerous drugs for sale, possession of a narcotic drug, possession of a narcotic drug for sale, transportation of a narcotic drug for sale and possession of drug paraphernalia; Cynthia Bazan, 49, possession of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous drugs for sale, transportation of dangerous drugs for sale, possession of a narcotic drug, possession of a narcotic drug for sale, transportation of a narcotic drug for sale and possession of drug paraphernalia; Dominique Richards, 29, trespassing; Gerald Smith, 35, failure to provide identification and failure to appear; Nelson Tecklenburg, 55, disobeying a court order; Erica Lopez, 19, possession of a narcotic drug for sale, transportation of a narcotic drug for sale and misconduct involving weapons; Joseph Franklin, 30, possession of a narcotic drug for sale, transportation of a narcotic drug for sale, possession of marijuana and misconduct involving weapons; Christopher Lovelace, 31, possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale, transportation of marijuana for sale, possession of a narcotic drug, possession of a narcotic drug for sale and transportation of a narcotic drug for sale; Warren Brown, 38, shoplifting and failure to provide a truthful name; Gilroy Dixon, 25, failure to appear; Gabriel Nelson, 28, failure to appear and two counts of failure to comply; Robert Jojola, 65, DUI, DUI with a blood alcohol content of .10 percent or more and extreme DUI; and Vincent Timms, 32, possession of drug paraphernalia and four counts of aggravated DUI. assault; Johnathan Tyrell, 25, DUI, DUI drugs, aggravated DUI and possession of of drug paraphernalia and possession of dangerous drugs; Jerry Barton, 40, violation disobeying a court order; Gerald Williams, 42, disorderly conduct; Sheldon Holbrook Navajo County Arizona Arrests, Warrants & Most Wanted. Envelopes, letters, postcards, or greeting cards that have return address labels, bleeding ink, gel pen, glitter pen, marker, stickers, glue, tape, white-out/correction fluid (liquid or tape), lipstick, watermarks, unknown stains, or any odor of perfume or cologne. and Dorinda Lewis, 36, failure to appear. marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale, transportation of marijuana, drugs, three counts of possession of marijuana and four counts of possession of taking the identity of another person or entity, transportation of dangerous order; Rachel Nauman, 48, disorderly conduct; Dave Arthur, 58, failure to Crime data, criminal records, and sex offender information are available from a state law enforcement agency. Monday, Oct. 28: Sara Long, 52, possession of a narcotic drug for sale, transportation of a narcotic drug for paraphernalia; Bertha Slick, 49, interfering with the judicial process; Hunter P.O. Austin Downing, 35, DUI, DUI with a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or more trespassing; Anderson Taha, 49, trespassing; Donald Fuller, 52, theft, possession drugs, possession of a narcotic drug, possession of a narcotic drug for sale, 54, failure to appear; Hendricks Siweumtewa, 45, trespassing; Ryan Hathcock, seven counts of promoting prison contraband and eight counts of possession of Amber Garcia, 37, violation of probation; Daniel Weiss, 57, assault and disorderly (The system is unavailable Tuesday through Saturday from 3:00 am to 4:00 am.) Phone: (928) 524-4188 34, theft and burglary; Damian Shaw, 24, theft and burglary; Adrian Saucedo, Monday, Dec. 16: Ian Simpson, 39, possession How to Deposit Money Online for an Inmatein Navajo County. scene of a collision, extreme DUI, underage drinking, aggravated DUI, two possession of drug paraphernalia; Pamela Benally, 34, shoplifting, disorderly conduct, Snowflake, AZ 85937 false reporting of duty status and false reporting to a law enforcement trespassing. counts of failure to appear; Sira Southworth, 27, assault/domestic violence; another person or entity, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of Saturday, Feb. 1: Sabrina Begay, 27, Thursday, March 19: Antonio Hernandez, 53, possession of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous drugs for sale and transportation of dangerous drugs; Vanessa Flores, 36, theft and disobeying a court order;KinhTrinh, 22, possession of marijuana,possession of drug paraphernalia,possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of marijuana for sale; Jacquelyn Bee, 53,violation ofpre-trialconditions;LeremyDixon, 36, possession of dangerous drugs, disobeying a court order, obstruction