what happens after arthur dies in rdr2?
After a fight, Adler and Marston have Micah at gunpoint, only for Dutch to appear with weapons aimed at both. More of its ranks die, its enemies come closer to finding it, and it's forced to live in increasingly desolate conditions. That said, John recovers the money stash from Micah and Dutch at the end of. Because of a lack of a tuberculosis cure in RDR2, Arthur becomes weaker, and so too does the gang lose its sense of strength. It's a long journey for the Dutch Van der Linde gang, that's for sure. Most of them are doing quite well. Can Arthur Morgan Be Cured In Red Dead Redemption 2? Ingrobny, burger_mike and LegendarySaiyan 3 Decide whether you want to only threaten the man or you want to beat him up. With all of this happening, you would think that Dutch would be empathetic to the plight of the Wapiti Tribe of Native Americans, who are being systematically pushed off their land. No matter how the game is played, Red Dead Redemption 2 always ends with Arthur Morgan dying, but it turns out that his grave changes depending on his honor level. I didn't actually have them until end game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There is, however, a loophole involved with avoiding Arthur's succumbing to tuberculosis, even if it's not exactly a cure. This eventually climaxes when Dutch chooses to side with Micah Bell, whos been proven to be a traitor, leaving Arthur to fend for himself. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Arthur's Money While Arthur gives John his satchel with his belongings in it, it doesn't contain all of his money. Bell kills Morgan with a gun shot to the head. The money too, but u will get 20k after epilogue. Approach the man and allow him to attack the hero (Downes attack will fail). The trapper can use these legendary pelts, plus perfect pelts and feathers, to create a variety of new clothes. Micah then takes out a gun to shoot the already sick and weakened Arthur in the face. Admitting he liked their son, Isaac, Arthur would visit and give them money sporadically throughout the years, despite the outlaw life he was already living. john marston gets them but you will need to do a few missions till you get them back. saintsrow. You lose crafting materials I assume because they're no longer necessary. 26 minutes ago, Money Over Bullsh*t said: *SPOILER* What Do We Lose, What Do We Get Back? It's easy! Given to winners of the multiplayer events in 2010-2011 by Rockstar Games. After the TB diagnosis, Arthur changes. Rains Fall is at the train station in Annesburg; his tribe settled in Canada. However, Mexico is missing, which originally took up almost half the map in the original game. Im kind of concerned about a few things, namely the following: You inherit Arthur's clothes and most outfits. Your horses never return but you can easily just buy more of the same breed and build them back up to max level in no time at all. Jenny Kirk's grave can be found at Spider Gorge. complete answer on gamingbible.co.uk. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Mickey, the veteran in Valentine who Arthur took a moment to talk to, will give a heartbreaking monologue about what Arthur meant to him. Although his fate is ultimately the same, Red Dead Redemption 2 players do have a choice in the way that Arthur Morgan is remembered in the world. Tilly Jackson can be found in Saint Denis, married to a wealthy man and visibly pregnant. Agent Milton shoots Hosea in the chest in front of the entire gang as a warning. We'll start you off on your hunt. If you finished the game with a high Honor rating, Arthurs grave will be adorned with flowers. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I didn't know what happens if you stay in the room after bringing the Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. There's nothing in RDR2 that even hints at the idea that Arthur can muscle through his condition, or that some hermit is hanging out in the trees, ready to cure Arthur's tuberculosis with a mystical mixture of natural herbs. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So, with all this information, you might be left wondering: How long does Red Dead Redemption 2 actually take to beat? 759. There's also our complete Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats guide, a page on how to get a new horse in RDR2 if you're stranded in the middle of nowhere, and our guide on how to earn RDR2 money quickly in the wild west. In Red Dead Redemption 2, your actions impact the game's world and how people treat you. that i'm actually not sure of and will have to defer to the community for clarification. *Spoilers*. Alexandra is a freelance writer based in Montreal. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. ", The Ending Of Red Dead Redemption 2 Explained. Sadly, you wont collect the debt. Unfortunately, John keeps resorting to guns for various reasons, resulting in Abigail leaving with Jack since she believes the outlaw gunman in her husband will never die. He starts coughing and his skin starts turning pale. You lose everything at the end of the main story but get your guns back after Epilogue 1 and all your money and more back after Epilogue 2. Tilly married well, and you can bump into her near the tailor in Saint Denis. After Arthur dies and players take control of John Marston, Arthurs grave can be visited in the Red Dead Redemption 2 overworld. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Mary-Beth Gaskill became a successful novelist, and can be found at the Valentine train station. You'll get enough through the story. Most of the early strangers' missions were driven by money for Arthur, but after the diagnosis, they turn into simply doing the right thing. It's after the second part. If Arthur did the Chapter 6 side missions for Hamish Sinclair, you see the two men become good friends across multiple side missions during later times in both of their lives when they each needed a friend the most. Regardless of how Red Dead Redemption 2 is played, Arthur Morgan always contracts tuberculosis and passes away by the end of the game. With their pursuers hot on their heels, Arthur sends John away while he draws them in, giving his life for John's family. Now, he follows in the footsteps of his early influences, giving his two-cents on the games he loves. If your Honor meter is high, Arthur will point out that he tried to become a better man. The big question on everyone's mind: Do you don the outfit of Marston at any point in Red Dead Redemption 2? No matter what you do, Arthur Morgan dies. I was a strict "arthur's hat" guy, so I didn't pay much attention to the other ones. Some 60-80 hours after beginning the tale of Arthur Morgan and the doomed members of the Van der Linde Gang, players are winding their way to Red Dead Redemption 2's "ending." This game has six chapters of story missions, and it also has two unexpected epilogues, both of which need to be played, in full, for the . All about those unique items like meteor and gold bars? My bad! Molly says that she told Milton and Ross about the Saint Denis job. If you choose to go back for the money, Arthur heads back to the burning camp of the Van der Linde gang. He encourages John Marston to take his wife and son and run away from the gang for their safety. What Happens If John Marston Visits The Cliff Where Micah Killed Arthur In Red Dead Redemption 2? Hosea Matthews and Lenny Summers, who died during a bank robbery, can be found to the north of Saint Denis. However, it doesnt save him much time anyway, seeing as how in a few years, John, Sadie, and Charles end up gunning the man down anyway. In this Red Dead Redemption 2 spoiler FAQ, we'll . When a horse dies, its owner must decide how to dispose of the body. When you die in Red Dead Redemption 2, your horse will be brought back to the stable that you last saved at. Everything you need pelts to craft with Pearson during the story can be purchased for cash from the trapper after the story, except the special outfits. Bell leaves in anger and Arthur succumbs to his tuberculosis on the mountaintop, watching the sun rise. We get all of our money back (up to $20,000) after epilogue 2. On top of that, you can complete new side quests, Bounty Hunting missions and Stranger encounters (especially in New Austin) which will appear during and after the epilogue. There are emaciated, burnt bodies wherever you go. What does white smoke from a diesel mean? Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. Miss Grimshaw shoots her through the chest with a shotgun to end Chapter 5. What you keep/lose going from the end of the main story to the - reddit They will not be able to interact with the animal, as it runs away if players get too close and it cannot be shot. My Extremely Rare RDR PS3 Controllers. As Arthur tries to escape the Pinkertons with John, his horse gets critically injured and dies. Remember the town of Armadillo from Red Dead Redemption 1? If players put effort into making Arthur a good man with their actions throughout the game, it will be reflected not only in the final moments of his life but also afterwards in the memory of NPCs. Simon Pearson can be found running the general store in Rhodes. At the end of the epilogue I had ~1800 and when I completed it, there was 21800 