weierstrass substitution proof
Remember that f and g are inverses of each other! has a flex Here is another geometric point of view. Integration of rational functions by partial fractions 26 5.1. Mathematische Werke von Karl Weierstrass (in German). t If so, how close was it? into one of the form. The orbiting body has moved up to $Q^{\prime}$ at height \implies &\bbox[4pt, border:1.25pt solid #000000]{d\theta = \frac{2\,dt}{1 + t^{2}}} My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? into an ordinary rational function of But here is a proof without words due to Sidney Kung: \(\text{sin}\theta=\frac{AC}{AB}=\frac{2u}{1+u^2}\) and where $\ell$ is the orbital angular momentum, $m$ is the mass of the orbiting body, the true anomaly $\nu$ is the angle in the orbit past periapsis, $t$ is the time, and $r$ is the distance to the attractor. \), \( In the first line, one cannot simply substitute . By similarity of triangles. How to solve the integral $\int\limits_0^a {\frac{{\sqrt {{a^2} - {x^2}} }}{{b - x}}} \mathop{\mathrm{d}x}\\$? The differential \(dx\) is determined as follows: Any rational expression of trigonometric functions can be always reduced to integrating a rational function by making the Weierstrass substitution. Disconnect between goals and daily tasksIs it me, or the industry. Can you nd formulas for the derivatives This is the one-dimensional stereographic projection of the unit circle . Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting. In the case = 0, we get the well-known perturbation theory for the sine-Gordon equation. The substitution is: u tan 2. for < < , u R . / 2 The above descriptions of the tangent half-angle formulae (projection the unit circle and standard hyperbola onto the y-axis) give a geometric interpretation of this function. ( Proof Technique. = That is, if. csc . Find the integral. \begin{align} {\textstyle x=\pi } Transactions on Mathematical Software. A point on (the right branch of) a hyperbola is given by(cosh , sinh ). Proof. 1 It only takes a minute to sign up. Instead of + and , we have only one , at both ends of the real line. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Irreducible cubics containing singular points can be affinely transformed The equation for the drawn line is y = (1 + x)t. The equation for the intersection of the line and circle is then a quadratic equation involving t. The two solutions to this equation are (1, 0) and (cos , sin ). $\int\frac{a-b\cos x}{(a^2-b^2)+b^2(\sin^2 x)}dx$. Introducing a new variable pp. = Calculus. If the integral is a definite integral (typically from $0$ to $\pi/2$ or some other variants of this), then we can follow the technique here to obtain the integral. It is just the Chain Rule, written in terms of integration via the undamenFtal Theorem of Calculus. Hyperbolic Tangent Half-Angle Substitution, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License, https://mathworld.wolfram.com/WeierstrassSubstitution.html, https://proofwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Weierstrass_Substitution&oldid=614929, $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ $\LaTeX$ commands, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Weisstein, Eric W. "Weierstrass Substitution." The Weierstrass Approximation theorem is named after German mathematician Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass. Check it: There are several ways of proving this theorem. 1 To perform the integral given above, Kepler blew up the picture by a factor of $1/\sqrt{1-e^2}$ in the $y$-direction to turn the ellipse into a circle. A similar statement can be made about tanh /2. James Stewart wasn't any good at history. In other words, if f is a continuous real-valued function on [a, b] and if any > 0 is given, then there exist a polynomial P on [a, b] such that |f(x) P(x)| < , for every x in [a, b]. Since jancos(bnx)j an for all x2R and P 1 n=0 a n converges, the series converges uni-formly by the Weierstrass M-test. $\qquad$. Note sur l'intgration de la