nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes


Ever try any diet? *:A Chatbot is basically where someone will pretend to be a character/person, or their own OC, and have it so people can chat to them. Nor do I do necrophilia or bloodrelated-incest (AKA related by blood). Hongjoong shook his head Im not going to fight with you no more. you weren't planning on sleeping over at first, so when renjun managed to convince you to spend the night at the dorms you didn't have any clothes on you except the ones you were wearing. Im so sorry it took so long! Indeed, they are expected to flout these maxims for their creations to acquire an 'artistic' character. Oh your home you greet him with a small hello before chucking on a jacket which hung on the rack. thank you for requesting. If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha. I got Mindblown like every stage! AT A FAN SIGN. Occasionally I might get writers block and not know what to respond with right away LOL. "What, I'm tired and you left me," you say defiantly not moving. We are watching a movie, come watch with us! Im not cold though just wear it in the car he smiled and you listened not wanting to keep asking, mainly because he was to shy and it was too cute. You dont see ANY resemblance?No, why?No reason.He decided he was just paranoid, labeling himself as stupid. Ten is a bit naive. Your finally back? The lights switch on, squinting your eyes at the sudden brightness you make out Hongjoongs figure in the door way. Its hard for me to even vote because when I watch their stages Im like shit now who the hell do I vote for. But the minute you saw him, your legs started to shake and you forgot everything.Whats wrong, babygirl/boy? He asked, rubbing your cheek. Nope. I could really use it, my treat~!, Haechan: He wouldnt like it. "and you're the only one i want to kiss" you peck his cheek . WinWin:He never really thought about it, till he saw a pic of Jungwoo and his daughter together. You are the only one who is shocked ever.N-no-, Dongyoung (Doyoung): He wouldnt really notice. your lucky Im tired if not I will still be walking around. Donghyuck (Haechan): Hyuck was a evil boy, so sometimes hed purposefully say something English that would make you mad, annoyed, or flustered. Except hed feed you, bathe you, and everything he normally would. "Got7 reaction to s/o wearing a top with great clevage amongst the other members. +. Nope. You worried the fuck out of me! You would lowkey feel embarrassed by him but still be laughing, telling him to calm down as he quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around you.OH MY GOD, NOO! I gained like 8? Hugged you and didnt let you go until at least a half an hour later. You felt your bottom lip start to wobble, hands shaking. Urghh. you got added to a groupchat with him in it. Yeah, he was a devil in disguise.Babe. Masterlist But what? Isnt that to short? Taeil:Honestly, when he saw how much his son looked like Yuta, he was conflicted and so nervous. He wasnt trying and he was a joke for trying to work for us. But I hope you like it! Now you want to talk? You wouldnt.Y/N! If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. Ten: Originally posted by markhyuks. He always saw resemblance between the two of you. ! He whined, hugging you from the front so no one could see your beauty, while you laughed at him with the members. To begin roleplaying, just like and reblog this post. The personality traits I used in this do not reflect on any of the members used. -Its fine if you want to change the age of yourself to be older than Jisung/Changbin. So if its not good Im sorry about that. but even . You confirmed his belief after you were also shocked and laughing. Originally posted by radgies. Probably wont even notice until one of his members mention it. Main blog is: Wykynct, NCT DREAM reaction to when you wear revealing clothes. jaemin: adores you so much, even more when you initiate affection. You probably wouldnt mind his presence as he would be cool with it.. Where the fuck did you go? Out. So expect that! Naturally, you move onto your jeans. Renjun Im not wearing it for their eyes, to be honest Im not even wearing it for you you laugh making him smile along with you. More worried for you than anything. Sort by. 393 notes Oct 28th, 2018. Dont ever feel afraid of me sweetheart.. So you got ready, putting the best clothes you could find and walk down the stairs. Mark: Another fluent English speaker, since he grew up in Canada. Something was cute, youd cry. -You dont need to be a GREAT roleplayer to roleplay with me. I read 127's reaction and I love your writing, Hello, thank you so much for requesting!! ?, Jeno: He would smile cutely at you, trying to ignore the choice of clothes you picked. THINK. BABYYY! He dolphin-laughed, running over to you and knocking you over. You dont need to. Mark:His daughter looking like Taeyong? So he would communicate with you just fine, actually enjoying talking in English. -Meeting A Fan And Its Love At First Sight. After yelling at you, he decided to aggressively kiss you. This is also not proof-read. How humorous. but you tried to wipe them away. Have you watch kingdom? In this case, though, you haven't yet decided on a new course of action. Okay bye and with that he watched you walk out the door. Thai is my first time actually writing a sort of smit like thing for wayv or NCT in that matter. Youre too fucking adorable, oh my god. Then hed force feed you Korean knowledge, then yall would just watch a movie at the end of it all. Please Im so sorry! Now you want to talk? Im so ridiculous he spoke and all you could do was nod at him. We're going to a party downtown, I should be home around-". 