in my pocket. If you go back for the money with low honor, Micah stabs Arthur to death. In 2018, the year Red Dead Redemption 2 was released, it's estimated that over a million people died from TB, according to a World Health Organization report. There's a reason why the scene in which Arthur receives his diagnosis (along with a healthy shot of what one can only assume is either cocaine or an amphetamine) is so awkward and somber. I'm nearing 100% game completion and the advice I give people is this: So that covers everyone; Uncle, Abigail, and Jack live with you. Used caskets lie out in the open, presumably because the townspeople lack the time or the energy left to bury them. Thomas Downes is a character that appears as a Debtor in Red Dead Redemption 2. john marston gets them but you will need to do a few missions till you get them back. Youre right, I forgot thatJohn leaves Mt Hagencarrying a lot of money!! If you happen to be riding Buell while fleeing the Pinkertons, it adds even heavier emotions and a deeper meaning to the horse death scene vs just a random steed you were riding. A few missions into the epilogue, John does inherit all of Arthur's outfits and weapons. The leader who cared about the poor and disenfranchised sheds another layer of his identity, revealing himself to be a money-obsessed man of power, which puts him in the same lot as Leviticus Cornwall and Angelo Bronte as influential people who exploit those beneath them in order to get rich. Currently, the only known way for a player to even come close to saving Arthur from TB in RDR2 is by not progressing in the game at all. Even if you win, the characters involved lose, especially since many of them end up dying in Red Dead Redemption, which takes place chronologically after the sequel. A young woman in love with Dutch, Molly dies in the game's fifth chapter. Does RDR2 end after the epilogue? - TimesMojo That's about it, unless you also are worried about your attributes/honor rating then those reset as well. Kieran Duffy is buried east of Braithwaite Manor and Eagle Flies is north of Bacchus Bridge, on the west side of the river. Arthur bottling up the deaths of Eliza and Isaac is reminiscent ofJohn Marston's refusal to talk about Arthur's sacrifice with his family during a later conversation. Players can find Arthur Morgans grave in the Grizzlies East by heading Northeast past Bacchus Station. Cheap GTA 5 Shark Cards & More Games: https://www.g2a.com/r. Unlike its predecessor, Red Dead Redemption 2 contains missions, items and other content that can be permanently missed in a save file unless obtained, studied or otherwise interacted with during a certain time-frame. Many plot developments occur during this mission, and during the conclusion, you will see a cutscene inside a cabin. You must have not done that encounter yet in order for this to work. Great tip for people who want all their money to carry over to the epilogue: Go to the aberdeen pig farm and let those people rob you of all your money. We've also got pages on how to find the Jack Hall Gang treasure, and how to get perfect pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2. How Many Endings Does Red Dead Redemption 2 Have? You can go to the vaudeville show in Saint Denis. There are plenty of endings, choices, and deaths in Rockstar's wild west prequel, and this Red Dead Redemption 2 spoiler FAQ will answer all your questions. Maybe Arthur can beat the odds and overcome the disease with his inexhaustible reservoir of grit and rough-cut masculinity? As Arthur's personality changes throughout the game, so does Dutch's. If not, there are commercial . This is arguably one of the biggest changes ever seen in a Rockstar character. As a little boy, Jack witnessed people dying, endured all kinds of hardships, and lived throughout the multiple times Dutch's camp was attacked by the O'Driscolls and Pinkertons. With John- Arthur and Charles try to save him, but ultimately he dies from mortal wounds. He commits suicide, refusing to hand himself over to John and Edgar Ross, because he wanted to die on his own terms and not the establishment's. Sadly, there is currently no release date for Red Dead Redemption 3. There will also be an eagle sitting on top of the grave. Press J to jump to the feed. This game has six chapters of story missions, and it also has two unexpected epilogues, both of which need to be played, in full, for the credits to roll. Ms. Susan Grimshaw's grave can be found close to the remains of the final Van der Linde camp of Beaver Hollow. In the case of Arthur Morgan, the man that gives him tuberculosis is Thomas Downes, who he shakes down for money. You