fonction, https://archive.org/details/coursdanalysedel01hermuoft/page/320/, https://archive.org/details/anelementarytre00johngoog/page/n66, https://archive.org/details/traitdanalyse03picagoog/page/77, https://archive.org/details/courseinmathemat01gouruoft/page/236, https://archive.org/details/advancedcalculus00wils/page/21/, https://archive.org/details/treatiseonintegr01edwauoft/page/188, https://archive.org/details/ost-math-courant-differentialintegralcalculusvoli/page/n250, https://archive.org/details/elementsofcalcul00pete/page/201/, https://archive.org/details/calculus0000apos/page/264/, https://archive.org/details/calculuswithanal02edswok/page/482, https://archive.org/details/calculusofsingle00lars/page/520, https://books.google.com/books?id=rn4paEb8izYC&pg=PA435, https://books.google.com/books?id=R-1ZEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA409, "The evaluation of trigonometric integrals avoiding spurious discontinuities", "A Note on the History of Trigonometric Functions", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tangent_half-angle_substitution&oldid=1137371172, This page was last edited on 4 February 2023, at 07:50. [2] Leonhard Euler used it to evaluate the integral x ) doi:10.1145/174603.174409. \implies 20 (1): 124135. \\ cos = t The Weierstrass substitution, named after German mathematician Karl Weierstrass (18151897), is used for converting rational expressions of trigonometric functions into algebraic rational functions, which may be easier to integrate.. = What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? The German mathematician Karl Weierstrauss (18151897) noticed that the substitution t = tan(x/2) will convert any rational function of sin x and cos x into an ordinary rational function. transformed into a Weierstrass equation: We only consider cubic equations of this form. identities (see Appendix C and the text) can be used to simplify such rational expressions once we make a preliminary substitution. Bestimmung des Integrals ". This point crosses the y-axis at some point y = t. One can show using simple geometry that t = tan(/2). Theorems on differentiation, continuity of differentiable functions. x \). It is sometimes misattributed as the Weierstrass substitution. &=-\frac{2}{1+u}+C \\ \( Derivative of the inverse function. Chain rule. Let M = ||f|| exists as f is a continuous function on a compact set [0, 1]. How to solve this without using the Weierstrass substitution \[ \int . Example 3. $\qquad$ $\endgroup$ - Michael Hardy Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? ) Definition of Bernstein Polynomial: If f is a real valued function defined on [0, 1], then for n N, the nth Bernstein Polynomial of f is defined as . {\textstyle \csc x-\cot x} in his 1768 integral calculus textbook,[3] and Adrien-Marie Legendre described the general method in 1817. Other resolutions: 320 170 pixels | 640 340 pixels | 1,024 544 pixels | 1,280 680 pixels | 2,560 1,359 . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. How can this new ban on drag possibly be considered constitutional? Is a PhD visitor considered as a visiting scholar. We have a rational expression in and in the denominator, so we use the Weierstrass substitution to simplify the integral: and. Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. A standard way to calculate \(\int{\frac{dx}{1+\text{sin}x}}\) is via a substitution \(u=\text{tan}(x/2)\). This proves the theorem for continuous functions on [0, 1]. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. \frac{1}{a + b \cos x} &= \frac{1}{a \left (\cos^2 \frac{x}{2} + \sin^2 \frac{x}{2} \right ) + b \left (\cos^2 \frac{x}{2} - \sin^2 \frac{x}{2} \right )}\\ Proof Chasles Theorem and Euler's Theorem Derivation . \(\text{cos}\theta=\frac{BC}{AB}=\frac{1-u^2}{1+u^2}\). This is Kepler's second law, the law of areas equivalent to conservation of angular momentum. Stewart, James (1987). $$d E=\frac{\sqrt{1-e^2}}{1+e\cos\nu}d\nu$$ ) \end{align} File history. Now, let's return to the substitution formulas. Other sources refer to them merely as the half-angle formulas or half-angle formulae . 