Copyright 19982023 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo,,,,,,, The Runic Alphabet was made for carving in stone, but you can use an Icelandic keyboard or why not an ordinary English one, using the Latin letters to write down their form of Norse since Middle English times, when writing was done in Latin and French mostly, and less in Old English and Norse. Many modern texts use American style quotes, but if you wish to include European style quote marks, here are the codes. Click to find the best 25 free fonts in the Norse style. Click on the keys to insert the corresponding characters. WT65-G2-BAUER PCB. Old Norse - the Viking language | Can speakers of modern Norwegian, Danish and Icelandic understand it? rr heitir ss, ok er sterkr mjk ok oft reir. mankai duckweed amazon; mushroom spores washington state. Viking Language 1 and 2 are the authoritative guides to learning Old Norse, opening a world of sagas, Eddas, and runes. To type , hold down Option+E, then type capital A. Option+ (single quote) For general information about developing non-English Web sites, see the. A scholarly project focused on Tolkien from both a corpus linguistic and digital humanities perspective. Looking for Norse fonts? 1. The experts from PaperHelp think that learning the Old Norse language is a source for any paper writing. We are proud to release the first Brazilian NORD LIVE session ever featuring some of the most renowned keyboard players in the country! The first step is to make sure your text is in Old Norse. Frisian (West), This dictionary, in both Old Norse to English and English to Old Norse versions, is derived from the sources listed at bottom. Users with other software or versions of Windows may wish to use the Character Map instead. Documents The earliest documents from the Scandinavian speaking area are runic insciptions. Once you download and install Big Old Keyboard, you'll have to select it as your default. Weak Verbs: The weak verb class is given in Arabic numerals within parentheses. Wednesday - honoring Odin (also given as Woden) king of the gods. Sigrn (Old Norse), this Old Norse inspired name is a reference to 'the triumph symbol'. Icelandic is currently spoken in Iceland and Faroese is a minority language of the Faroe islands, currently part of the country Denmark. Old English dictionary Instructions. If you use long marks, Unicode (utf-8) is the required encoding for Web sites. Indeed, the Vikings themselves thought that these symbols, that they also used for the mundane such as commerce and politics, carried magical powers.. Read on to learn more about the origins of the Nordic runes, the meanings of individual . The Hvaml (Sayings of the High One) is part of the Poetic Edda, a series of poems from Old Norse that survive in a manuscript from the 13th century. Wort dahliha bro gif os i dah. angle to any point on the mountain home vintage long wool coat, size s $ add to cart detailsMouse pad Large Mouse Mat Mouse pad Mouse Pad Desk Mat Simple Nordic Landscape Larg Today the Icelandic Alphabet contains 36 letters and is a combination of the Roman Alphabet (without the c, q, and w) and with a few Runic characters. While Old Norse was the language that connected the people of Scandinavia during the Viking Age, the international nature of the Nordic countries at that time would have required polyglots they didn't always raid first and ask questions later. (Sorry Mac/Linux users, we might manage to make one of these for you someday, but at the moment this is all we've got.) ), Email Phone 636-579-8892. 1. Volunteer your language skills f. T rikia ar it oh mahtan oh harlihheten i ewihhet. Pennsylvania German, This app provides a keyboard extension that can be used inside any other app: you can use runes in your social networks, e-mails, note taking, writing linguistic studies and much more. In Stock; Keyboards; . Neither nor were found in the earliest records of Old English. Allir menn eru bornir frjlsir ok jafnir at viringu ok rttum. Tuerai 7 yr. ago This works for me, but ONLY typed inside CK2, pasting it always pastes the wrong characters for me. Alsatian, The Old Norse dictionary below (from Viking Language 1) compiles everything you need to read the sagas in their original language. has also been used by some in written Welsh to represent //, which is normally represented as dd.[5]. Frisian (Saterland), Older versions might use ALT+SHIFT. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Along with Medieval and Anglo-Saxon runes! He has a good hammer. There are no extra functions that can confuse you. Alemannisch; nglisc; Brezhoneg; etina; Dansk; Eesti; Espaol; Esperanto; Euskara; ; Froyskt; Franais; Galego; ; Hrvatski; Bahasa . Abstract. It was the language of the Vikings or Norsemen. travels, abroad, cybercaf, mail, email, messages, PC, computer, keyboard. Younger Fuark: ( ) Specify in the selection box to the bottom of the virtual keyboard, your keyboard key mapping to be able to use it to input your text. Skgul (Old Norse), meaning 'high soaring'. By Posted schefflera arboricola pruning In marthe brenne legger seg flat. Hence for landnmsmar look under land-; and for fyrirbja look under fyrir-.Defective Words. 