can also find Jonah on Looper, where he writes about his favorite TV and Movies. LOLSUP_IMSGOOD 4 years ago #138. Charles survives the story of Red Dead Redemption 2. And lastly, if you're a completionist, consider being a full-time hunter. However,. If you help John get away, Micah will fistfight Arthur on a mountain top. The fall of the Van Der Linde Gang in Red Dead Redemption 2 comes as a result of their core leadership either dying or decaying in some way. While John has had problems expressing himself, especially during the awkward exchanges with son, this is yet another RDR protagonist suppressing his sorrowful emotions. What happens to Arthur's money? In this tale, you play as John Marston out for revenge against surviving traitor Micah Bell. If the game's story progresses to a certain point, however, the effects of Arthur's TB will still start to set in. GTANet.com 2001-2023. Check out the video below for a replay of when Arthur gets sick from GrandTheftDiamonds on YouTube: From a narrative perspective, Arthur's illness is extremely interesting. Some 60-80 hours after beginning the tale of Arthur Morgan and the doomed members of the Van der Linde Gang, players are winding their way to Red Dead Redemption 2's "ending." I could barely spend the 5 grand for the achievement, and I bought 2 Arabian horses, Hell I use express ammo exclusively and that doesn't drop from npcs. He's no longer acting vile to everyone, and his interactions become much more pleasant. Arthur and his horse die Final Fantasy 7 Aeris moment here: Arthur never walks away from either choice. Well, we don't have an exact statistic of the amount of hours we've put into Rockstar's wild west prequel, but according to howlongtobeat.com, purely playing the main story of the game should take you roughly 43 hours. The very last mission. Red Dead Redemption 2 Spoilers FAQ: Endings, Deaths and More After years of hiding, his failure to stop civilization from domesticating the Wild West, his refusal to believe Arthur's dying words, his blindness to Micah's betrayal, the multiple gang members who have needlessly died (especially Hosea and Arthur), the betrayals of the bureaucrats he wanted to make deals with, and the multiple failed heists or lost scores, Dutch loses many of the key attributes he proudly displayed during the first half of the game. These events can have one of the two outcomes: your horse either dies or gets gravely injured. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved What are secret conversations on Facebook? One of the more well-loved new characters in Red Dead Redemption 2 thanks to one memorable mission, Lenny dies in the Saint Denis' bank heist. All the cash you had in Arthur's inventory is permanently lost at the beginning of the epilogue. (insta @reddeadcollector) 1 / 2. There's one more fork in the road though. Often asked: Rdr2 Robbed In Saint Denis How To Get Money Back? The money too, but u will get 20k after epilogue. As there is no official . Focus on collectibles, hunting, fishing, and all other side activities, unfinished Strangers. There are moaning people propped up against walls. He decided to become a games journalist after his dad purchased a subscription to Gameinformer when he was 10 years old. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It's easy to miss on the first playthrough, but most (if not all) players will likely notice the exact moment Arthur comes into contact with the disease the second time through. View red dead redemption 2 - Can I get my stuff back? - Arqade It all calls back to the tagline of both games that Dutch would also occasionally mention at camp: "Outlaws to the End. So what happens to Arthur's belongings in the Epilogue? *Spoilers* Level up with the latest games and esports news, reviews and films. You have the option to help John out of the situation and back to his family, or to try and grab the money from the Blackwater job. But Red Dead Redemption 2 is a video game. They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. This marks the final end of the story of Red Dead Redemption 2. What Happens to All of Arthur's Items in the Epilogue? I lost all my herbs, my perfect rat, and a few birds as well at the end of everything. Sean McGuire can be found northwest of Rhodes. No need to rush, but don't worry about collectibles, hunting, etc. Potential spoilers, Viking Helmet/Morion Helmet bulletproof? By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. John can unlock additional clothes by completing hunting, horseback, and other laddered challenges. There is a way, using the encounter at the Aberdeen Pig Farm. Where can I find the special miracle