10? Not really, I meanMaybe the cheeks? His smile was almost exactly like the Japanese boy. He would keep calm and sit you down, having a stern talk and relisting his rules again. I think its perfect. He smiled turning you around to kiss you. Obedient Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Bratty Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Hybrid Jisung (Omegaverse. Couldnt understand why you didnt love him the way he loved you. The members kinda got used to it and didnt bat an eye, while Kun was the only one ever shook by it.Oowff be careful (Y/N), the members might loo-Kun. He didnt want you ever to leave him, the thought of it just killed him. He got your attention by yelling your name super loud, making you run over to him.OH MY GODD, (Y/NNN)!!! Pranking them, messing with them,jokingly insulting them slightly. Do you Y/N? You looked closer aswell. Having enough of being alone in a big house, you decided to go out for the night, let loose at least. You thought maybe Hongjoong fell asleep, he probably didnt care that you walked out at almost midnight, it wouldnt surprise you. oops i was the one who sent a tbz reaction request, I just saw that the request were closed after I've sent it it's alright then pls ignore it if it's closed. He lifts you up bridal style and lays in bed with you. he took the chance to tease you though, something like ahh you just missed me so much huh?, Haechan is sUCH a teasing boyfriend, but he would cuddle up to you as soon you pouted about it, he offered you like 20 of his other shirts to keep and you guys agreed that you could wear his mj shirt when he was away, Haechan normally wouldnt allow anyone to steal his clothes (other than mark) but youre an exception he doesnt mind making, this little flirt master will be so cocky when you wear his hoodie around the dorm bc of course you look stunning, he makes sure to point out that its his hoodie youre wearing when around the other 00 liners, jaemin will shamelessly wrap his arms around you from behind and sit you in his lap Bc he cant resist how comfortable you look, jaems loves seeing you in comfortable/athletic wear, he believes its the best look on you, hell also throw sweats and hats and shirts your way so when hes away and miss him you have them to comfort you, truly has no idea how to react, his shirt was lowkey big on you and it made his heart race, especially when you told him why you borrowed his shirt, because I missed you :(, Chenle has a huge soft spot for the people he loves and girl does he love you, of course he teases you but it never lasts long, he kinda wanted his shirt back but was too scared to ask for it so you just kinda still have it, but Chenle isnt one to share much, but with you hes willing to share anything, jisung is extremely bashful about it bc first of all thats his favorite hoodie and hes not sure how to ask for it back, second of all, you look really cute in it bc odds are its kinda big on you considering its big on him, he just kinda rubs his neck and laughs, he never really expected to see you in his clothes, jisung doesnt ask for back immediately but after like a few weeks hell definitely be like uh y/n? Taeil: Okay, so Taeil really isnt too good at English, there would be phrases he could understand and words he could pronounce almost perfectly. His son was his and he was very confident with that claim. When one of your friends messaged you saying she is having a bachelorette party, you were excited. You being scared of him to the point of hiding broke his heart to pieces. of course you took it as a friendly touch, but you understood how it looked to renjun. Ya know, I think Mark is starting to rub off on (D/N). Jeno: "You look very pretty in my shirt. As I realise a lot of my followers dont really like reading mature stuff and I understand that so therefore Ill be moving that type of stuff on to my other blog. Then lets get covered up., Kunhang (Hendery): He wouldnt make a huge deal about it, because you probably wouldnt even exit the bedroom looking like that before he stopped you. He'd be kind of surprised there are really people like that out there, who would lay their hands upon the person they 'love'. I basically mean they are baby (not literally), the one taken care of in the relationship. They are back with more music! Hongjoong shook his head Im not going to fight with you no more. Now.But I have this fo-GET THE FUCK OUT NOW! He screamed, slamming his hand on the desk. You saw him working on some files with a stressed-out expression. I gained like 8? Eventually, he did see the resemblance between him and his son. NCT Dream Reaction: You wearing their shirt, NCT Dream Reaction: You surprising them by speaking their native tongue, NCT Dream Reaction: Dating Yutas younger sister, NCT Dream Reaction: Realising theyre falling in love with you, NCT Dream