38. Gothic, Old Norse is the language of legends and the stuff of sagas, the inspiration for Tolkien and Marvel, for award-winning manga and epic videogames. At the end of the alphabet, and are listed separately, while and are listed together. Mjlnir - a tribal font inspired by the nordic runes and the viking era. Low German, beytill <-s> m horse-prick, horse penis; horse or male sexual member; Equisetum hyemale, rough horsetail, a common fescue grass in Iceland, also called in English scouring rush and scouring rush horsetail, resembles a horse penis; gibeytill appears in Landnmabk. Gronings, Here is an example: Helm of Awe (Old Norse gishjalmr), Viking Compass (Icelandic: Vegvsir), and Troll Cross are among the most famous symbols in the modern culture associated with Norse mythology. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Rune Keyboard | Heathen Designs Runic Keyboard (for PC) Designed by Sveinn Ullarson, this digital keyboard is easy to download and install onto any Windows PC. He drives the carriage through the sky. This was especially useful in Viking-inhabited northern England, where both flatr and rogg (rugged) terrain are often shrouded in fok, and oppressed by gustr of wind and lagr (low) sk (clouds). 4. The following should mostly work on the default Input Source (only thorn doesnt work on US keyboards). eir eru allir viti gddir ok samvizku, ok skulu gra hvrr til annars brurliga. Hann hamar gan. Frisian (North), In order to use these codes you must activate the U.S. international keyboard. Elov m Swedish (Rare) Variant of Elof. /* - 728x90 */ Boys Girls Ake Forebear Alfhild Battle of elves Alva Female elf Aman. Anonymous. Scots, specifically designed for ancient scripts, including classical For the cryptocurrency, see, IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters, IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters, "Chapter 25: Typography and the printed English text", "L2/04-132 Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS", "L2/02-141: Uralic Phonetic Alphabet characters for the UCS", List of typographical symbols and punctuation marks,, Articles containing Old English (ca. 11. I got tired of looking for a keyboard installation for typing Anglo-Saxon runes in Junicode, so I made one. A study of Mercian royal diplomas found that (along with ) began to emerge in the early 8th century, with becoming strongly preferred by the 780s. Every font is free to download! However, it is usually accepted that the sir (including inn, r and Tr) were warrior gods, while . Bauer Replacement Feet . Thor) , you would type Þór. These numbers are also used with the Word Numeric ALT codes listed above. Today there are between 500 and 1000 people in Denmark who believe in the old Nordic religion and worship its ancient gods. Yiddish, what is the legal alcohol limit in alabama; colorado department of revenue interest rates 2021 Under King Alfred the Great, grew greatly in popularity and started to overtake . completely overtook by Middle English, and died out by Early Modern English, mostly due to the rise of the printing press,[4] and was replaced by the digraph th. 3. Note that modern Icelandic is very close to Old Norse. Because I didn't . In Glosbe you will find translations from English into Old Norse coming from various sources. Most Old Norse literature was written in Iceland and includes the Eddas, poems about gods and mythic origins, or the heroes of an earlier age; Scaldic poetry, which was concerned with extolling the virtues and telling tales of the notable exploits of kings and other patrons; and the Sagas, stories of historical figures or groups intended as entertainment. Danish, Nice! Have Your Text in Old Norse. It was the language of the Vikings or Norsemen. "Many people and communities at that time would have been multilingual . Thursday - Thor 's Day, in honor of the god of thunder and the sky. 860930; Klakk-Haraldr Klakk-Harald, harr adj hard, difficult, severe. Aalrr konungr m King thelred II (the unready) of England, af prep [w dat] from; out of, of, by; off (of); with; adv off, away, afbrag n outstanding example; afbrag eira manna allra the most outstanding of all those men, afbrigi n deviation, transgression, offense, afl n physical strength, might, power; rammr at afli extremely strong, afreksmar m outstanding or exceptional man, afskipta adj indecl cheated; cut off (as from inheritance), aka vb (VI) to drive, ala vb (VI) togive birth to; bring up, raise (children), aldr <-rs, -rar> m age; lifetime; old age; long period of time; vera vi aldr be on in years, old, alin f Old Icelandic ell (about half a yard); unit of value, typically of woolen cloth, alla str m acc pl, f acc sg; wk m acc/dat/gen sg, f acc sg, n all sg of allr, Al(l)fr (also Alfair and Alfr) <-s> m All-father, father of all, Odin, allr adj pron all, entire, whole, all over, allt adv completely, entirely; everywhere; allt til Orkneyja all the way to the Orkney Islands; allt til ess right up to that point; allt upp undir right up under, almenning (also almenningr, m) f common land, pasture; general public; conscription, ala f all the people, the majority of the people, the public, the common people, ambtt (also ambtt) f handmaid, maidservant, annarr adj/pron one of two, other, another; ord second; annarr annarr conj one the other; different, aptann m evening, aptr adv back, again, argr adj cowardly, effeminate, (passively) homosexual, Ari <-a> m Ari (personal name) Ari fri Ari the Learned, armr adj poor, unfortunate, unhappy; vile, wretched, wicked, askr <-s, -ar> m ash, ash tree; ash spear; small ship; the great ash tree, Yggdrasill, Assurr (also zurr) <-s> m Assur (personal name), at prep [w dat] at, in; as to, as, with respect to; on account of, by reason of; close up to, around, by, atall adj fierce, aggressive, Atall <-s> m Atal, name of a Viking (personal name), atburr <-ar, -ir> m occurrence, event; af essum atburi because of this incident, atgrvif and n ability, talent, accomplishment; at atgrvi in ability (esp physical), atgrvimar (also atgervimar) m man of accomplishments, atlaga f attack; laying ships alongside for attack, atrr m rowing towards, rowing against, augari comp adj of auigr richer, wealthier, augastr superl of auigr richest, wealthiest, auigr (also auugr) adj rich, wealthy; auigr at f wealthy, auka vb (VII) toincrease, augment; [w dat] add; exceed, surpass, ausa vb (VII) topour, sprinkle; ausa [e-n]/[e-t] [e-m] sprinkle [sb/sth] with [sth]; ausa bt bail a boat, Austmar (pl Austmenn) m person from the east, Norwegian, austr <-rs, superl austastr> n east; adv eastward, austrfr f (usu in pl) travels to the east, Austri m Austri (personal name)East, one of the dwarves holding the sky, Austrlnd n pl the eastern lands; eastern Europe; Russia and the Orient, austrvegr <-s, -ir> m the east, i.e., the Baltic, lit the eastern way; fara austrveg trading or raiding in the Baltic or journeying east and south down the rivers of Russia, auvirismar m worthless wretch, wretched man, prep [w acc] onto, on, towards (motion); with respect to; [w dat] on; upon; at; in (position); morgun tomorrow, r adv before; already; earlier; r en conj before, until, gtr adj excellent, grip n collection, compendium; ltill gripum small of size, kafliga adv exceedingly, very; vehemently, impetuosly, lim Ali (personal name); old shortening for leifr~lfr, lptanes n Alptanes (place name), Swans Headland, rsll adj fortunate as to the seasonal harvest; allra konunga rslstr of all kings the most harvest-fortunate, rslstr superl adj of rsll most fortunate in the harvest, rvnn adj promising a good seasonal harvest, sbjrn m Asbjorn (personal name), sgarr m Asgard, home, residence or fortress of the gods, sgerr f Asgerd (personal name), sj f help, aid, protection; inspection; appearance, shape, ss m god; sir pl one of the two major groups of gods, st f love, affection (frequently used in plural with same meaning), strr <-ar> f Astrid (personal name) Estrid, tt 2sg pres of eiga; ppart of eiga (n nom/acc sg), tta num eight, t(t)jn num eighteen, valt (also of allt) adv alwaysvanr adj only in n and the phrase [e-s] er vant [sth] is wanted, needed, Balli (also Baldi) m Balli (personal name), band band, cord; the act of binding; pl bands, fetters; poet gods, bardagi m fight, battle; beating, thrashing, bar n brim of a helmet or hat; verge or edge of a hill; prow of a ship, barr n foliage, often needles (of pine, etc. ra vb (VII) [w dat] to advise, counsel; rule, govern, manage; r lndum ruled over (his) lands; at var rit it was decided; ra at + dat attack r at hskrlum Flosa attacked Flosis men; ra fyrir [e-u] rule over [sth]; ra um vi [e-t] deliberate or think about [sth]; ragr f council; eiga ragr take council, Refr <-s> m Ref (personal name) Fox; Refr inn raui Ref the Red, Refsstair m pl Refsstadir (place name) Refs Farmstead, regin n pl (divine) powers, gods, Reginn <-s> m Regin; son of Hreidmar, brother of Ffnir the dragon, rei f vehicle, wagon, carriage, cart, or chariot; ride, the act of riding, reiask <-ddi, -ddr> vb (2) to become angry, reiifanger, wrath; af reii in anger, out of anger, reisa <-ti, -tr> vb (2) to raise; lta reisa stein have a stone raised, reka vb (V) to drive, herd; drive onto shore, wreck; [w gen] take vengeance for; reka spor follow tracks or footprints, reki m driftage, a thing drifted ashore, wreck, rekja vb (3) to track, trace, renna vb (III) intrans to run, flee; put to flight; melt, renna <-di, -dr> vb (2) trans to make/let run; twart, reyr f rorqual, large baleen whale, Reykjanes n Reykjanes (place name), Smokey Peninsula, Reykjarvk f Reykjavik, Smokey Bay (modern Reykjavk), reyna <-di, -dr> vb (2) to try, prove; experience, rtt adv directly, straight; exactly, precisely; rightly, correctly; from adj rttr, rttr adj straight; correct, right, just, rif n rib; reef (in the sea), Rifsker n Rifsker (place name), Rocky or Rib Reef, rista (also rsta) <-ti, -tr> vb (2) to cut, carve, engrave, ra vb (I) to ride, rki n power; realm; kingdom, rkismar (pl rkismenn) m great man, prominent man, wealthy man, man of power, rsa vb (I) to arise, rise, stand up; rsa upp rise up, get up, rsta vb (I) to cut; carve, engrave; carve, form by carving; lta rsta rnar have runes carved, rta vb (I) to write; scratch, cut, rja vb (II) to redden, rjfa vb (II) to break, rip; break a hole in; rjfa sttml break an agreement or truce; (impers) rfr verit the weather clears, Robertr lngumspai <-s> m Robert Longsword, ra vb (VII) to row, rr m rowing, pulling, rta <-a-> vb (1) [w dat] to throw into disorder; rta [e-u] sundr knock [sth] apart, rn f secret, mystery; rune, a letter in the runic futhark, rna <-di, -dr ~ -ti, -tr> vb (2) to rob, steal, plunder; rna [e-n] [e-t] rob [sb] of [sth], ra <-ddi, -ddr> vb (2) to speak; converse, discuss, Rgnvaldr <-s~ar> m Rognvald (personal name), rskr adj sturdy, vigorous, brave, rst f unit of distance between two resting places (perhaps equivalent to the Old Scandinavian mile), saga f what is said, story, saga, tale, legend, history; saga til [e-s] a story about [sth]; n vkr sgunni now it [the subject] in the saga moves, sakna <-a> vb (1) [w gen] to miss, feel the loss of, salr m hall, samfr f (usu in pl) relationship, marriage, samr adj pron same; ina smu ntt on the same night; it sama the same, likewise, sautjn (also sjautjn) num seventeen, s vb (VII) to sow, segja vb (3) to say; segja fr [e-u] reveal, tell about [sth]; segja [e-m] til [e-s] tell, inform [sb] of [sth]; segja til sn give ones name, sekr adj guilty; convicted, condemned to outlawry; gera [e-n] sekan condemn [sb] to outlawry, selja <-di, -dr> vb (2) to hand over to another; sell; seljast mid give oneself up, sem rel particle who, which, that; conj as; [w superl] as as possible; where, setja <-tti, -ttr> vb (2) to set, seat, place; setja til rkis put in power; setja at [e-m] attack [sb];setja push; setja saman set up, put together; setja upp set, stand up; setja vi prepare; setjask mid seat oneself, sit, sextn num sixteen, s 1/3sg & 3pl pres subjunct of vera (see also sj, sga), sia <-a-> vb (2) to get people to conduct themselves properly; to introduce order; to convert (to Christianity), siar ppart of sia (m nom sg), behaved, mannered, SigfairmVictory-father, a name for inn, Sighvatr <-s> m Sighvat (personal name); Sighvatr inn raui Sighvat the Red, Sigrr f Sigrid (personal name), Sigtryggr <-s> m Sigtrygg (personal name), Sigurr <-ar> m Sigurd (personal name); Sigurr slefa Sigurd the Slobberer, sik refl acc pron him-/her-/it-/oneself, themselves; undir sik under himself, Silfrintoppr m Silfrintopp (mythological name) Silver-Tuft or Silver-Mane, horse of the sir, sinn n time (of repetition); eitt sinn one time; einu sinni once; hvert sinn every, sinn refl poss pron his, her, its, their own, sitja vb (V) to sit; reside, sr adj long, low-hanging, sga vb (I) to sink gently down; glide, move slowly, Sreksstair m pl Sireksstadir (place name) Sireks Farmstead, sj vb (V) to see, look; understand; sj [e-m] look upon [sb], Sjland n Zealand, Sjlland in modern Danish (place name), sjlfr adj pron self, oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves, sjvarafli m catch of fish, bounty of the sea, sjnhverfing f optical illusion (caused by a spell), sjr m sea; fyrir ofan sj above the waterline, skafa vb (VI) toscrape, shave, skaka vb (VI) to shake, skalat = skal + -(a)t; shall not, -(a)t is a negative suffix, Skalla-Grmr <-s> m Skalla-Grim, Bald-Grim (personal name), skammt adv short distance, not far (place), skapa <-a-; skepr, skp, skpu, skapinn> vb (wk/str 1/VI)to shape, form, make, create, skapt n handle, shaft; hvu skapti on a long shaft, skarpr adj scorched, pinched, chafing, Skney f Skne, Denmark (place name), now part of Sweden, sker n skerry, isolated rock sticking out of the sea, skemar (alsoskmar)<-manns, -menn>mimpostor; hypocrite, skera vb (IV) to cut, skilja <-di~i, skilir~skildr~skilinn> vb (2) to part, separate, divide; understand; skilr um [e-t] impers they fall out over, differ, disagree about [sth]; skiljask mid separate, part from each other, skillingr <-s, -ar> m shilling, i.e., piece of money; pl money, Skinna-Bjrn m Bjorn Fur-Skins (personal name), skipa <-a-> vb (2) to arrange, array; man, occupy, skipfr f voyage, sailing, passage of a ship, skipta <-ti, -tr> vb (2) [w dat] to divide; share; change, sk n ski, piece of wood; sk Atals grundar ski of the land of Atal (kenning for ship), skna vb (I)to shine, skjlfa vb (III) to tremble, shake, skjta vb (II) to shoot, skjtari comp adj of skjtr quicker, swifter, skjldr m shield, Skjldr m Skjold (personal name), SkollmSkoll, the wolf that pursues the sun, skorta <-ti, -t> vb (2) to be lacking to one; [e-n] skortir [e-t] [sb] is short of [sth], skr m shoe, skra vb (I) to crawl, Skrlingr <-s, -ar~-jar> m term referring to natives of North America and Greenland (derogatory), Skuld f Skuld (mythological name,) Debt, that which should become, one of the three Norns, skulu pret-pres vb shall (obligation, purpose, necessity, fate); should, skurr <-ar, -ir> m cutting, slice; a trench; the flensing of a whale, Sktaar-Skeggi m Skeggi of Skutad (personal name), skyld f tax, due; incumbrance (on an estate); reason, sake, skyldr adj bound, obliged; due; urgent; related by kinship, skyldi 3sg past & 3sg/pl past subjunct of skulu/skyldu, skynda <-di, -dr> vb (2)[w dat] to hurry, hasten, skynja <-a-> vb (1) to perceive, make out, understand, Skfnungr (also Skflungr) m Skofnung, possibly Shin Bone, the name of King Hrolfs sword, skkull m harness, skrungr <-s, -ar> m notable man or woman, leader, sl vb (VI) to strike; forge, slefafsaliva, slobber; slobberer (nickname), sleikja <-i- / -ti-, -r- / -tr-> vb (2) to lick, sleppa vb (III) to slip; escape, slip away; fail, slip up, slrar (also slrir) f pl sheath, scabbard, slngva (also slngva) f sling, sma <-a-> vb to create, make, build, erect; forge; work in wood or metal, smjga vb (II) to creep through an opening; pierce, Smjrvatnsheir f Smjorvatnsheid (place name), Butter-Lake Heath, sneia <-ddi, -ddr> vb (2) to slice; glance off, snemma (also snimma) adv early, snerta vb (III) to touch; concern, sna vb (VII) to turn; twist, plait, braid; snask til turn oneself to, sofa vb (IV) to sleep, sofna <-a-> vb (1) to fall asleep; vera sofnar have fallen asleep, sokkr <-s, -ar> m sock, stocking; einir sokkar a pair of socks, sonargjld n pl wergeld, ransom, or compensation for a dead son, sonr m son, spakara comp adv of adj spakr more wisely, spakr adj wise, sp <-i, spt> vb (2)to prophesy, fortell, spnn (also spnn) m chip, shaving; spoon, spilla <-ti, -tr> vb (2) [w dat] to spoil, destroy, spillirmspoiler; spillir bauga spoiler of rings, generous prince, spinna vb (III)to spin, sporntrack, trail, footprint; step, foothold, spretta vb (III) to spring up, burst forth; start, spring; sprout, springa vb (III) to jump, spring; issue forth; burst; die from overexertion or grief, spyrja vb (3) to ask; hear, hear of, learn, be informed of, find out; spyrja til [e-s] have news of [sb], learn of [sb]; spyrja [e-n] at [e-u] ask [sb] about [sth]; spyrjask mid, staddr (ppart of steja) placed, present; situated, star m stead, parcel of land; place, spot; abode, dwelling, stafr m wooden staff, stick; pole, timber, standa vb (VII) to stand; stay, remain; stand, stick; rest, stop; befit, become; catch, overtake; standa af [e-u] be caused by [sth]; standa undir [e-u] be subject to [sth]; standa undir [e-t] support, approve of [sth]; standa vi [e-u] withstand [sth]; standa yfir last, stanga <-a-> vb (1) to ram, (head)butt, gore (of cattle); stangask mid butt each other, steja <-ddi, -ddr> vb (2) to stop; fix, settle, stefna <-di, -dr> vb (2) to aim at, go in a certain direction; call, call together, summon, stefna f direction, course; meeting; appointment; summons, Steinbjrn m Steinbjorn, Stone-Bear (personal name), steinn <-s, -ar> m stone; cave or stone dwelling; poet precious stone, jewel, steint ppart of steina; steint mjk fully painted, stela (IV) vb tosteal, sterkr adj strong, Stiklastair m pl Stiklastad (place name), stikublgr m stick-gazer, miser (nickname), stirr adj stiff, rigid; harsh, severe, stga vb (I) to step, tread; stga hest mount a horse, stjarna f star, stjrna <-a> vb (1) [w dat] to rule over, govern, command, stofa f stove room, a room in a long house, secondary to the eldaskli and warmed by a stove of flat stones; served as a living room, where women worked the looms, families sat in the evenings, and feasts were held, stokkr <-s, -ar> m trunk or log of wood; wooden beam; base under an anvil, stll <-s, -ar> m stool, chair; bishops see; kings throne or residence, stlkonungr <-s, -ar> m throne-king, emperor, strlti n pride; overbearing; liberality, strr adj big, strandhggnshore raid, piracy; hggva strandhgg engage in piracy, Strandir f pl Strandir (place name), the Strands, straumr m stream, strengja <-da, -dr> vb (2) to swear solemnly; string tight, strjka vb (II) to stroke, rub, wipe; caress; smooth, brush, strnd f strand, coast, shore; border, edge, stundum stundum conj sometimes sometimes, at times at times, stra <-i, -t> vb (4)[w dat] to steer, command; rule, govern; manage, strimar (pl strimenn) m captain, steersman, stlinum = stli + inum, dat sg of stull, stull m milking pen (for cows), stkkva vb (III) to spring, burst, leap; be sprinkled, stng f staff, pole, Sureyjarfpl the Hebrides (from a Norwegian perspective, lit the South Isles), Suri m Sudri (mythological name) South, dwarf who holds up the sky, Surmar m South-man, southerner; a German, a Saxon, sumar n summer; um sumarit in the summer; hvert sumar every summer, sundfrr adj able to swim; sundfrr of s sea-worthy, lit able to swim over the sea, s f sg dem of s that (one), spa vb (II) to sip, drink; take a sip, Svartlfheimr mSvartalfheim (mythological name) world of the dark elves, sv adv so, thus; such; then; so (denoting degree); sv at such that, with the result that; sv sem so as, as; sv mikill at so great, sveinn <-s, -ar> m boy, lad; servant; page, Sveinn tjguskegg m Svein Forkbeard, king of Denmark (9871014), sveit f group or body of men; troop, band, company; region, district, svelgja vb (III) ti swallow, svelta [w dat] vb (III) to starve, die (of starvation); suffer hunger; svelta hungri die of hunger, sverja vb (VI) swear (an oath), svimma vb (III) to swim, svipta <-ti, -tr> vb (2) to sweep; throw, fling, sva vb (I) to singe, burn, svkja vb (I) to betray, deceive, cheat, defraud, Svvr f Svivor, a giantess killed by Thor, syngja (also syngva) vb (III) to sing, systir f sister, sna <-di, -dr> vb (2) to show; snask mid seem, appear, shafa indecl adj sea-tossed, driven off ones course; vera shafa be driven off-course, Shrmnir m Shrimnir, the boar who feeds the warriors in Valhll, sll adj fortunate, happy, sr m sea, sta <-tta, -tt> vb (4) [w dat] to wait in ambush, waylay; undergo, suffer; bring about, cause, stt f settlement, reconciliation, atonement, agreement; at stt as atonement, stta <-tti, -ttr> vb (2) to reconcile; make peace among; sttask mid come to terms, settle, agree, be reconciled, skja vb (3) to seek; pursue; skja til [e-s] seek out [sb], sk f cause, reason, sake; fyrir [e-s] sakar on account of, because of [sth], skkva vb (III) to sink, smu str n dat sg, wk f acc/dat/gen sg & all wk nom/acc/gen pl of samr, taka vb (VI) to take, catch, seize; take hold of, grasp; reach, touch; [w inf] begin; impers [e-t] taka af [sth] comes loose, comes off; [sth] ceases; taka arf inherit; taka [e-t] [e-u] touch [sth] with [sth]; taka [e-m] fegins hendi receive [sb] gladfully, joyfully; taka sundr cut asunder; taka hafi take to sea; taka [e-n] hndum seize or capture [sb]; taka upp [e-t] pick up [sth]; taka vi [e-m] take in, receive, or welcome [sb] into ones house; taka vi [e-u] receive, take possession of, acquire, inherit [sth]; taka til begin; takask mid begin; take place; behave takask til happen, tala <-a-> vb (1) to talk, speak; tala vi [e-n] speak to [sb], Tanngnjstr m Tooth Gnasher, one of the goats that pulls Thors chariot, Tanngrisnir m Snarl Tooth, one of the goats that pulls Thors chariot, telgja <-i, -r>vb (2) to shape, hew, carve, cut, telja vb (3) to count; reckon, consider, temja vb (3)to tame; train, exercise, tigr m ten; a decade, til prep [w gen] to; till; for (of use); for (of object, intention); with respect to ;alt er til vpna var everything that could be used as a missle; brjta legg til mergjar break a leg to get at the marrow; til vista var eigi gott they were not well off for provisions, tara comp adv of ttt more frequently, more quickly, tast superl adv of ttt, quickest, most frequent; sem tast immediately, tindi (also tendi) n pl news, events, tidings, tvarmpl gods (plural only, in poetic usage), tjaldatppart of tjalda, tented; Skipit flaut tjaldat The ship floated tented [with a sail cloth over the mast serving as a tent], topt <-ir> f homestead; the walls or foundations of a (former) building, tlfrr adj counted by twelves, twelve tens, tr n tree; wood, troa vb (V) to tread; cram, pack; troask mid crowd upon each other, troll (also trll) n monstrous inhuman creature; human with troll characteristics, tra (also tr)
f faith, word of honor; (religious) belief, tungaftongue; language, tongue; tongue of land at the meeting of two rivers, tuttugu num twenty, tn n enclosure, farmstead; hayfield, homefield; poet dwellings, precincts, tveir num two, typpa <-ti~typi, -tr~typr> vb (2) to top, crown, tja <3sg pres tr, 3sg past ti> vb (2) to do, work; [w dat] help, assist; impers avail, ti ekki it was of no avail, tna <-di, -dr> vb to lose, forget, mistake; tnask mid to perish, tnn f tooth, um prep [w acc] about; around; across; for, because of; beyond; during, for, in, by (time); [w datin poetic and older texts] over; by, in (time); [w vb of motion] over, past, beyond, across; um alla hluti in every way; fram um or um fram [w vb of motion] on past, up beyond, out over; um dag one day; um ntr by night; um sumarit during the summer; um fram adv in addition; um sinnsakar for this once, um adv, pre-verbal particle (untranslatable, but carrying connotation of completion), umhverfis prep [w acc] round, all around; adv there about, all around, una <-i/di, unat, subjunct yni> vb (4) to be content in a place; to like/be satisfied Gullharaldr undi miklu verr enn r GullHarald liked this much less than before; enjoy, be happy, be content with a thing unu eir ar litla hr they were content there only a little while; eir undu illa snum hlut they very much disliked their lot; dwell, stay, abide, live at; [w dat], undan prep [w dat] from under, from beneath; away from; just off, near to, undir (also und) prep [w acc/dat] under, underneath; [w dat] under, depending on; undir sr with him, undirhyggjumar m guileful or deceitul person, ungr adj young, unna pret-pres vb togrant, allow, bestow; [w dat] love; unna [e-m] [e-s] let [sb] have [sth], Unnr (also Ur) f Unn (personal name), uppi adv up (position); vera uppi live, last, upplenzkr adj of or pertaining to the Uplands (Norwegian highlands), Upplnd n pl Uplands (place name) Norwegian highlands, Urarbrunnr m Urdarbrunn, the Well of Fate, Urr f Urd, Fate, that which should become, one of the three Norns, uxi (also oxi) m ox, t adv out, outward (motion toward), out to Iceland, tan adv from outside; from abroad, from Iceland, from without; (without motion) outside, tanverr adj outward, outside, outer part of, tgarr m Utgard, the Outer Enclosures, the home of the giants (place name), ti adv out (place), outside, out-of-doors, vaa vb (VI) wade (through water); rush (at an opponent), vakna <-a-> intrans vb (1) to awake, get up, Valaskjlf f Valaskjalf, Odins silver-roofed hall, Valdres n Valdres, highland region in Norway, Valir m pl inhabitants (esp Celtic) of France, valr m corpses on the battlefield, the slain, vandaml n complicated case, difficult matter, Vanir m pl one of the two major groups of gods, vanr adj accustomed, wont; vanr [e-u] accustomed to [sth]; usual, varveita <-tta, -ttr> vb (2)to keep, preserve, watch, defend, varr adj aware; cautious, wary, vas (older form of var) 1/3sg past of vera, vatn n water, fresh water; lake, vaxa vb (VI) to grow, vgskorinn ppart vgr + skorinn, bay-cut, with bays or inlets, vn f hope, expectation, prospect, vndr adj (qualitatively) bad, wretched; (morally) bad, wicked, vpndjarfr adj fearless, gallant, daring in battle; inn vpndjarfasti the most fearless in battle, Vr f perhaps a goddess associated with pledges; Vrar hendi by the hand of Var, Verflnir m Vedrfolnir, the hawk which sits between the eyes of the eagle atop Yggdrasill, vefa vb (IV) to weave, vega vb (V) to kill, slay; fight, veggr m wall, vegr m way, road; mode, manner; direction; side, veir f hunting, fishing, catch, veita <-tti, -ttr> vb (2) to grant, give, offer; assist; veita [e-m] atgngu attack [sb]; veita [e-m] atlgu attack [sb]; veita atrr set out rowing (toward); [e-m] veita betr [sb] has the better of it; veita tilkall make a claim, veiztu = veizt 2sg pres of vita, you know, vekja trans vb (3) to wake, awake; vekja [e-n] upp wake [sb] up, vel adv well; very; vel at sr gifted, capable, vera vb (V) to be; last; vera fyrir lead; vera ar fyrir be there present; vera vel at kominn be welcome; vera vi be present, take part in, vera vb (III) tobecome, happen; have to; vera at [e-u] become [sth]; vera at grjti turn to stone; vera at stt reconcile; vera shafa be driven off-course (when sailing), Verandi f Verdandi (mythological name) Becoming or Happening, one of the three norns, verr adj [w gen] worthy; verr [e-s] worthy of [sth], verja defend, verja [e-u] keep [sth] away; verjask mid defend oneself, verpa vb (III) to throw, verr <-s, -ar> m [poet] husband; [pl] men, verst superl adv of illa worst; sem verst as bad as it can be, as bad as possible, verstr superl adj of illr and vndr worst, vestr n west; adv westward, vestr um haf, west over the ocean (to Britain), Vestri m Vestri (mythological name) dwarf who holds up the sky, Vestribygg f Western Settlement (place name), part of Norse Greenland, Vestrlnd n pl the Weslands, the British Isles and France, vestrvegir m pl the west, i.e., toward the British Isles and beyond, lit the western ways, vetr m winter; um vetrinn for the winter, V m son of Bor and Bestla, brother of Odin, vla <-ti, -tr> vb (2) to defraud, betray, seduce, vi prep [w acc] with; at, by, close to; according to, after; [w dat] against; toward; with; in exchange for, for, viartaug f flexible and tough twig, vir m tree; forest, wood; timber, vitaka f reception, Vilhjlmr m William (personal name); Vilhjlmr bastarr m William the Conqueror, illegitimate son of Robert Longsword, Vili m Vili, son of Bor and Bestla, brother of Odin, vilja <2/3sg pres vill, vildi, viljat> vb (4) to wish, want, vintta f friendship (esp a sincere, personal friendship), vinda vb (III) totwist, wring, squeeze; wind, hoist; turn, swing; vindask mid make a sudden movement, turn oneself away, vinfenginfriendship (esp a contractual alliance), vingr adj good towards ones friends, friendly, Vinglf n Vingolf, Friendly Quarters; one of the halls of the gods where righteous men go after death, vinna vb (III) to gain, win; work; perform, accomplish; vinna herskap [e-m] win battles against [sb]; mid vinnask win or gain for oneself; s at at in var unnnin they saw that the river was taken, vira <-i, -r> vb (2) to evaluate, value, appaise, vista <-a-> trans vb (1) lodge, find lodging, furnish with food and provisions; vistask mid intrans lodge, take up lodging, stay, vitnsense, wit, intelligence, understanding, vit pron we (dual), vita pret-pres vb toknow; vita fram or vita fyrir know the future, foresee, vitja <-a-> vb (1) [w gen] to go to a place; visit, vitr adj wise, intelligent, vitrastr superl adj of vitr wisest, most intelligent, vg n battle; homicide, manslaughter, killing, vgja <-i, -r> vb (2) to consecrate, hallow, vgr adj able to fight; vgr vel well-skilled in arms, vking f raid; vking on a raid, vkingavrr <-varar, -verir> m Viking-Guard (coast guard against Vikings), vkja vb (I) [w dat] to move, turn; impers n vkr sgunni now the saga shifts, Vnland n Vinland (place name) Wine Country, region along the North American Atlantic; Vnland it ga Wineland the Good, same, vgja <-i, -t> vb (4) [w dat] to spare; give way to, vnn adj beautiful, fine, handsome; likely, to be expected; hopeful, promising, vnta <-ti, vnt> vb (2) [w gen] to expect, hope for, Vringi m Varangian, the name of the Norse warriors who served as bodyguards to the emperors of Constantinople in the Varangian Guard, vttr f creature, being; supernatural being, spirit, vllr m field, plain, vlva f seeress, sybil, vrr m warden; coastguard, watchman, vrr m pull of an oarvxtr m size, stature, growth; shape, yfir prep [w acc/dat] over, above, across; adv over, Yggr m Ygg (mythological name) Terrible One, a name of Odin, YggdrasillmYggdrasil, name of the World Tree, Ynglingar m pl Ynglings (personal name) Swedish-Norwegian dynasty; descendants of the god Yngvi, yrkja vb (3) to work, esp cultivate; compose (verses); yrkja [e-t] set about; mid attack one another, yrkisk um [e-t] it begins, Ze drttning in rka f Empress Zoe the Great, aan adv from there, thence; aan fr from that point onward, angat adv to there, thither (motion toward), angbrandr <-s> Thangbrand (personal name), annug (also annig) adv thither, that way (= ann + veg); thus, at pron it; n nom/acc of dem s that (one), au n pl pron they; those (ones), ttr m tale, short, egar adv at once, immediately; already; egar morgin first thing in the morning; egar unga aldri already by a young age; egar um haustit that very autumn; conj as soon as, when, egja vb (3) to be silent, keep ones mouth shut, egnskapr m generosity, open-handedness, eim m dat sg of dem s that (one) & all dat pl of eir/r/au they; those (ones), eima (also essum) m dat sg & all dat pl of essi, eir pron they; those (ones) (m pl), eira (also eirra) pron gen pl of eir/r/au they; their, ekkja <-ti~ekti~eki~tti, -tr~ektr~ekr> vb (3) to perceive, notice; know, recognize; ekkjast mid know one another, essi (also sj) dem pron this, these, r pl pron you; r frequent dat of ; see r, iggja vb (V) to accept; receive; accept lodgings, ingmar (pl ingmenn) m thingman, follower of an Icelandic chieftain, it dual pron you, j f people, nation, ola vb (4) to tolerate, endure, orbjrg <-bjargar> f Thorbjorg (personal name), orgeirr <-s> m Thorgeir (personal name); orgeirr flskubakr Thorgeir Flask-Back, orgerr f Thorgerd (personal name), orgils m Thorgils (personal name); orgils orsteinssonar Thorgils, son of Thorstein (personal name), orkell <-s> m Thorkel (personal name); orkell Geitisson m Thorkel, son of Geitir, orsteinn <-s> m Thorstein (personal name); orsteinn hvti m Thorstein the White, rir m Thorir (personal name), rr m Thor, god of thunder, husband of Sif, son of Odin and Earth, rasa <3sg pres rasir> vb (2) be belligerent, reifa <-a-> vb (1) touch or feel with ones hand; reifask mid fumble, grope, rekvirki n courageous deed, feat of strength, rettn num thirteen, rii ord num third, rii m Third, one of the three interrogators of King Gylfi, rfa vb (I) grasp; rfa til [e-s] grab hold of [sb/sth], rr num three, rvangar m pl Plains of Strength, Thors domain, umall m thumb, ungr adj heavy, urfa pret-pres vb [aux] need; [w gen] need, have need of, urs m giant, ogre, pron you (sg), sund <-ar, -ir> f thousand, usually long thousand, twelve hundred, v vb (VI) to wash. verra vb (III) to wane, decrease, grow less, vinnill <-s> m Thvinnil, name of a Viking (personal name), vgit = v-gi at [w comp adj] not the; vgit fleira no more, not much more, ykkja vb impers (3) seem to be, [w dat subj] to think/believe, seem (to one); ykkjask mid seem to one, think oneself, a (-ddi, -ddr) vb (2) to explain, interpret; signify; win over; ask [e-n] mid associate with [sb], r pron f pl they; those (ones), r f ewe or female sheep (with article rin, nn, nni, na, pl rnar, num, nna); r ok lmb ewes and lambs; kr ok r cows and ewes; see saur, sir m pl of ss, one of the two major groups of gods, tla <-a-> vb (1) to intend, purpose, mean; think, consider, tt f family, kindred; generation, tti 3sg & pl past subjunct of eiga vi f indecl age, time; alla vi for all time, forever, pa <-ti, -t> vb (4)to cry, scream, shout, xla <-ti, -tr> vb (2) tocause increase, multiply, ld f age, time; poet man pl mankind, men, llu n sg dat; weak m/f/n nom/acc/gen of allr, lvir m Olvir (personal name), nd f breath; life; spirit, soul, ndttr krka m Ondott Crow (personal name), rendislauss adj without effect, purposeless, lit errand-less, rendislaust adv without purpose, in vain, for nothing; fara rendislaust go in vain, without a purpose or reason, rn m eagle, x f axe, xarfjrrmOxarfjord, Axe Fjord (place name), Jules William Press is a small press devoted to publishing the best about the Viking Age, Old Norse, and the Atlantic and Northern European regions.