tonic pamphlet? Your title IS a spoiler. If you keep up with the newspapers, you can even read about Reverend Swanson, who started a new church in New York. They decapitate him and put his headless body back on his horse as an opening salvo against the Van der Linde gang. For her backbone, she gets shot in the gut and dies, then and there. Tilly Jackson is seen after Abigail is saved from capture, ad later she appears in Saint Denis with her husband and child. I dont know if going to confront micah and dutch affects anything. Even in the real world, tuberculosis has long remained near the top of humanity's most common deadly diseases. The Irish wild card of the Van der Linde is saved from the government early on, only to take an errant bullet in Chapter 3. And as for Dutch, Bill, and Javier? 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You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Jenny Kirk and Davey Callender, who died before the game's events, can be found in the northwest corner of the map. There's treasure maps, and dinosaur bones. While you can find out what happened to most of the remaining gang members, certain ones like Javier Escuella and Bill Williamson are left unaccounted for despite seeing them run away with Dutch and Micah the night Arthur died. John's death at the end of the first game and Jack's upbringing with the gang in the second result in the lone cowboy we meet in Red Dead Redemption's epilogue. Red Dead Redemption 2 contains quite an emotional ending, and regardless of player choice, Arthur Morgan will die. You still retain your saddle too. Such as the pirate hat? And now, for something a little bit more morbid. How do you talk to someone you find attractive? The former member of the O'Driscoll gang is ultimately captured by his old crew. Like Sadie, Charles Smith joins Arthur on his crusade and later helps John Marston track down Micah Bell in the epilogue. After dumping dozens of hours into Red Dead Redemption 2's main story and subsequent epilogues, it'd be understandable if you zoned out or skipped the end credits sequence - but seeing the names. The answer is no. John's reluctance to talk about Arthur could explain why he was never mentioned in the first game, despite the sacrifice he gave for the Marstons. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. How much longer is RDR2 after Arthur dies? - emojicut.com Sign up for a new account in our community. Down in the south though is New Austin, the region where the first Red Dead Redemption took place. Red Dead 2's End Credits Story Explained - IGN Red Dead vets know Bill and Javier's pasts catch up to them years later. It'll be decorated with flowers if your Arthur led an honorable life. Falling from great heights is also deadly. You can check that out in the Notorious Bad Man Alive article. John and Sadie will open a chest, claiming a fortune in gold and money. His last donation to his family. The last part of the game's main story involves a final standoff with Dutch emerging from Micah's shack on Mount Hagen, having recently partnered up with him for the first time since Arthur's death. After being ignored by Dutch and Arthur for much of the game, Molly returns drunk and angry. Primarily through camp dialogue, you can deduce that Arthur is roughly 35 years old by the time of Chapter two. Powered by Invision Community. MOST side missions - I still had the side mission with the mayor of St. Denis active when I finished Arthur's story. Focus on Stranger Missions and Main Story. Dutch responds by shooting Micah, giving John the chance to pump him full of lead. At this point in the game, Arthur is in the later stages of his tuberculosis. On top of that, you can complete new side quests, Bounty Hunting missions and Stranger encounters (especially in New Austin) which will appear during and after the epilogue. You do keep the clothes and the weapons you had purchased during the preceding chapters, but you have to get about a third of the way through the epilogue . And then refilling ammo during the challenges, Gambling challenges = spending money for hours, Ammo for most challenges = spending money. Yes. If you help John escape while having low honor, Micah will shoot Arthur in the head. Growing up as the stereotypical gamer, Jonah absorbed everything he could about his favorite video games until adulthood came knocking. There's cigarette cards, which you can collect and sell as a set. All Rights Reserved. However, the nature of the game's branching endings and binary honor system begs the question: Can Arthur be cured of tuberculosis in RDR2? 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