Reaction: You getting your wisdom teeth removed, NCT Dream Reaction: Their idol crush debuting, NCT Dream Reaction: Their s/os ex approaching them, NCT Dream Reaction: Lending their hoodie to someone you dont like, NCT Dream reaction: You accidentally sayingI love you, NCT Dream Reaction: Accidentally pinning their crush to the ground, it takes him a while to realise that its his shirt youre wearing, so its only a couple of hours into the day where he noticed and did a triple take, but since he hasnt mentioned it throughout the day, you just assumed he didnt think it was a big deal, and now hes staring at you with his mouth hanging slightly open like a fish out of water, he just blinks at you a couple of times, confused as to how he didnt see that it was his shirt you were wearing, and now hes incredibly aware of how good it looks on you, and how he secret hopes you never take it off, this would be one moment where it hits mark like a truck just how much he loves you, i cannot even describe how soft this would make him, he walks straight up to you and pinches your cheeks, no matter what mood he is in or what has happened before, you can always make renjun smile by appearing in his shirt, theres just something about seeing you in his clothes that makes his heart beat faster than before, buys clothes with you in the back of his mind cause he knows whatever he buys you will wear, and gets excited when he sees you in a new shirt compared to one you usually wear, makes a mental note of what your favourite shirts of his are and he brings them with him when youre having a bad day/in need of cuddles, a cuddle session is suddenly not complete without you in one of his shirts/hoodies, is one to tell you not to ask to borrow them and just to take it, hes completely and utterly whipped for you and moments like this make him realise just how much, would not be able to stop himself from grinning like an idiot, literally stops mid sentence just to smile at you in his clothes, his mind had like 20594725 things on it and suddenly all he can think is, tries to find reasons for you to wear his shirt more often, but is not subtle at all, literally anytime you need to wear something he offers. I dont know haha! The two of you just laughed, and shrugged it off as the other members just goofing off. You don't notice his demeanor, as you're quickly applying blush and walking around the apartment. you found it slightly amusing that he was jealous. If you pick no AU, Changbin or Jisung will stay an idol. He'd absolutely hate all of that. Why would you ever cheat? He decided to take the risk anyways.Uhm, babyPlease dont take this in any offensive way, but do you notice how much our child looks like Nakamoto..?Hm? I would NEVER!You literally just stuttered, dont lie to me! Taeil gripped Yoon Ohs shoulders. It was a silly thing for you to do, but being near Hongjoong when he was angry made you stressed. Huge range of colors and sizes. We have all the stuff to make them!, Chenle: He would highkey screech when you walked in like that, which hurt everyones ears. He would scream at you and physically punish you by giving you a few hard spanks. Just ask!) nct dream masterlist // official masterlist 02.24.19 genre: fluff a/n: is it obvious that i'm absolutely obsessed with nct rn orrrrrrrrr renjun um,,,hope u live near a hospital bc u just gave him a. But if he caught one of the younger dreamies staring, he wouldnt hesitate to lightly smack them upside the head. Please put some effort?<3. nct dream, you and mark were at a karaoke place. You knew he was looking at you, though, as his game . Nor would Y/N. He realized that Mark was right, and it was probably a coincidence.Hey sweetheart. Something didnt set right in his stomach watching you go out looking like that, but he couldnt exactly do anything. Or both if you would like. NOO WHAT EVER DO YOU MEAN! Jeongin groaned, trying to contain his smile. And if you were eating something, hed tell you how to say what you were eating in Korean, and then in English if he could. He is just so used to you wearing bicycle shorts around his house, because thats what made you comfortable. I-IEventually, you started crying and ran to your room, locking the door. -Again, bottom/sub (in a sexual manner) means they are the one being dominated on. Baby I think you should really take my jacket he said again once you two sat with your friends. Jealous wayv! Sorry, its just my members dont need to see you in this way. Nct reaction to them walking on you changing part 3 -Requests open- Part 1 Part 2 Renjun: I think renjun would be cute about it. got caught off guard when you started flirting w him a few days later. So he decided to be extra kind to you. If something was sad, youd cry. He found it adorable.I told you countless of times to stay away from the basement, have I not?Y-yesYou have.. There were the tears again. Crazy. He looked closer, but didnt notice any resemblance. BTS Reaction to You Wearing Revealing Clothes. Im so ridiculous he spoke and all you could do was nod at him. Anonymous said: can I request nct dream and WayV reaction to you wearing revealing clothes? After a while, he would explain to you that you didnt need to be scared of him, that he would always protect you until death. it doesn't suddenly hit him