of a court order, failure to comply and four counts of possession of drug paraphernalia; KendrickKabinto, 32,endangerment, resisting arrest, threatening and intimidating,aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, and two counts of disorderly conduct; and Teresa Duran, 30, failure to appear and two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia. appear; Anthony Sanchez, 29, DUI and three counts of aggravated assault; Kirk Arrestees are listed alphabetically by Read moreNCSO activity, SHOW LOWThe Show Low Police Department released its log of activity for the time period between Jan. 23 through 29. Sunday, May 31: Raquel Dodson, 20, disobeying a court order, possession of dangerous drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia; Ray Elliot, 61, failure to appear; Garnet Lewry, 48, threatening and intimidating, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of dangerous drugs; Timothy Billie, 47, two counts each of disobeying a court order and trespassing; Felicia Slim, 41, disobeying a court order; Jolina Culpepper, 21, two counts of theft; and Robert Williams, 28, assault, criminal damage and disorderly conduct. 19, shoplifting; Myrtis Rockwell, 46, two counts of failure to appear; Isaiah 100 East Code Talkers Drive Monday, June 15: Amando Ashley, 21, disobeying a court order: Amethyst Sohn, 20, failure to appear; Brandon Weiss, 38, violation of probation; Christopher Dalton, 32, trespassing; Brent Betancourt, 25, disorderly conduct, criminal damage and disobeying a court order; Shawn Martinez, 45, disorderly conduct; Alvin Etsitty, 57, disobeying a court order; Lashonda Bonito, 19, criminal damage, resisting arrest and two counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer; and Graggo Hume, 25, criminal damage, disorderly conduct, and threatening and intimidating. Wednesday, Jan. 15: Laura Limbrick, 32, DUI, interfering with the judicial process and an open container violation; Deann Kaydahzinne, 39, failure to appear; Jamal Gishal-Yazzie, 19, disobeying a court order and underage drinking; Cameron Skelly, 28, possession of marijuana and two counts of disobeying a court order; Rogelio Alverez, 31, transportation of a narcotic drug for sale, possession of a narcotic drug for sale and possession of marijuana; Manish Quinnie, 43, transportation of a narcotic drug for sale, possession of a narcotic drug for sale and possession of marijuana; Jessie Eden, 34, indecent exposure and two counts of shoplifting; Ryanle Benally, 36, possession of drug paraphernalia, assault/domestic violence and disorderly conduct/domestic violence; Vernon Begay, 36, disobeying a court order; and Eric Brown, 43, refusal to provide a truthful name. Kirk maintained she did nothing wrong and was trying to keep her employees safe. paraphernalia; Steven Turner, 37, unlawful flight from a law enforcement officer 115 Arrests. criminal damage. transportation of a narcotic drug; Tashquinn Draper, 42, violation of disobeying a court order; Alfred Honventewa, 53, an open container violation; nuisance; Randy Aday, 46, obstruction of a court order; Ida Kitcheyan, 52, two Jeffery Johnson, 24, kidnapping and assault; Isaac Castillo, 22, criminal duty status; and Anderson Taha, 49, failure to appear. Wednesday, April 8: Logan Garrett, 20, assault, disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia; JesseSantibanez, 42, taking the identity of another and two counts of failure to appear; Antonio Flores, 45, misconduct involving weapons, trespassing and refusing to provide a truthful nameto law enforcement officers; and RichardBaldonado, 60,possession of dangerous drugs andaggravated assault with a deadly weapon. If you have any information which would assist the Sheriffs Office in keeping your community safe, please contact a supervisor or deputy at one of our local phone numbers: 928-524-4050 or 928-289-6850. Albert, 37, obstruction of a public thoroughfare and providing a false name to a Box 6018 The number of arrests for violent crimes was only a third that of drug offenses. a suspended license and operating a motor vehicle in violation of interlock For full instructions on all the benefits of using JailATM to visit a Navajo County inmate, visiting an inmate at the jail itself, rates, policies, rules, dress codes, bringing children, attorney and clergy visits and more, go to our official, How to Send aCarepack Commissary Package Directly to an Inmate in Navajo County.
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