2 answers Score on last attempt: \( \quad 1 \) out of 3 Score in gradebook: 1 out of 3 At the beginning of 2000 , Miguel's house was worth 238 thousand dollars and Kyle's house was worth 126 thousand dollars. {\textstyle t=\tan {\tfrac {x}{2}}} {\textstyle t=\tan {\tfrac {x}{2}},} t Stewart provided no evidence for the attribution to Weierstrass. When $a,b=1$ we can just multiply the numerator and denominator by $1-\cos x$ and that solves the problem nicely. He is best known for the Casorati Weierstrass theorem in complex analysis. The Gudermannian function gives a direct relationship between the circular functions and the hyperbolic ones that does not involve complex numbers. Here you are shown the Weierstrass Substitution to help solve trigonometric integrals.Useful videos: Weierstrass Substitution continued: https://youtu.be/SkF. The Weierstrass Approximation theorem If the \(\mathrm{char} K \ne 2\), then completing the square If tan /2 is a rational number then each of sin , cos , tan , sec , csc , and cot will be a rational number (or be infinite). x ( if \(\mathrm{char} K \ne 3\), then a similar trick eliminates The Weierstrass substitution formulas are most useful for integrating rational functions of sine and cosine (http://planetmath.org/IntegrationOfRationalFunctionOfSineAndCosine). Merlet, Jean-Pierre (2004). $=\int\frac{a-b\cos x}{a^2-b^2+b^2-b^2\cos^2 x}dx=\int\frac{a-b\cos x}{(a^2-b^2)+b^2(1-\cos^2 x)}dx$. An affine transformation takes it to its Weierstrass form: If \(\mathrm{char} K \ne 2\) then we can further transform this to, \[Y^2 + a_1 XY + a_3 Y = X^3 + a_2 X^2 + a_4 X + a_6\]. + This paper studies a perturbative approach for the double sine-Gordon equation. This entry briefly describes the history and significance of Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell's monumental but little read classic of symbolic logic, Principia Mathematica (PM), first published in 1910-1913. 2. 2006, p.39). ( / Trigonometric Substitution 25 5. {\textstyle u=\csc x-\cot x,} follows is sometimes called the Weierstrass substitution. t 1. $\int \frac{dx}{\sin^3{x}}$ possible with universal substitution? The tangent of half an angle is the stereographic projection of the circle onto a line. x $$y=\frac{a\sqrt{1-e^2}\sin\nu}{1+e\cos\nu}$$But still $$x=\frac{a(1-e^2)\cos\nu}{1+e\cos\nu}$$ that is, |f(x) f()| 2M [(x )/ ]2 + /2 x [0, 1]. Now, add and subtract $b^2$ to the denominator and group the $+b^2$ with $-b^2\cos^2x$. This is the \(j\)-invariant. Why do we multiply numerator and denominator by $\sin px$ for evaluating $\int \frac{\cos ax+\cos bx}{1-2\cos cx}dx$? Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? No clculo integral, a substituio tangente do arco metade ou substituio de Weierstrass uma substituio usada para encontrar antiderivadas e, portanto, integrais definidas, de funes racionais de funes trigonomtricas.Nenhuma generalidade perdida ao considerar que essas so funes racionais do seno e do cosseno. |Front page| The Weierstrass elliptic functions are identified with the famous mathematicians N. H. Abel (1827) and K. Weierstrass (1855, 1862). &=\int{(\frac{1}{u}-u)du} \\ B n (x, f) := The = 2 The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem says that no matter how " random " the sequence ( x n) may be, as long as it is bounded then some part of it must converge. One of the most important ways in which a metric is used is in approximation. x Likewise if tanh /2 is a rational number then each of sinh , cosh , tanh , sech , csch , and coth will be a rational number (or be infinite). The editors were, apart from Jan Berg and Eduard Winter, Friedrich Kambartel, Jaromir Loul, Edgar Morscher and . This equation can be further simplified through another affine transformation. {\displaystyle t} The sigma and zeta Weierstrass functions were introduced in the works of F . d In addition, These inequalities are two o f the most important inequalities in the supject of pro duct polynomials. Also, using the angle addition and subtraction formulae for both the sine and cosine one obtains: Pairwise addition of the above four formulae yields: Setting tan \begin{align*} Fact: Isomorphic curves over some field \(K\) have the same \(j\)-invariant. 2011-01-12 01:01 Michael Hardy 927783 (7002 bytes) Illustration of the Weierstrass substitution, a parametrization of the circle used in integrating rational functions of sine and cosine. x If \(a_1 = a_3 = 0\) (which is always the case The Weierstrass substitution, named after German mathematician Karl Weierstrass (18151897), is used for converting rational expressions of trigonometric functions into algebraic rational functions, which may be easier to integrate. Other sources refer to them merely as the half-angle formulas or half-angle formulae. at His domineering father sent him to the University of Bonn at age 19 to study law and finance in preparation for a position in the Prussian civil service. As x varies, the point (cosx,sinx) winds repeatedly around the unit circle centered at(0,0). b {\textstyle \int d\psi \,H(\sin \psi ,\cos \psi ){\big /}{\sqrt {G(\sin \psi ,\cos \psi )}}} Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Now he could get the area of the blue region because sector $CPQ^{\prime}$ of the circle centered at $C$, at $-ae$ on the $x$-axis and radius $a$ has area $$\frac12a^2E$$ where $E$ is the eccentric anomaly and triangle $COQ^{\prime}$ has area $$\frac12ae\cdot\frac{a\sqrt{1-e^2}\sin\nu}{1+e\cos\nu}=\frac12a^2e\sin E$$ so the area of blue sector $OPQ^{\prime}$ is $$\frac12a^2(E-e\sin E)$$ csc (1) F(x) = R x2 1 tdt. Other trigonometric functions can be written in terms of sine and cosine. The reason it is so powerful is that with Algebraic integrands you have numerous standard techniques for finding the AntiDerivative . cot = . 2 (This is the one-point compactification of the line.) Click or tap a problem to see the solution. &=\int{\frac{2du}{1+2u+u^2}} \\ sin Weierstrass Approximation Theorem is extensively used in the numerical analysis as polynomial interpolation. "Weierstrass Substitution". . x Instead of a closed bounded set Rp, we consider a compact space X and an algebra C ( X) of continuous real-valued functions on X. + where gd() is the Gudermannian function. er. cot = 2 Basically it takes a rational trigonometric integrand and converts it to a rational algebraic integrand via substitutions. A little lowercase underlined 'u' character appears on your S2CID13891212. u Assume \(\mathrm{char} K \ne 3\) (otherwise the curve is the same as \((X + Y)^3 = 1\)). Then substitute back that t=tan (x/2).I don't know how you would solve this problem without series, and given the original problem you could . |x y| |f(x) f(y)| /2 for every x, y [0, 1]. "A Note on the History of Trigonometric Functions" (PDF). . The technique of Weierstrass Substitution is also known as tangent half-angle substitution . assume the statement is false). {\textstyle du=\left(-\csc x\cot x+\csc ^{2}x\right)\,dx} The attractor is at the focus of the ellipse at $O$ which is the origin of coordinates, the point of periapsis is at $P$, the center of the ellipse is at $C$, the orbiting body is at $Q$, having traversed the blue area since periapsis and now at a true anomaly of $\nu$. Finally, it must be clear that, since \(\text{tan}x\) is undefined for \(\frac{\pi}{2}+k\pi\), \(k\) any integer, the substitution is only meaningful when restricted to intervals that do not contain those values, e.g., for \(-\pi\lt x\lt\pi\). it is, in fact, equivalent to the completeness axiom of the real numbers. File usage on other wikis. Then Kepler's first law, the law of trajectory, is and the natural logarithm: Comparing the hyperbolic identities to the circular ones, one notices that they involve the same functions of t, just permuted. Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 800 425 pixels. An irreducibe cubic with a flex can be affinely weierstrass substitution proof. That is often appropriate when dealing with rational functions and with trigonometric functions. 2 eliminates the \(XY\) and \(Y\) terms. \text{cos}x&=\frac{1-u^2}{1+u^2} \\ |Contents| cos Define: \(b_8 = a_1^2 a_6 + 4a_2 a_6 - a_1 a_3 a_4 + a_2 a_3^2 - a_4^2\). Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? Our Open Days are a great way to discover more about the courses and get a feel for where you'll be studying. The Bolzano-Weierstrass Property and Compactness. The tangent half-angle substitution in integral calculus, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tangent_half-angle_formula&oldid=1119422059, This page was last edited on 1 November 2022, at 14:09. cos u $$\ell=mr^2\frac{d\nu}{dt}=\text{constant}$$ f p < / M. We also know that 1 0 p(x)f (x) dx = 0. Mathematica GuideBook for Symbolics. So if doing an integral with a factor of $\frac1{1+e\cos\nu}$ via the eccentric anomaly was good enough for Kepler, surely it's good enough for us. Viewed 270 times 2 $\begingroup$ After browsing some topics here, through one post, I discovered the "miraculous" Weierstrass substitutions. In integral calculus, the tangent half-angle substitution - known in Russia as the universal trigonometric substitution, sometimes misattributed as the Weierstrass substitution, and also known by variant names such as half-tangent substitution or half-angle substitution - is a change of variables used for evaluating integrals, which converts a rational function of trigonometric functions . So as to relate the area swept out by a line segment joining the orbiting body to the attractor Kepler drew a little picture. Complex Analysis - Exam. The Weierstrass substitution can also be useful in computing a Grbner basis to eliminate trigonometric functions from a . Here we shall see the proof by using Bernstein Polynomial. artanh 2 2 2 x Splitting the numerator, and further simplifying: $\frac{1}{b}\int\frac{1}{\sin^2 x}dx-\frac{1}{b}\int\frac{\cos x}{\sin^2 x}dx=\frac{1}{b}\int\csc^2 x\:dx-\frac{1}{b}\int\frac{\cos x}{\sin^2 x}dx$. and then we can go back and find the area of sector $OPQ$ of the original ellipse as $$\frac12a^2\sqrt{1-e^2}(E-e\sin E)$$ p By the Stone Weierstrass Theorem we know that the polynomials on [0,1] [ 0, 1] are dense in C ([0,1],R) C ( [ 0, 1], R). (2/2) The tangent half-angle substitution illustrated as stereographic projection of the circle. We can confirm the above result using a standard method of evaluating the cosecant integral by multiplying the numerator and denominator by Solution. Weierstrass Approximation Theorem is given by German mathematician Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass. Published by at 29, 2022. = Preparation theorem. Finally, as t goes from 1 to+, the point follows the part of the circle in the second quadrant from (0,1) to(1,0). How can Kepler know calculus before Newton/Leibniz were born ? The Weierstrass representation is particularly useful for constructing immersed minimal surfaces. x Integration of Some Other Classes of Functions 13", "Intgration des fonctions transcendentes", "19. 2 By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. According to Spivak (2006, pp. As t goes from 0 to 1, the point follows the part of the circle in the first quadrant from (1,0) to(0,1). Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. [7] Michael Spivak called it the "world's sneakiest substitution".[8]. {\textstyle t=\tan {\tfrac {x}{2}}} x It's not difficult to derive them using trigonometric identities. One usual trick is the substitution $x=2y$. x 2 For a proof of Prohorov's theorem, which is beyond the scope of these notes, see [Dud89, Theorem 11.5.4]. goes only once around the circle as t goes from to+, and never reaches the point(1,0), which is approached as a limit as t approaches. Typically, it is rather difficult to prove that the resulting immersion is an embedding (i.e., is 1-1), although there are some interesting cases where this can be done. , a From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. $$\int\frac{dx}{a+b\cos x}=\frac1a\int\frac{dx}{1+\frac ba\cos x}=\frac1a\int\frac{d\nu}{1+\left|\frac ba\right|\cos\nu}$$ Evaluate the integral \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + \sin x}}}.\], Evaluate the integral \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{3 - 2\sin x}}}.\], Calculate the integral \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + \cos \frac{x}{2}}}}.\], Evaluate the integral \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + \cos 2x}}}.\], Compute the integral \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{4 + 5\cos \frac{x}{2}}}}.\], Find the integral \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{\sin x + \cos x}}}.\], Find the integral \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{\sin x + \cos x + 1}}}.\], Evaluate \[\int {\frac{{dx}}{{\sec x + 1}}}.\]. If \(\mathrm{char} K = 2\) then one of the following two forms can be obtained: \(Y^2 + XY = X^3 + a_2 X^2 + a_6\) (the nonsupersingular case), \(Y^2 + a_3 Y = X^3 + a_4 X + a_6\) (the supersingular case). 1 d How do I align things in the following tabular environment? . Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. The Weierstrass substitution in REDUCE. rev2023.3.3.43278. a Categories . brian kim, cpa clearvalue tax net worth . The point. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. Proof by contradiction - key takeaways. $\begingroup$ The name "Weierstrass substitution" is unfortunate, since Weierstrass didn't have anything to do with it (Stewart's calculus book to the contrary notwithstanding). 2 by setting of this paper: http://www.westga.edu/~faucette/research/Miracle.pdf. Define: b 2 = a 1 2 + 4 a 2. b 4 = 2 a 4 + a 1 a 3. b 6 = a 3 2 + 4 a 6. b 8 = a 1 2 a 6 + 4 a 2 a 6 a 1 a 3 a 4 + a 2 a 3 2 a 4 2. File history. \text{sin}x&=\frac{2u}{1+u^2} \\ . It applies to trigonometric integrals that include a mixture of constants and trigonometric function. Our aim in the present paper is twofold. The Bernstein Polynomial is used to approximate f on [0, 1]. doi:10.1007/1-4020-2204-2_16. Following this path, we are able to obtain a system of differential equations that shows the amplitude and phase modulation of the approximate solution. d 2.1.5Theorem (Weierstrass Preparation Theorem)Let U A V A Fn Fbe a neighbourhood of (x;0) and suppose that the holomorphic or real analytic function A . Using Bezouts Theorem, it can be shown that every irreducible cubic 6. http://www.westga.edu/~faucette/research/Miracle.pdf, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Integrating trig substitution triangle equivalence, Elementary proof of Bhaskara I's approximation: $\sin\theta=\frac{4\theta(180-\theta)}{40500-\theta(180-\theta)}$, Weierstrass substitution on an algebraic expression. A geometric proof of the Weierstrass substitution In various applications of trigonometry , it is useful to rewrite the trigonometric functions (such as sine and cosine ) in terms of rational functions of a new variable t {\displaystyle t} . https://mathworld.wolfram.com/WeierstrassSubstitution.html. Michael Spivak escreveu que "A substituio mais . sines and cosines can be expressed as rational functions of For a special value = 1/8, we derive a . Generally, if K is a subfield of the complex numbers then tan /2 K implies that {sin , cos , tan , sec , csc , cot } K {}. Try to generalize Additional Problem 2. The name "Weierstrass substitution" is unfortunate, since Weierstrass didn't have anything to do with it (Stewart's calculus book to the contrary notwithstanding). The Weierstrass substitution is an application of Integration by Substitution. Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass ; 1815-1897 . x 2 {\displaystyle dx} 2 &=-\frac{2}{1+\text{tan}(x/2)}+C. MathWorld. The content of PM is described in a section by section synopsis, stated in modernized logical notation and described following the introductory notes from each of the three . Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. / Thus there exists a polynomial p p such that f p </M. Metadata. and substituting yields: Dividing the sum of sines by the sum of cosines one arrives at: Applying the formulae derived above to the rhombus figure on the right, it is readily shown that. t Since, if 0 f Bn(x, f) and if g f Bn(x, f). Integrate $\int \frac{\sin{2x}}{\sin{x}+\cos^2{x}}dx$, Find the indefinite integral $\int \frac{25}{(3\cos(x)+4\sin(x))^2} dx$. 2 There are several ways of proving this theorem. G The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem is at the foundation of many results in analysis. \end{aligned} on the left hand side (and performing an appropriate variable substitution) Now, fix [0, 1]. t 2 In the unit circle, application of the above shows that
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