one day that he fell for you. Lets go home yeah?, Your number one hype man. I live in Norway, and I really wanted to celebrate me finishing my bachelors with a trip somewhere. Yesssss I love kingdom although I dont like mnet (be honest who does?) He still wanted to talk about the argument, despite this, originally planning to sit you down and calmly speak with you. But he just couldnt. You know I would NEVER hurt you purposefully, unless you act bad. he kind of forgets that he actually has absolutely no control over the dreamies, and has a horrible realisation when you prove to be, getting you into the car was one of the hardest things mark swears he has ever had to do, literally, johnny had driven him and it took johnny literally lifted you up and placing you in the back seat, mark then watched as you began to slap his arms and ask him how he knew superman, as confused and worried for you he is, he cant help laughing slightly, cause you just look so cute with your big cheeks and wide eyes while you mutter about your boyfriend being friends with superman, mark literally just wants to get you back to yours but has no idea how youre going to act when you get there, wishes you would fall asleep but you dont, and when you get back you spend the time asking mark to bring superman back and almost crying when mark said no, but he refuses to leave you to someone else for a second because youre his baby and hes going to look after you no matter how difficult you are, gives you all the advice he can think of at once, he just really wants to help you as best he can but probably ends up making you feel a bit overwhelmed by accident, makes sure to compliment you massively after you finished, knows that there must have been loads going through your head and is so proud that you did such a good job, keeps saying how he cant believe youre both finally in the industry together, definitely tries to get a chance to collab with you, is nervous cause he knows that youre both going to be busy, but he still puts aside any time he can just to see you and spend time with you, because he cant think of a better way to spend his time, it takes him a while to realise that its your ex that youre talking to, his mind goes into hyper mode and he starts to overthink all the ways he can react while he tries to figure out how he should, if youre just having a pleasant conversation (and he knows it wasnt that bad of a breakup) i think he will be more on the relaxed side, definitely stands closer to you than normal and makes sure to join in the conversation himself, probably tries to make your ex aware of your current relationship with him in a bit more of a polite way, but if its clear that theres still a bit of unsettled business and you look tense to be around your ex, mark will try immediately to end the conversation as soon as possible to get you away from them, hes too polite to tell them outright to fuck off unless theyre down right rude to you but wont introduce himself and instead will make some excuse for you both to leave, says this while nodding in the opposite direction that your ex was in, makes sure to wrap him arm around your shoulders or intertwine your fingers while the two of you are walking away, literally gets to the point where hes running around asking the other members if they know what he did, until hyuck delicately points it out for him, cause he didnt realise that was who it was, tries to explain this to you when he sees you, but hes out of breath from running around and the 73 heart attacks hes had that day so it comes out like, and lets face it, its mark, you know he would never do that on purpose, and he promises to give you and clothing of his you like, and until then he compensates with cuddles, initially it doesnt quite register in his brain, hes sitting at his desk working on music, and you just put a drink down and kissed his forehead, he just hums and doesnt take his eyes off his work, and you walk out again without realising it yourself, you do when you shut the door behind you and suddenly dont know what to think about his reaction, its when he adds those words into his song that it, but youre literally on your way home like all you did was come visit him, like he needs to tell you he loves you too, it doesnt help that youre practically running away from fear that he found it weird, but when he does find you he literally just pulls you in for the biggest kiss ever, his life probably flashes before his eyes, his mouth opens and closes multiple times like a fish out of water, blushes out of embarrassment any time he thinks about it, and he cant stop thinking about it for the next month, meaning his face is pretty much permanently red, wants to act all fine and cool and unaffected, but he stutters and stammers his way through a few syllables in about three languages even tho he only speaks two, then reappears very quickly cause hes just realised he hasnt checked if youre okay, runs up to you and asks if youre alright, if he can do anything, apologises like his life depends on it and asks constantly how he can make it up to you, just needs a lot of reassurance that a) youre okay and b) that you dont now hate him.

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nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes