the office fanfiction jim saves pam


Jim disregards how her hands, soft and welcoming and begging to be held just a little longer, linger in the palm of his own where they so perfectly fit as he begins to pull away. loving someone fully always seemed so hard, so unattainable for him. He looks across at her in exaggerated disbelief, and she shrugs. Wake up, makeup (enough to look presentable, not enough to get hit on), drive to work, salads or sandwiches for lunch, Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam, dinners for one (sometimes microwaved), early bedtime. Jim H: Alright, all I can say is, pack up your stuff. "Hey Michael, we need to call a meeting." Jim told him. Theres some Dayquil in the upstairs bathroom, lemme just go grab it for you, you can take it with you-. Gee, that sure sounds like a you problem, and ndot a mbe one. "you got any music? And that Jim is so deep in this pit of heartache and misery that, even if he weren't getting sick, it's blatantly obvious to the people that care about him that he's not doing well. Language: English Words: 78,078 Chapters: 18 /18 88 Kudos: 318 Bookmarks: 55 Hits: 9029 Giving into an urge, Jim reaches out and tucks an errant lock of hair behind her ear. All these feelings of jealousy and frustration (a little bit with her but overwhelming with himself and at the world) that he worked so hard to repress because at the end of the day she, It was then, as he was pulling into his driveway and killing the engine, that he realised he didnt like what he was turning into. Or maybe they were, and just existed in the very worst, ugliest part of his psyche thats hidden away in a box somewhere. However, he isn't ready to marry her. It was an interesting thought, but one that eventually faded away in the lights and conviviality of Casino Night, and sitting across from her at that poker table. It was one that came to him often, but that particular day it was too compelling just to sit on and repress like it was some far-away notion that wasnt actually going to happen, like he usually did. But as shed determinedly reasserted to Jim after he did get around to broaching the subject of Karen with her, they were friends. he doesnt want jim to see how red his face is, although hes sure jim notices; its too obvious not to. No one would really care. What Jim doesnt know is that Ryan isnt as straight as he may seem. hhehEHTSSsshuh. Now, back in the present though, the air around them in the empty bullpen is heavy with tension and a weird sort of relief that every was laid out and fully aired in the open. Maybe its how in bloom everything looks, but the thought gives him this weird phantom ache in his sinuses and he just feels kind of unenthused. It felt good. season 1/2/3 a redo of the booze cruise ( s2 e11 ) Jim sets his eyes on someone else after the heart breaking events and regrets from the first booze cruise. Theres no way in hell he just had those nor the red wagon. AU. I'm curious to see if you'll switch the cold victim so it's every other season or just go with what feels right for that period in their lives, but either way I am absolutely along for the ride. At Pam and Roy's wedding y/n is Pam's childhood friend as well as the maid of honor. Its just a rainy Tuesday at the end of January at a struggling paper supply company in Scranton, Pennsylvania; nobodys feeling the need to perform. Getting caught by her red-handed during Michaels day of supposed conflict resolution was the final straw though. Mark shot him anxious looks when they met around the house, asked him how he was doing on a couple of occasions and offered to talk about whatever was eating at him. I have a list at least 9 inches long of other things Id much rather be doing.. Intuition and, It wasnt her fault, okay? Rising to the occasion, she stands up a little straighter opposite him. No matter how much he tries to insist Pam go sit down and enjoy her coffee, she wanted to help. Pam's fiance appeared, rather ungracefully, swaggering over to the reception desk and playfully punching Jim in the arm. Even though theres no logical way he couldve known that. Even Stanley seems to be engrossed in whatever hes doing on the computer, not a crossword book in sight. I can tell one of the camera interns has moved to my disappointed face. I think theres a new , Is it weird that 36 hours feels like a long time to be without someone? That it wasnt good for anybody - him, or well anybody. Also, stuck to his computer screen is a post-it note reading Hope you feel bee-tter! with a cute little doodle of a bee flying across the paper. Its painful in the best possible way. I estimate there are about 50 boxes of cookies, meaning 500 reams of paper. He looks like hes glowing a little. Jim shrugs Eh,I think Ill take my chances, Beesly. See for yourself! Pam remembered the day she was born a few years ago and Jim got the text about it at work. You know what, Michael, this is an excellent idea, I said. Her hair laid back loosely, parted just enough to let everyone see her pretty face. Generally, Pam and Karen got along. In a world where an ordinary girl takes a job as a saleswoman in a chaotic office.Not only is she destined to get a migraine,but to find love in the unique form of a fri UNDIVIDED ATTENTION * All these feelings of jealousy and frustration (a little bit with her but overwhelming with himself and at the world) that he worked so hard to repress because at the end of the day she was his best friend, and he wanted her to be happy they just werent him. Both of these are so well-written and I absolutely love your writing style. They just didnt do that. Just another day for Jan and Michael and their two littles, Jim and Ryan. Also the image of Jim bundled up in a scarf and layers, shiveringin traffic and sneezing his head off is probably not going to leave my head for the forseeable future. Ndo she said, with a suddenly quiet but unmissable seriousness, despite the miserable congestion weighing down her tone. Jim wasn't sure how long this had been going on since he just got back from his lunch break, but he assumed it had been a while from the look on everyone's face as he walked back in the office. On her desk, right next to the keyboard sat a steaming cup of tea. Which probably wasnt helped by the fact that he already hadnt slept properly in weeks, his head hitting his pillow every night seemingly the go-ahead signal to anxiously overthink again and again, every emotion hed managed to push down suddenly taking its chance to break free and rise to the surface. I can't praise you enough, seriously. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Also the way she comes to adamant defense of his nose, the fact that he's self-deprecating about it and the fact that she disagrees feels so in character. She was born and raised in Idaho, and had moved to Massachusetts for college. Not to mention that she still couldnt get warmed up for the absolute life of her, and she would go and put her coat on if she didnt think that would come off a tad dramatic. Everyones at Poor Richards and theyre showing the game, yknow. He flippedit open and scannedhis inbox. Besides Oscar and maybe Toby. Jim has a sex dream about one Ryan Howard and can't get it out of his headHe could act on it, except hes supposedly in love with PamBut he hasnt seen her in nearly a month, and maybe, maybe a part of him is scared shes not missing him as much as he is missing her Day 2: Multiple orgasms, coming untouchedShip: Jim/Ryan. Little does he know the dark secrets he's about to uncover ryans face flushes. Does what it says on the tin. She cannot tell anyone, not even Jim. Please consider turning it on! He was just one of those people that when they got sick it was always pretty obvious, and anyone in the general vicinity tended to know about it. he sneezed again and rubbed his head that seemed to explode. Enjoy reading! Jim and the snowball war. Just with a little bit more. Besides the obvious reasons why her stomach may have sunk at the realisation, what hit her harder than expected was the realisation that she truly didnt know what was going on in Jims life anymore, and hadnt for the last few months. In different places and different times, Pam meets Jim, and these meetings change both their lives. Though it makes Jims chest ache in a way that would have him questioning if, Part of Jim couldnt quite believe it; the irritating little corner of his brain hes grown increasingly accustomed to over the years, the one that argues that, Jim just bites his tongue, unsure if he can come up with anything in response that would sound tactful and not in some way more annoyed than he was entitled to be. Shed wonder indulgent, surface-level stuff - like how she was sure he must be prone to the most untameable bedhead, she could just tell. In the years since they'd met he'd noticed a whole lot about her. The cute banter, the innocent cuddling, the considerate way they each try to avoid waking the other at different points in the chapter, the thirst Pam has for new information about not-at-work-Jim Utter perfection. She sat up a little straighter in her chair. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. To take Pams mind off Jim, Dwight invites her to Schrute Farms, where she gets to find out more about Dwight, including how hes still not over Angela. One that made her feel small, unworthy and inadequate. But that evening after the party was over, driving back to fancy new apartment (the first place shed ever had completely on her own) Pam really, truly got what Jim saw in her. In the split second he hits send, he swivels away and snatches a tissue from the half-empty box sitting in the corner of his desk, and brings his hands hurriedly to his face. He knows itd probably be chivalrous to tell her its up to her and that he doesnt mind whichever, and to be fair that is what he instinctively wants to do and ordinarily would do, but yeah. His mind swam from the gravity shifting the now tightly-packed congestion in his head. His throat was on fire and his stomach rolled over several times. He sniffs once, shortly, then in what feels like an instant, stops completely and the pressure of his mouth against hers is gone. If you have any ideas feel free to write them in the comments! Michael is probably going to go into his office and start on some other ridiculous project. Two years after the world fell to pieces, the former employees of Dunder Mifflin and their families now reside in the Schrute Farms Community. Realising that they're both in similar situations, Pam and Dwight find solace in each other. Jim decided that he was done with lunch and headed back into his office. it was so easy to cling onto a person while it was fun and discard them before it had the chance to get scary. Eventually he had to prioritise his own sanity and sense of self and call it a day, then take the steps necessary to begin the arduous, abstract task of moving on. She just wishes this was enough. Pam is a young widow, but lacks the courage to move on-until a cute young salesman joins Dunder Mifflin. She also needed to cast aside how shed always been abstractly aware that he was an attractive guy, but recently couldnt seem to shake the realisation that she was to some degree physically attracted to him (which wasnt a crime, she had to remind herself. Post-season 2 AU. Wonderfully written and as someone who's on season 3 of a re watch of the series myself I thought it was wonderful! When these two CEOs meet, they'll create more than just a business deal. jimandpam theoffice drama +1 more # 13 PB & J by Bethany Jane 302 15 1 It's Jim Halpert's first day at Dunder Mifflin, and he has no idea what to expect. Feel better. Jims sick ! She swats his arm with a scoff, Youre so mean about your own nose!. Studying him, but shining with concern the few times hed accidentally caught her gaze over the dinner table. Hed been proud of himself that day, even if it could be argued to be equivalent to running away with his tail between his legs. What had started as a nagging tickle at the back of her throat all day yesterday that no amount of tea could manage to quash, had gradually over the course of the evening blossomed into what was undoubtedly the beginning of a cold, no matter how much she wanted to deny it to herself (proving to be swiftly impossible when shed sneezed no less than eight times just getting ready that morning). Especially when shed done nothing wrong, was genuinely trying to get involved, and actually had some pretty fun new ideas for the party. Betsy nodded, the smile slipping as she moved away from Jim and leaned her back against the counter, so she could look him in the face. Jim x Reader x Dwight When she looked back up from her lap she tried not to double take when she realised that, Whether it be Michael having five new pieces of fresh meat (at the start, that is; that number having rapidly dwindled week by week due to Michaels, Of course Jim was back too. Pams taking a sick day. I couldnt see what was inside from here, but I already knew it would be the catalyst for a workplace disaster. I dont think so. Like, hes genuinely excited to see her and it hasnt even been two days. It wasnt her fault, okay? Which is why she was so confused at this sudden, seemingly overnight, shift in Karens mood whereby she seemed not distant towards her, not even unpleasant, but definitely more guarded. You're scary when you look at me like that?" You know that. Maybe its because the cameras arent here today that energy appears to be so low. He shoots him dirty looks when he walks in on him leaning over Pams desk, chatting before they head out. That seemed like a plausible order. All she needed to do was teach herself to ignore the spark of life in her chest that she felt when Jim caught her eye from across the room. But today it wasnt. Please consider turning it on! Look, you have mine and dads numbers as well as the landline. I look up, Ive been so focused on my prank that I didnt even notice that Pam has slipped away. baseball font with tail generator. Its funny, Pam thinks to herself later, the things that transpire to gently tip her little world off its too-comfortable axis and help her rediscover the full spectrum of color, one flash, one swatch, at a time. Jim Saves the Day - An original "Office" Fanfiction. It was kind of exhausting. Hhhhhehtcsshew!. So Ive been rewatching The Office recently and have accidentally re-awoken my past hyperfixation on this show/this couple (honestly they're just a big comfort ship for me and it's what we need rn lol). But at least back then shed at least been his friend and been privy to that information as things were developing. After that humiliation, somehow she ended up in Scranton. Even worse, she landed in Dunder Mifflin Paper Co. as a customer service agent. Speaks to Jim (only when he absolutely has to) in this weird, brittle tone that clearly indicates he has very little time for him. Pam remembered the day she was born a few years ago and Jim got the text about it at work. Mainly angst. He just slept on the couch last night, Part of Jim couldnt quite believe it; the irritating little corner of his brain hes grown increasingly accustomed to over the years, the one that argues that he would never do that to her, physically couldnever, so therefore how could any other guy? (LogOut/ 51 guests Youve got to go big or go home, Beesly. Michaels voice, usually loud but especially so when he was trying to rouse them into something, chiselled into Pams brain like a jackhammer and she couldnt help but wince. She still cared about him a lot, she always would, and she believed she owed it to him to respect his decisions and support him moving forward. Hed felt kind of miserable all day. I can't wait until we all finally get the full caretaking we all so desperately want and had to wait 3 long seasons for, lol. This theory reflects observations I've made before on both r/FanTheories and r/DunderMifflin, but I wanted to formalize it. She glanced up from her desk in a quiet moment once the office settled into its usual humdrum, eyes settling in their usual spot on the back of Jims neck. Despite being a self-proclaimed artist, Pam Beesly's world almost always runs monochrome. His head is tilted off to the side, a clenched fist pressed hard under flaring nostrils. So this fic is perfect and I absolutely can't wait to see where it goes. Pam, Unsurprisingly, this was something they wanted to experience, Jims gaze trails over to the window, taking stock of how gorgeously bright the sun is shining. Go home and get some sleep.". ), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2), Jim Halpert/Original Female Character (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Wherever You Find Love (It Feels Like Christmas), The rest of the office appears at some point, Warning: Not To Be Used As A Lifesaving Device, Five Things Jim Halpert Really Liked About Katy. After a few seconds though, as if catching herself with her hand in the cookie jar, she exited out quickly and flippedthe phone shut again with a resounding, definitiveslap. Hey, some people like them!. Deleted Scenes do not exist. Giving voice to the thought that if he just held out a little longer, maybe she would change her mind, and the ensuing thought that he can't keep up that mindset forever it's justperfection. If Michael or Dwight said something inappropriate or borderline sociopathic, they knew that at the very least Jim would notice the wrongness of it all. it was a miserable, never-ending walk. The basic premise of this little multi-part thing is "chronicling the jim/pam saga via vignettes, one per season, where one or the other is sick in each and how what's going on in each season affects how they interact with each other". So today, she didnt feel she was doing anything wrong, and reasoned that it was natural to feel sorry for and want to take care of your best friend when its their turn being struck down by a clearly awful cold that was making its way around the office. Hes aware of how much of an asshole this makes him sound, and isnt proud of it in the least, but being with Karen hed grown used to feeling relieved when he found out she was busy and that he got to be by himself for a while with no need to perform this version of himself that was cool, put-together, , Only because of how genuine the remorse shone in his eyes (, Deal Jim says quickly, wishing he could do more in that moment to help, or just like, do. Now she just felt like an outsider peering through a window into Jims cool, evolved new life and it felt wrong and uncomfortable. He took a few steps over to it, and all of a sudden paused in his tracks. Something's got to give. Jim and Pam hung up their phones as Pam erupted into laughter after seeing Dwight sweep everything off of Michael's desk, practically throw a chair from the corner on top, climb up on that and began taking ceiling tiles out, with what looked like an attempt to crawl into the ceiling. The first three seasons but with Jim as a girl. Feel better. But, this was too good. The image of her, dressed all in white and smiling angelically as she and Roy went round the venue arm-in-arm greeting their guests, welcoming him to their special day no. Theyd always be friends. Her head shifts a little as his chest seizes under it, and it may have taken a drowsy moment but she suddenly realises why shes now awake. She sounds miserable and he winces a little in sympathy. Starts with her in high school dating Roy and goes throughout the whole series. Her life had gone from this mass of chaos to nothing. Im good, dont worry about it. Now that hes asserted to her that this is definitely just his allergies playing up (and hes actually pretty sure that it is - its what it feels like, anyway, with the way the itch is burning more than tickling necessarily and making his eyes water) he decides theres nowhere to go but doubling down. "No, he didn't." This is wonderful! Physical touch was one of the biggest, shiniest new elements to what they had now, and it was like now that they, Lost in this sudden haze of intimacy, he walks her back a bit so that shes pressed against the counter, both his hands now holding her face as the kiss deepens. It was on the booze cruise. Had he told her anything at all? It was established after Kevin threw up all over his desk because he had food poisoning. Hes fine, and shes teasing, but her doubt is just making him overthink it. Jim wouldve bet he did, if he wasnt more sure of the fact that if he did know Jim would be a dead man. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. So now hes standing in the parking lot, staring into space and trying not to think about Pam, and looking back towards the door to Casino Night waiting for Ryan to leave, and trying not to think about why hes waiting for Ryan to leave. Jim concedes and pushes himself out of his chair, Pams eyes lingering on him again as he leaves, following as he appears to duck into his elbow with another tightly stifled sneeze, before going to the sink in the kitchen and washing his hands like the considerate person he is. This is a Jim Halpert fanfic Maybe he's gone so far as to block her number. I must really be drunk. How many people hit up gas station rest stops on the side of the road for tissues and throat lozenges rather than Doritos and beef jerky? Oh my God. Kind of. Now be honest with me, Jimmy she broachesseriously, voice dripping in that 'meaningful mom' toneIs everything okay? After accidentally giving Kelly the wrong signals, she kisses him. Great idea, right?, Michael, you need to give those back, suggests Angela from the back. Im kind of nervous, I guess. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Then Christmas had rolled around and regardless of her own feelings towards her, it pained Pam to see Karen so brutally shut down by Angela in that Party Planning Committee meeting. Eventually though, after a beat or two his expression crumples again and he- huhEGXTshuh, chased by a sad, resounding snuffle as he brings the phone back to his ear, blinking hard against the moisture pooling in his eyes. She was engaged, she didnt need options. She was freshly engaged, but he had no idea because she was waiting for her ring to be resized. Jim had gotten a new job, after all. She had even done everything she could to get into law school, only to drop out after her ex boyfriend started spreading rumors about her integrity. As much as I love the Jim and Pam will they/wont they pining, angsty era with lots of juicy character growth and different dynamics and motivations to delve into, their S4-S6 honeymoon era is unapologetically my sweet spot. And by the time it was over it really was too late to expect him to leave and drive home, especially with the wine theyd had at dinner and the couple of leftover beers theyd had out of her fridge. She was proud. They fall into an extended beat of silence, one that was comfortable, but slightly charged with something distinctly unsaid. Pam takes longer than she probably needs to straightening herself out in the bathroom, taking the time to blow her nose in peace without feeling like she was being watched or judged, and tried one last ditch (but ultimately fruitless) attempt at calming her mess of curls into some semblance of control. Hey, can I talk to you about something?, About when you want to give me more of your money?. As ifdetermined to pull him fully out of unconsciousness itself and remind him of just how gross he felt, the ever-present tickling that had been driving him crazy all day flared dangerously, but slowly as it teased him for a few seconds. I love that you can see what drives them both, and the pacing of these vignettes is amazing. Pathetic to even yeah. Their fingers brush, like the two protagonists at the start of some cheesy romcom, but Jim cant deny the jolt he feels from the contact and how it does nothing to calm his already elevated heart rate. As her attention turns back to her screen to focus on whatever bullshit quota we had to meet that day, a small chunk of hair falls in front of her face, blocking part of her soft skin. An "Office" fanfic between Jim Halpert Dwight Schrute. He makes sure to stand, No, hes ndot in yet.. Says here he has a dentist appointment scheduled this mborning. For a brief second Pam faltered, and having caught the fall in her expression Jim looked like he was about to interject from across the room. She takes a sip and the warmth settles comfortably in her stomach, radiating outwards through her whole body. No idea he states genuinely, before meeting her as she moves upwards to kiss him, coffee and the earlier nagging uncertainty briefly forgotten as his hand finds her cheek effortlessly. As taken aback as he was, Jim agreed; lured by the continuation of this prospect of evolution and growth, and a clearer path to getting over Pam (and stop pathetically pining after a girl who likely didnt see him as anything more than a friend) than he had without someone who he felt he could grow to love to guide him and dangle the proverbial carrot. This video shows the roller-coaster relationship between Pam and Jim of The Office. Thatd be appropriate; karma even, for doing wrong by pretty much everyone in her life. Usually it was comforting to wake up on the couch after falling asleep there, but this just felt empty. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, "He knows my favorite yogurt flavor. ( Also big massive shout out to Zwee who's been a blast to talk to/bounce ideas off for the last couple of days! I dont know how often ill upload but i try one chapter per week! Especially when he found out she was spoken for. Ilove Jim's internal monologue in this chapter. She looks up from the screen to shoot him a mock-glare and he meets her eye, briefly smirking before glancing at the clock, then turning back to his computer with a rumbling, sore-sounding cough directed into his fist. pam. Jim was poised, ready to get up to go and covertly try and check on her when Roy lumbers into the room to walk her out. Obviously. Oh, and after a couple of bad allergy days Saturday and Sunday, the whole thing seemed to have blown over. He wasnt quite sure how or why it happened. That thought alone had his legs propelling him forward across the parking lot to Ryans pretentious hybrid. To be fair to the people I played basketball with back then though, it, Jim shrugs, but couldnt help but smile at how offended she sounded on his behalf. He still yearns for Pam despite his guilt and Pam still wishes she had told him sooner. Michael said indignantly and just a few seconds later confessed: "Yes, he did. He makes a subtle eh gesture. Hope you enjoy! He just didnt know until the moment it spilled out of his mouth that it was going to be exactly that. An uncomfortable thought crossedher mind that she would actually in some guilty way be glad to see him go. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I usually am so prepared with these sorts of pranks but after years of working at DM, Ive found a way to just go with the flow and let the trickery come naturally. "you could show me," jim says, his voice becoming eerily serious. The documentary crew picked up on that right from the beginning. A sick feeling of undeservingcurled round her stomach like a vine. She turnedback into her pillow as she heardthe front door slam closed, making her wince. I wouldn't complain if Jim caught it from her. Receptionitis15: Little bit late, but bless you, by the way. But that was a long time ago, so-, It wasnt that long ago. ", "So Jim, I heard you were sick," Michael said coming out of his office and looking at the younger man. She didnt open a new message or anything bold or daring like that. At least he had the freedom of knowing that for sure now, having been shot down not once but twice, no matter how much it the knowledge ached in his chest like someone had just gone and stuck a knife in there. Her eyebrows furrow, and her fingertips start drawing faint lines up and down his bare side. He sniffles and exhales heavily. Unfortunately, Jim's love was unrequited as she was engaged to Roy,. "Yeah, of course. 5. It was almost like Roy knew how much he loved her, even if she didnt. The crew always tells me Yo, its funny and classic. Even the difference in her posture when shes actually working compared to when shes just pretending to when Michael does a random sweep of the room (usually looking for someone to irritate, rather than anything manager-like, but still). They both laugh easily, and a comfortable quiet settles between them. She replies with her own, using his shoulder as support to pull herself up onto her tiptoes, and press a light kiss to his cheek that. Because today she had a gross head cold, shed slept through her alarm and so didnt get time to fully dry her hair and it was frizzing particularly impressively, had laddered her tights getting out of her car, and just generally felt frumpy and leaky and swollen and ugh. Please consider turning it on! Summary: Kelly loves Ryan. -that timbe of year, yeah. Im just catching a movie then going for a drink with some college buddies. Toby (who somehow just appeared with Gabe stalking not too far behind): Michael, Im not sure thats really allowed under, Oscar: Are you actually referring to adolescent girls as, Erin: Yes! the office fanfiction jim saves pam. She submits to happily, the incredulous expression melting away in the happiness of the moment. The documentary crew picked up on that right from the beginning. Which is why she was so confused at this sudden, seemingly overnight, shift in Karens mood whereby she seemed not, It didnt bother Pam, of course not.

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the office fanfiction jim saves pam